So, this has been edited. I finally learned how to do this...It's much fun (or maybe I'm just easily amused).

Anyway. I don't own anything. I'm just a Rayella lover trying my hardest to do what's right (make Rayella more available to the world)

And I hope you guys enjoy this. It's 2:41 in the morning, but I don't care because I just had to finish with this chapter. It took a few turns I really didn't expect...




"Oh, great," Wen said as Lemonade Mouth walked into Mesa High for their sophomore year.

"What?" Olivia asked quietly, though she already knew.

"That jerk!" Stella yelled, fists clenched, eyes blaring.

"Calm down, Stella," Mo said.

Charlie grabbed Stella's arm. "Yeah. This is our first day back. You really don't need detention."

"The nerve!" Stella yelled, ignoring her friends. "This is going to end…right now."

Everyone else moaned. There was no stopping Stella now, they knew. Scott sighed. "Whatever," he said dejectedly.

Stella marched over to a certain Ray Beech, the most obnoxious boy on campus. He was currently bullying a freshman who was clearly scared out of his mind, knees shaking, almost to tears. "What is your problem?" she hissed, stepping in between Ray and the frightened freshman.

Ray looked down at Stella, smirking. "Oh, if it isn't Loser Mouth ready to start her sophomore year. What?" he asked mockingly. "Want detention on first day again? Ready to make a huge scene? Sorry, Yamada. Assembly isn't until tomorrow."

Stella scoffed. She had gotten over letting the bully bother her. She had grown to find his comebacks highly predictable and uncreative. "Actually, I came to talk to this freshman." She turned to the new student. "So, what's your name?"

The kid looked up at her tentatively, almost as if he expected her to bully him as well. "Jackson," he whispered.

"Well, Jackson," Stella said, "we don't have a welcoming committee, but I'd be happy to tell you a thing or two about Mesa High." She smiled as Jackson perked up. "I was a freshman last year, and—aside from the occasional wannabe bully—" she cut her eyes toward Ray, "there's nothing to worry about. You see, Jackson," she put her arms around his shoulder and steered him towards her friends, "people like that jerk Ray Beech—the one dumb enough to try and bully you—despite being major jocks and somewhat good students—which is necessary to be on the soccer team—are absolutely nothing here. Worthless. And—to top it all off—you don't even need to worry about them. If they approach you, all you have to do is walk away. They lost all their power last year."

"Really?" Jackson asked.

"Definitely." They reached the rest of Lemonade Mouth. "Oh, these are my friends." She started to introduce them, but Jackson interrupted.

"Wait! I know who you are!" He exclaimed. "You're—You're Lemonade Mouth!"

Stella and her friends laughed.

"Yeah," Charlie replied. "That's us."

"I love you guys. I went to see you at Madison Square Garden!"

"Really?" Olivia asked. She was still coming to terms with the fact that people actually supported and believed in her.

"Thank you so much," Mo said.

"No way. I knew you guys went here, but I thought you would have gone to a private school or something by now."

"And miss meeting awesome people like you?" Wen asked. "No way."

"Yeah," Stella added. "This is where we belong."

"Oh, and thanks for helping me over there. I was so scared. But that's Ray, right?"

"Yeah. He's totally harmless."

Jackson just stood there, staring at the group as if he couldn't believe that they were there.

"So…?" Scott asked, wanting to initiate more conversation but not knowing what he could actually say.

"So…Got any other classmates you're on the lookout for? That you were supposed to meet?" Stella asked.

"Oh, yeah!" Jackson exclaimed, looking around. "My best friends Garret and Nevel. I was supposed to meet them over the—" he looked over towards Ray, who was bullying two other freshmen, supposedly Garret and Nevel.

"Unbelievable," Stella whispered through clenched teeth. Didn't Ray realize that his tirade was over? Didn't he know that as long as she was around, she'd fight for the underdogs? Did he understand that he was nothing when up against her? She marched over to Ray yet again. "BEECH!" she yelled, not caring about being civil this time. She had handled him and Jackson quite well, she thought; but it was time for Ray and the whole school to know that his reign as school king was over.

"What do you want, loser?"

Stella laughed. "What do I want?" she asked.

Ray just stood there, waiting for her to retaliate. When she didn't, he replied. "Yeah. What do you want?"

She shrugged. "Oh, nothing. Just to make an announcement."

"Why don't you just go over there with your loser friends and your new loser freshman boyfriend and leave me and the rest of the school alone?" he sneered.

"Actually, that's what I came here to talk about." She walked past him then stopped and turned around. "Only, I'm going to talk about a different loser." She stepped on top of a bench a few feet away. "Attention all Mesa High students," she called. "Hey! You! Everyone! I have an announcement to make!" She continued to yell until the majority of students had gathered around her, including her amused group of friends.

"What is she doing?" asked Mo.

"Who knows," Olivia replied laughing.

"That's our Stel," Charlie said.

"Our crazy, Stel," Wen added.

"Looks like Ray isn't going to be happy about this," Scott said.

