Are you tired of me, yet? Good! Enjoy reading then. Oh, and since I have so many stories i'm working on, this one will be short. Say... Ten chapters... If you want to call that short :)


The club was full, just as it was every night. Techno music played through out the place. There in the back corner was a table. On the table was a dark skinned, hot delicous hunk of a man. He had a beer bottle in his hand, that he twirled instead of drinking. He had come into this club only twice before and each time it was a let down.

So why did he come back? What kept calling him back to this place?

His eyes trailed around the room. His job did. Thats what, and the sooner he found what he was looking for, the sooner he could leave.

The speaker went on and a voice spoke.

"Welcome, ladies and gentlemen. At this moment I would like to introduce a new member of our club. He may not look like much but this young man knows what you need and gots what you want but you can't have. Please welcome our newest member, Cream!"

The crowd cheered for this young man that they've never seen before.

The dark man in the corner sat up straighter. He put his beer down and stared at the young man on stage.

The young man had light skin, curly chestnut hair and bright eyes. He was very thin. The young man, 'Cream' was wearing a silk robe.
'Cream'. Now the dark man knew why they called him 'Cream'. His skin 'was' light and by the way the light reflected on his skin, people could tell that his skin was smooth.

The young man walked on stage and gently grabbed onto the pole. He took a deep breath and shut his eyes.

Slow music began to play and 'Cream' began to rub his backside against the pole. Sliding down the pole then back up. The young man grabbed the pole and swung around until the pole was in front of him. He opened his eyes.

'Cream' held onto the pole and bend all the way backwards, then pulled back up. He let go of the pole and brought his hand to the robes rope.

Cheers and wolf whistles ran through the crowd and money was being thrown in 50 dollar bills. From both women and men.

'Cream' slid the rope off and threw it to the crowd. Then he brought his hand up to shoulder and slid the robe down a bit. He grabbed onto the pole and rubbed his backside to it again. Shutting his eyes he slid the robe all the way off and it fell to the ground.

The dark mans gaze stood on the young man. He was now wearing only briefs and he slowly ran his hands down his body.


It was now midnight. 'Cream' was the last of the dancers in the dressing rooms. He had just finished running a comb through his hair when there was a knock at the door.

Before he could answer, the door opened up.

He looked through the mirror and saw Jamie, his boss. The man smiled as he walked up to 'Cream'. He laid an envolope on the table.

"You were great."

The dancer grabbed the envolope and opened it. His brows narrowed. "What the hell is this?" He pulled out two hundred dollars bills.

"Your payment."

'Cream' chuckled. "I don't think so. This isn't even 25%. Wheres the rest of it?"

"You get the same amount that all the dancers make their first time." Jamie said. He turned to leave.

'Cream' shook his head. "That wasn't the deal. I need that money."

Jamie stopped at the door. He turned and walked up to the dancer. "Listen, boy. You are nothing but a hooker. You make money dancing for men who can't get any on their own."

'Cream' shook his head. "What did you just say?"

"You heard me. Now you'll take the two hundred because we both know you need the money for your addiction, whatever it is-"

"I don't take drugs!" Cream yelled.

"THEN you'll be back tomorrow. Just like they all are." Jamie turned to walk again.

'Cream' shook his head. He ran up to the man and grabbed his arm. "You c-" 'Cream' was caught off guard when he was slapped across the face. He brought his hand to his cheek. He took a deep breath and growled. "I quit." He made to walk to the door but Jamie grabbed his arm in a rough grip.

"I don't think so-"

"Let go." 'Cream' growled.

In a flash, Jamie had a hand around 'Creams' throat. "You listen to me, you little whore. You're lucky I was nice enough to take you in. Now, you go home and wait for me like the good little boy you're suppose to be. Or you know what i'll do. I'll go to the cops and tell them what you did. How you drove that car over you daddy. Do you want that?"

'Cream' was trying to get hair into his lungs. He tried to speak but nothing came out. So he just shook his head.

"Good. Now get ready so we can get home." He let go of the dancer.

'Cream' coughed and gasped for air.

"Oh, and Spencer, five minutes." Jamie held out five fingers.

Spencer, which was 'Creams' real name turned and stared at the mirror. His reflection was not who it was two years ago when he was 14.

Review please:)