Hi, everyone. Long time, no see, I know. Please forgive me.

I would just like to point out that this chapter was especially hard for me (even harder than the last chapter...which was immensely difficult to write). I changed it at least 14 times...only to change it back to the original. What you are about to read is the original.

If you guys don't like it, I can try to rewrite it. I will definitely understand if you don't. It just suddenly turned the way it did. I was so shocked by it that I could barely write the closing paragraphs to end the chapter.

Ultimately, though, I think I really like this chapter. I think my favorite so far is Chapter 5...but I'm still pretty proud of this chapter. At this very moment I'm putting together my thoughts for the next chapter (they are swirling around in a whirlwind. Obviously, my brain has a lot to say about what's going on in this story)...but if you guys don't like it, I'll understand and try to fix it.

Before you read the next installment to this story, I'd like to acknowledge four people who reviewed my last chapter (the only four who did): The Angel of Randomsity, Readingcutie428, DramaQueen127, and MoreThanMyName.

Thank you guys so much for reading and continuing to follow me despite my terrible writing skills and inability to update regularly. This story started off so smoothly...but it just took a life of it's own and I'm still trying to cope with the fact that it's not my story anymore. So thank you guys for reviewing anyway.

And MoreThanMyName, it was your review that I just happened to see so many weeks after the others that made me finish up this chapter and stop stressing about it. So thank you especially.

Now, without further ado, Chapter 6!

(p.s. this is where I would insert a disclaimer)

"Hello?" Scott asked groggily as he answered his phone.

"EMERGENCY BAND MEETING!" Mo screamed into his ear.

He nearly dropped the phone. "Mo," he whined, rubbing his temple.

"What?" she replied, sounding slightly irritated. "Wake up. Get up, Scott. We have an EMERGENCY. BAND. MEETING. Wake up!"

"Okay, okay!" he replied, falling out of bed.

"Good," she said, satisfied that the loud thumps coming from the phone meant he was up and attempting to get ready. "We're meeting by the bleachers pronto, so hurry up. All the others are already headed to school."

"Mo?" he asked.


"You're really killing me."

She rolled her eyes and smiled. "Whatever. Up, up, up!" She hung up the phone.

Smiling to himself he quickly dressed, using the bathroom, brushing his teeth, and grabbing his backpack. He checked his wallet as he got in the car to make sure he had enough money to buy a breakfast. He was hungry. Then he started the car and headed to school, wondering what in the world called for an emergency band meeting this early in the morning.

Meanwhile, Olivia and Charlie had already arrived at the bleachers. They had wasted no time and taken their bikes. Along with Mo, they were the closest to Mesa High; so it made sense that they were there.

"So what's this 'emergency meeting' about?" Charlie asked Olivia.

"I don't know," Olivia replied unconvincingly.

"Come on," Charlie said. "I know you know, Olivia. Mo called the meeting and she wouldn't have done so without your okay…which is weird because you say okay to everything so she really doesn't need your okay because she already knows you're going to say okay, but…I mean…who knows, right?"

Olivia looked at him, then laughed. "What's gotten into you today?" she asked.

He sprawled across the bleacher's bench. "So early," he complained. "Ugg…"

She laughed again. How he could go from completely energetic to zombie-like in five seconds flat amazed her.

"I drank coffee this morning," he said suddenly, bouncing up. He frowned. "I hate coffee, though." He shrugged. "But I drank it anyway."

Olivia laughed again. "Well, it's working."

"Really?" he asked. "I can't tell. I'm still soooo tired," he said, laying down on the bench again.

She smiled. This was going to be an interesting day.

Wen sat in the passenger seat of Sydney's car, leaning his head against the window uninterestedly. Sydney—obviously not taking the hint—tried making small talk.

"So, Wen, I don't remember you ever leaving for school this early."

"I don't," he replied.

"Then what's happening? Why do you need to leave so early now?"

"It's for the band," he said simply.

She sighed to herself, making him feel immediately terrible. He didn't mean to be so cold toward her. He'd honestly gotten over his hatred of her. As a matter of fact, they'd gotten along quite nicely since the day she picked him up from the holding cell. But him tolerating her and liking her were two different things. Sometimes she was just plain annoying. This was one of those times. She'd already gotten on his bad side; it was early in the morning. Wen didn't really like to talk early in the morning. He was a nice guy, so he wouldn't mind simple pleasantries…but then he'd want you to stop talking. Sydney just didn't seem to know the definition of stop. She just kept going on and on and on about the stupidest things.

He was the first one Mo had called after confirming the meeting with Olivia, so he'd been ready fairly quickly. He had been rummaging through the fridge, looking for something quick to eat when she had come down the stairs. "Wen?" she'd asked. "What are you doing up so early?"

