Reviews for Stained Love
MissLuciusNightWings chapter 20 . 12/21/2015
oh god.
very short and ooc
he just seems like a defenceless damsel to me. not the good, BAMF genius reid we all know and love.
MissLuciusNightWings chapter 1 . 12/9/2015
just what I was looking for. You made my day.
Vonnie chapter 19 . 6/27/2015
Are you still considering the sequel? Can't wait to read it.
Vonnie chapter 20 . 3/21/2015
All of your fics have been good. I'm still loving them. I hope there is a sequel.
sandra.johansson.144 chapter 20 . 2/9/2015
Where is the sequal? Loved this story, but cant find the sequal :(
MamaLegba chapter 20 . 9/6/2014
I adored this story. It was amazing. Are you still writing the sequel? I didn't see it on your profile.
LenaFan454 chapter 1 . 7/18/2014
NEXT NEXT NEXT! PLEASE! I NEED TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENES WITH SPENCY IN A WHEELCHAIR! Will he become part of the team? Will Jaime live? I don't know
Brinohms chapter 19 . 4/26/2014
Barely, not barley. Surrounded, not serronded. Come on. It's a good story. Be more careful about what you publish.
Brinohms chapter 18 . 4/26/2014
Okay, I have had enough. Tongue, Not tounge. Guard, not guard. Laid him down, not layed him down. Perfer, not prefer. And a host of other careless errors that a dictionary or spell check would correct. They ruin the flow of the story.
PikabO.O chapter 20 . 12/19/2013
I'm waiting the sequel you promised :) It was such a super story dark sad with love and tears I loved it!
diazbuckleysworld chapter 20 . 8/27/2013
omg are you going to continue? that end was pure torture! i love this story! keep up the great work!
Nane2Bru chapter 20 . 10/3/2012

I like to read your stories and this particularly !
iWork's like to know if you'll write the sequel or not?
Because reactions from Dereck and Spence are interesting and ok I can't put what I think in words because English isn't my mother language. But ok... Friendship love interactions violence it's always in purpose. I think it's what I like your story more ;)
I hope you can answer me
Thank so much for your all stories

Trahnfisch chapter 20 . 9/22/2012
hey! i liked this story! and i really think you should write this sequel... maybe you can pm me, when you've got it completed and online, since i don't read wip's?!

and one tipp: you have really great ideas for your stories... but reading is sometimes a little difficult, because there are really a lot of spelling mistakes in your stories. i'm sure you would find most of them, if you would proofread your chapters...

trust me, i'm really bad in english, but even i could find some mistakes here...

i still want to thank you for writing and sharing your stories! i really like them!
XxZessxX chapter 20 . 6/27/2012
-just great :D I love it!

Jamie is such a damn bastard. He really shot Spencer *tears*

This is going to be a hard time for him and Derek!

I like your idea. Spencer as stripper is weird but you did a great job with this ff!
AngiePowers493 chapter 20 . 6/8/2012
Ooh no! Poor Spencer :( OK, ENOUGH SOBBING. WHERE'S THE SEQUEL! OMG I NEEED MORE! This was too good! EEPP!
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