chapter20 Spencer woke up with pain on his body. He looked around the white room.

"W-what happened?" He rasped.

Spencer lightly flinch when all of a sudden, there was a face in front of him. But he quickly noticed it was Derek. Spencer stared confused.
"D-Derek? W-whats going on? Why am I here?"

Derek stared. A sad look on his face.

Spencer pulled himself to a sitting position. Only...

The boys eyes widen. "Why can't I move my legs?" He tried to get up again. His breathing picked up. "I-I-I can't move my legs." His voice cracked and his eyes watered. "Why can't I move?" He repeated.

Derek brought his hand to Spencers head and kissed his forehead. He shook his head. "I'm so sorry, baby boy."

Spencer shook his head. "No."

Derek gulped, then whispered. "Jamie shot you. You tried to get away. But... when you turned, the bullet went into your spine."

Spencer shook his head. Tears running down his face. "No."

Derek stared for a moment, before kissing Spencers head again. "I'll be just outside the door if you need me." He whispered.

But Spencer wasn't paying attention anymore.

Derek sighed and left the hospital room.

Derek sighed as he reached Hotch. "Where is he?" He growled.

Hotch shook his head. "He's having his third surgery."

Derek shook his head. "They shouldn't be trying to save him. I wish I had shot him in the face."

Hotch sighed. "That won't help. You need to think about Spencer-"

"I am."

"No you're not! You need to know, there are consequences when you don't think straight. If you do something stupid, Spencer will be left alone."

Derek sighed.

"Do you want that? Now that, that boy needs you more than ever. Do you want to leave him alone at the time when he's most vulnerable?"

Derek shook his head. "I need him just as much as he needs me. But... i'm bringing him back with me."

Hotch nodded. "We can take him back to Quantico."

Derek nodded too. "I wasn't asking permission."

Hotch sighed. "Did you tell him everything?"

Derek shook his head. "How am I going to tell him that Jamie is going to be saved with a couple of surgerys? And that theres a chance he's never going to walk again? He's the victim and he's going to suffer more than the bastard who made his life hell."

Hotch stared. "You're going to have to tell him. Before the nurses do it the wrong way."

Derek sighed and sat down on a chair. "I don't know how."

"You care for him. You'll find a way." With that, Hotch turned and left.

Derek brought his hands to his head. This was going to be one hell of a road to take.


HeHe! I'm making a sequal. You can guess whats going to happen? I'll give you two clues. Spencer and wheel chair. Review Please :)