"Oh, I—" he started to say.

"You have to get to school?" she asked.

He just nodded, the fatigue already beginning to sink in.

"Me, too! I can drive you," she said, heading back up the stairs. "Just let me finish getting ready…"

"No, it's okay," he had called after her; but it was no use. She'd already gone. He groaned, knowing he was not going to enjoy the ride.

"You know," she said as she continued driving, bringing Wen out of his flashback. "I'm so glad we're doing this."

Wen nodded warily, staring out of the window and biting his lip to avoid saying something he'd regret.

"Aren't you?" she inquired, glancing at him when he didn't reply. When he kept silent yet again, she continued. "I mean, we're getting to spend this quality time together and it's been a long time. I think we should do this more often. Don't you?"

Wen shook his head slightly, wishing he could have just walked.

Sydney glanced over at him again, furrowing her brows. "Well," she continued. "I think we should. Yep. Definitely. How about tomorrow?"

Wen's eyes widened. He quickly turned to Sydney. "No!" he nearly screamed. Noticing her startled look, he backtracked. "I mean, there's no need. I already have a ride to school every day. It's just that today…I had to get there early. And I wouldn't want to inconvenience you. That wouldn't be fair."

"Oh, it wouldn't be a problem."

"Yes," Wen insisted. "It would."


You'd annoy the crap out of me, Wen thought. And possibly make me jump out of the car. "Trust me," he said. "The schedules we have now are fine. It's for the best." He put on his most convincing smile.

She smiled back, making Wen think she was one of the stupidest women in the world. "Maybe some other time, then. When our schedules change."

"Yeah," Wen said, laughing slightly. Then he turned completely, looking out of the window and coughing in a way he hoped signified that the conversation was completely over.

Finally. Finally. FINALLY, they arrived on school campus. Wen was out of the passenger seat before the car had even slowed down. "See you later, Syndey!" he called over his shoulder, running toward the bleachers. He reached Olivia and Charlie, breathing a sigh of relief as he watched Syndey pull out of the school parking lot.

"What's wrong with you?" Olivia asked, laughing as Charlie tried to do a headstand.

"Sydney," Wen said simply.

Olivia frowned. "I thought you'd forgiven her, Wen."

"You can forgive an annoying person, but that doesn't change the fact that they're annoying."

Olivia laughed a bit. "She can't be that bad."

"You can't be that nice. Oh, wait. You are."

"Hey, Wen!" Charlie yelled, running up to him. "When'd you get here? I was just looking at the spot where you were standing not 5 seconds ago and I didn't see anything but the next time I looked, there you were! What happened? Did you apparate? DUDE, that's so awesome! I didn't know you went to Hogwarts! Wait, Hogwarts isn't real. So you couldn't have gone to Hogwarts. So what DID you do? I'm so confused!"

Olivia laughed harder. She walked over to Charlie. "Here, sit on the bleachers," she said, leading her friend to sit. "You need to calm down."

He smiled up at Olivia. "You're right. You know what, Olivia? You'd be great to work at a nursing home. You'd be really nice to old people."

She smiled. "I'll keep that in mind." Turning back to Wen, she said. "I'm sure you'll get used to Sydney. Maybe she's just acting that way to fit in with you. Once she realizes more about you, she'll start acting normal again."

He shook his head dubiously and turned away. "Maybe."

She frowned. "Wen…" she said, stepping toward him.

"Don't worry about it, Olivia," Wen said, turning away. "It's not your problem."

"But I can't stand to see you so low."

"Don't worry about it," he repeated. "It's really not that big a deal."

"Your tone of voice is saying something completely different," Olivia replied.

Wen laughed, shaking his head.

"What?" Olivia asked.

He turned toward her. "Nothing. It's just…you're…sometimes you…I don't know." He laughed again.

Olivia blushed. She was about to say something when Mo arrived.

"Hey, you two!" she said, grinning at them. "How are you this morning?"

"Hey, Mo," Olivia replied, awkwardly turning away from Wen and trying to cover her blush. "I'm great. How are you?"

"Just fine," she replied, eyeing them suspiciously. "How about the rest of you?" She turned to Wen and Charlie.

"Well, I'm tired," Wen replied. "And Charlie's…well…He had coffee this morning."

"Coffee?" Mo asked incredulously. "Oh, God. This can't be good."

"Shhh," Olivia said. "He's sleeping…For now."

Mo nodded, "Let's make the most of it. Wait, where's Scott? He should be here by now. He drove."

"I don't know," Olivia shrugged. "I haven't seen him."

"I swear, if he went back to sleep, I'll—"

"Calm down," Olivia said, smiling. "I'm sure he's on his way."