They turned their attention back to Stella.

"I'm pretty sure most of you know our friend, Ray. You know. Ray Beech. Total jerk. Thinks he runs the school. Yeah, that guy." She pointed at Ray, who was turning red in anger. Of course, he was too proud to walk away, and Stella knew that.

"Well, Ray here used to be the quote unquote "king" of Mesa High. He used to bully everyone…and get away with it!" She stopped and looked at Ray for a bit, smiling as he rolled his eyes at her.

"Well, that was before the rest of Mesa High got some common sense and realized that Ray was just an insecure jerk who needed to make other people feel bad because he didn't have the mental capacity to find an intelligent way to amuse himself. Yeah, well. Now he's back. And apparently, he wants to start the whole cycle over again." She glared down at him.

"Well, TOO BAD!" She laughed. "You see, fellow students, this is how Ray's cycle works. He can only be a bully if people are afraid of him. If people don't stand up for themselves. And since the freshmen are new here, they don't know the rules. So Ray here—our poor little antagonist—thinks he can pick on them." Stella smirked.


This started an uproar of cheers from everyone. People started booing at Ray. Furious and humiliated, Ray glared up at Stella, arms crossed. She smiled sweetly down at him. "Karma, dear Ray," she mouthed, knowing she wouldn't be heard above the crowd.

"Well, you know what?" Ray screamed, teeth clenched, climbing up the bench and shoving Stella to the side. "Don't listen to a single thing this Loser Mouth says!"

"Oh, shut up, Ray!" someone from the crowd yelled.

"Yeah!" one of Jackson's friends yelled from the front. The other giggled nervously.

Stella laughed in his face, shoving him back down. "Sorry, King Beech. Your time has passed."

Ray lost it then as the crowd started laughing. "Shut up!" he yelled. He started shoving kids out of his way. "Shut up!"

The whole crowd was laughing at him. And he didn't take being laughed at. He wouldn't give anyone the satisfaction of watching him run away. He was too strong for that. So he shoved kids out of his way as he, red as a tomato, left the scene. The laughter didn't stop, even as he pushed kids on the ground. They continued laughing as if they thought their bruises were hilarious. He walked up the stairs into the building and opened the door, but stopped and turned right before going in. He saw Stella, bowing as everyone cheered her on. He glared across the crowd and noticed one person not cheering. His former best friend, Scott Pickett. Scott caught his eye, staring as if trying to express something. Ray wouldn't let anyone see him in a weak state, so he hardened his glare at the one who betrayed him—for his worst enemy's best friend—and turned inside with a violent huff.

Mo noticed Scott's changed demeanour. "What's wrong?" she asked.

He shrugged. "Nothing, I guess."

She frowned. "You sure?"

"No," he sighed.

She wrapped her arms around him. "You don't feel like talking about it, but I have a feeling it has to do with Ray."

"Yeah." He smiled. "Since when have you known me so well?"

She grinned up at him. "Women's intuition."

The rest of the band, completely oblivious to their exchange, continued cheering Stella on with the rest of the student body. Eventually, after taking many bows, Stella jumped off the bench, and—taking Garret and Nevel with her and issuing many high-fives to the crowd—made her way back to her friends.

"I think that made a statement," she said, matter-of-factly as Olivia hugged her.

"That was so brave!" Olivia replied, looking down at her proudly.

"Not really. I just did something everyone else in this school has been dying to do for a while. Nothing to it."

"I'd watch out if I were you," Mo said warningly.

"Yeah, stay close to Principal Brenigan for a while," Charlie added.

"Why?" Stella asked.

"Because Ray's going to be on the war path. Revenge times…well…a lot," Wen put in.

Stella laughed. "I don't think Ray's going to be doing much of anything for a while around here," she replied. "Plus, what would standing next to Brenigan do? He hates me, remember? He'd be happy to see his star soccer captain chewing me out."

Garret and Nevel stood behind Jackson, staring unblinkingly at Lemonade Mouth. Stella turned towards them. "So, how's your first day so far?"

They looked at each other then back at her. "Uh, amazing!" Nevel exclaimed.

"Best day ever!" Garret said. He looked at Jackson. "Bro, do you know who we're talking to?"

"The best band ever!" Nevel cut in.

"Yeah?" Stella asked. "Well, thanks for the support."

"No, thanks for talking to us," Garret said.

"People don't really talk to us."

"Well," Wen said, walking in between Garret and Nevel and putting his arms around them. "That's about to change."

"How?" Jackson asked.

"Yeah, how?" Charlie said, stepping closer.

Olivia, Mo, and Scott exchanged curious glances.

Stella looked at Wen, who grinned. She stared a bit longer, then grinned with him.

"What?" Olivia asked.

"If Wen's thinking what I'm thinking, then we're about to completely alter the social order of Mesa High."

"Didn't we do that last year?" Charlie asked.

"Kind of," Wen replied. "But…" he motioned at Stella to finish. She was better at explaining crazy ideas than him. Everyone huddled around her.