"Yeah," Wen added. "Scott moves like a turtle in the morning. And talks like one, too."

Mo crossed her arms. "A turtle would have been here an hour ago. We can't start the meeting without him."

"Speaking of the meeting," Wen said, "what is it even about?"

"What else would it be about?" Mo asked matter-of-factly.

"I don't know," Wen whispered, more to himself than the fiery Mo.

Mo turned on her heel toward the student parking lot. "That was a rhetorical question."

Wen turned to Olivia and raised his eyebrows.

"Stella," she mouthed.

His eyes widened, and he nodded in understanding.

"Where the heck is Scott?" Olivia and Wen heard Mo mutter under her breath. "When he gets here, I'm going to kill him. Ugg. Stupid Juniors, with their cars and their freedom. He must think he's so cool. American boys are all the same. It's ridiculous…"

The two tuned out her rant. Wen turned to Olivia, rubbing the back of his neck.

She smiled shyly at the ground, not daring enough to talk to him. The silence between them was comfortable, if a little awkward, so she didn't mind it.

Suddenly, Charlie awoke. "Mo!" he screamed, running to her. "When'd you get here? Did you apparate, too?" Okay, guys, this is so unfair. I wanna go to Hogwarts! Oh, wait, you can't go to Hogwarts. You go to school here! I'm so confused," he whined.

Everyone just stared at him.

"Don't you just love mornings? It's bright and early! Hey!" he said, "We can go eat somewhere and get the early bird special! But wait, isn't that just for old people? You think we could pass for old people? I think Wen could. Not because he's old, but because he's all mature and stuff, right? And because he's a redhead. No one will look at him twice because they'll be afraid that he'll steal their souls. Because, you know, gingers do that. OH MY GOD!" he suddenly exclaimed, gasping, "What if Wen already stole their souls!"

Everyone just stared at him, not sure if they should laugh, feel sorry for Wen, or take Charlie to a mental hospital.

Wait, that'd be great!" Charlie exclaimed. "Then they'd be so brain dead that they'd give us the special. Maybe we'd even get in free!"

"Charlie," Mo said, laughing, "What restaurant here even offers an early bird special?"

Charlie frowned, blinking his eyes at the sun. He crossed his arms. "You win this round, Mo."

His friends laughed.

"What's so funny?" He demanded.

"What's not funny?" Mo replied.

Charlie yawned. "I'm tired."

Everyone laughed harder.

Olivia led Charlie to the bleachers again, trying and failing to contain her laughter. "No more coffee for you, Charlie."

"Goodnight, Olivia," Charlie replied sleepily.

It took all of her strength to not laugh again. She patted his head then walked back to Wen and Mo, who were doubled over in laughter.

"Shh," she whispered. "Stop laughing. If he doesn't sleep now, his entire day will be ruined."

"You're right, Olivia," Mo said, stifling her laughter.

Wen snorted in laughter.

"Wen!" the girls whispered.

"I'm sorry!" he replied. "It just came out!"

They stared at him for a moment longer, then they all three burst out laughing again.

"Shhh!" Olivia and Mo said together.

"What's so funny and why do we need to be quiet?" Scott asked, wrapping an arm around Mo and kissing her cheek.

"Charlie," Wen replied.

Mo whipped around. "Where were you?" She demanded. "You should've been the first one here! You drove!"

He grinned, holding both his hands in the air innocently.

"Well, I know what took him so long," Wen said.

"What?" Mo asked, whipping her head around to look at him.

Wen motioned to Scott's hands, one of which was holding a large bag from McDonald's, the other holding a small, covered cup.

"You went to McDonald's!" Mo exclaimed.

"Remember," Olivia whispered, "Charlie's still asleep."

"I can't believe you!" Mo continued, lowering her voice slightly.

"Mo," Scott said, still grinning, "Listen—"

"And you're just grinning like this is funny!" Mo continued. "It's not funny!"

Scott flashed her a cheeky look. "Well, judging by the laughs you were trying to cover up a few seconds ago, something was very funny."

Olivia and Wen cringed. Scott was going to regret this.

"WHAT!" Mo yelled, outraged and causing Olivia and Wen to cringe again. At this rate, the entire town would be awake, let alone Charlie.

Scott smiled at her, putting the bag and cup on the bleachers and enveloping Mo in a hug. "Relax, Mo," he said, kissing her cheek again.

"Relax? Relax!" Mo replied, struggling to slip out of Scott's arms. He just tightened his hold around her, laughing to himself.

"Yes," he said into her hair. "Calm down or I'm not letting you go. And your tea will get cold."

"Tea?" Mo asked, looking up at him, surprised.

He nodded. "Yep."

"Let me go," she said gentler.

He did as she asked then picked up the cup. "I made it with those special spices you gave me that time," he said proudly.

Olivia turned to Wen. "Special spices?" she mouthed.

"That time?" he mouthed in reply.

They both shrugged.

"It took me a couple of times," he continued, "but eventually I got it down. And then I went to McDonald's to get something to eat."

"Oh, Scott," Mo said, taking the cup in her hands. "That was so sweet." She hugged him. "Thank you."

He grinned. "You know," he said, "I have half a mind to make you angry again. You look beautiful when you're angry."

"Oh, be quiet," Mo replied playfully as she took a sip of her tea. "Alright," she turned to Olivia and Wen, "It's time to begin the band meeting."

"What about Stella?" Scott asked. "She's not here."

"I know," Mo replied. "This band meeting is about her."

Scott groaned. "Here we go again," he mumbled.

Mo made a point of ignoring him. "Anyway," she continued, "We all know there's something wrong with Stella. And, thanks to Scott and Wen, we know what's wrong with her. Now we need to figure out what we can do to make her feel better."

"Mo, right now I think the best thing we can do for Stella is give her space."

"I think Scott's right," Wen said. "It'd be better for now if we left her alone. We'll only end up getting into another argument."

"That's for Olivia and me to decide," Mo said. She turned to Wen. "Tell us what happened with Stella."

Wen shook his head.

"What?" Mo exclaimed.

Olivia turned to him. "Why?" she asked quietly. She was just as curious as Mo to find out about Stella…except she wasn't quite so unrelenting.

"Because this isn't right," he replied, more to Mo than Olivia.

Mo scoffed. "Oh, give me a break, Wen."

"No, I'm serious, Mo. You called an emergency band meeting. That implies that the whole band shows up. Instead, you leave out Stella. Stella's the whole reason we're a band. Stella is the band…and you didn't even invite her!"

"No, Wen," Mo replied, stepping closer to him. "I didn't invite her because this meeting is about her. We need to talk," she said slowly, "about Stella or else this 'band' won't be a band anymore!"

"We don't need to talk about Stella! We need to talk to Stella," Wen argued. He was being amazingly persistent and outspoken. Olivia found that a argument of Lemonade Mouth's keyboardist and bassist was far from peaceful or easily resolved. "You're talking like you want to kick her out of the band!"

Mo fumed. "Ugg! Well maybe I DO want to kick her out of the band!"

Everyone froze. No one, not even Mo herself, could believe what she'd just said.

Wen was the first to recover. He stared at Mo in disbelief and shook his head. "This band meeting is over." He looked at Mo one last time, then stalked off.

"Wen, wait," Olivia yelled after him.

He didn't reply.

"Mo—" Olivia started.

Mo was leaving as well. She was outpacing Wen, walking quickly and determinedly to the student parking lot.

"Scott," Olivia whispered.

He looked at her sadly. "I'm sure she didn't mean it, Olivia," he said softly.

She nodded.

"I have to catch up with her," he said, grabbing his McDonald's bag. "She's headed to my car."

"Okay," Olivia replied quietly, watching as he ran to catch up with his girlfriend.

She looked at the three receding figures, aching to run up to Wen and talk to him. She knew he needed someone to vent to. Since Scott would be preoccupied with o and Charlie was asleep, she was his only other option…unless he went to Lyze. Yes, Lyze was one of his friends, thought they hadn't been as close since Lemonade Mouth formed, she knew.

Sighing and holding back her tears, Olivia turned to Charlie and sat beside him. As much as she wanted to talk to Wen, she didn't know what to say. She couldn't possibly talk to him without blushing, which wouldn't help the situation.

Besides, Charlie needed someone to be there when he woke up…or wake him up. He was out cold.

Someone needed to explain to him that the band was falling apart.

So, that was Chapter 6, everyone.

I hope you liked it.

Please review and tell me what you want me to hear.

Did you like it? Love it? Hate it? Want to see more of something? Want to see less of something (sorry, if the little Wenlivia/Scohini made you gag. Like I said, the story does what it does)?

Please tell me. I reallly appreciate your reviews, and now more than anytime else, they keep me going. I have exams this week (as I had last week), so I don't think I'll be able to update anything...but reading your reviews actually helps me think up ideas, especially when you guys have ideas.

Thanks so much for reading!


Sidenote: Also, I'm kind of thinking about changing the description of the story. I like it...but I think the story is changing from it. So, if you guys have any better ideas, why don't you PM me a description? It can be a mini contest. The best one becomes the new description with it's owner's name also included (and featured in the lastest chapter). Remember that the limit is 255 characters (and you might want to leave enough space that your name can be mentioned in the description as well).

If you don't think the description needs to be changed or think there's too little information for it to be changed yet, please say so and why in a review.

Thanks, again!