"We've made people accept different classifications. We've made people accept their classification and still be accepted by others. But we've never changed the classifications. Until now, that is." She smirked across the group.

"So…how do you plan to do that?" Mo put in. "Even if we shun the jocks, the people who play sports will always be known as the jocks. And the people who can't play sports can't take that name."

Stella seemed right on the verge of a reply; then she frowned and wrinkled her brow in thought. She looked at Mo. "I mean, you don't have to crush every idea, Mohini."

Mo smiled. "Sorry, Stella, but let's not get too rash too soon. We can do a lot of things, but this isn't one of them."

Stella frowned more deeply.

Wen frowned as well. "Okay," he said. "We'll get back to you on that."

"For now," Olivia said, "let's just make it through the first day of high school."

Scott laughed, finally joining the conversation. "Yeah. That would be a good thing."

"Come on, guys," Stella said, walking towards the front of the school. "It's time for some freshmen fun."

Jackson, Garret, and Nevel shuffled behind her, talking to Charlie and followed closely by Wen and Olivia. Mo and Scott trailed behind.

"Hey, you know what's weird?" Mo asked.

"I probably don't," Scott replied.

"Principal Brenigan hasn't showed up. I honestly thought he was going to end Stella's lecture before she'd even got on the bench."

Scott stopped and looked around, realizing that his girlfriend was right. Brenigan usually was the first one at school, especially on the first day to scope out the new troublemakers…and—in Stella's case—keep tabs on the old ones. "Wonder what happened. Maybe he found trouble on the other side of school. People do really stupid things under the soccer bleachers…and a lot of other places around back."

Mo looked up at him, then her eyes widened in understanding. "Oh." She started walking up, gently tugging him with her. "Well…maybe," she said doubtfully.

"I have a feeling you don't believe me."

"What makes you think that?" Mo replied, feigning shock.

"Oh, I don't know," he answered. "Men's intuition."

Mo laughed. "Yeah, right."


"I'm just thinking about something Olivia said to Stella and me one day. She said men will get common sense when pigs gain the ability to burst into flames unfathomed and fly simultaneously."

"Well, somewhere in the world a pig is having a major milestone."

"Whatever," Mo laughed, walking in the building with Scott, ready to tackle a new year at the school that made everything she'd been through recently and would go through in the future possible.

"There you guys are!" Olivia exclaimed from across the hall as the two stepped through the room. She suddenly stopped and blushed, all too aware of how loud her exclamation had been and how many people were staring at her wonderingly.

Mo laughed as she embraced her best friend. "Don't worry. It really wasn't that loud. It was just loud coming from you."

Olivia's blush deepened. "Sorry. You two just disappeared. I was hoping that you hadn't run off. I've had enough spontaneity for one day."

"Agreed," Mo replied, hugging Olivia tighter.

"Where's Stella?" Scott asked. He noticed Wen and Charlie talking in the place Olivia had been. Charlie looked over and began to walk in their direction with Wen.

"She went to help Garret, Nevel, and Jackson settle. Hopefully, she isn't turning them into mini versions of herself."

Mo rolled her eyes. "That would be a nightmare."

"For Brenigan and for us," Scott added.

"Speaking of Principal Brenigan," Wen said as he reached the rest, "I haven't seen him at all today. And you know he's always on the lookout for us."

"Yeah, Mo and I were talking about that earlier."

"I hope nothing bad has happened to him," Olivia said.

Charlie laughed. "Good thing Stella's not around. She'd think you were turning on her."

Scott laughed along with the rest of the band, turning his head as something caught his eye. It was Ray, stalking angrily through the halls. Many students were snickering at him; and although his glares did smother their noises a bit, they didn't stop. Ray most definitely wasn't used to not having complete control over the people around him. He tried to catch his former friend's eye, but Ray didn't see. He spun to turn a corner, nearly colliding with a very triumphant Stella Yamada.

"Watch where you're going, Beech," Stella hissed loudly.

Ray's face turned red, not out of embarrassment, Scott knew, but out of pure ire. He leaned in close to Stella, millimetres from her face. Scott couldn't tell what he was saying, but Stella's grin dimmed just a bit. Her face then contorted into what he could only describe as…well…he couldn't really describe it. She stuck her finger in his face accusingly, lowering her voice as well. Scott knew this wouldn't end well.

He didn't notice, but the rest of the band had turned to the scene as well. Mo, of course, had noticed his attention being diverted and had notified everyone else. In fact, it seemed that the entire school had stopped what they were doing to watch the encounter. No one could hear a single word exchanged between them, but everyone could feel the anger emanating from them both.

It seemed as if that moment had been frozen in time. And somehow, the bystanders had been teleported into the near future. Before anyone could even fully comprehend what was happening, the two adversaries collected themselves and calmly walked away in opposite directions.

The band stared after Stella, in shock. Mo turned to Olivia. "What just happened?"

"I don't know," Scott sighed. "But it couldn't have been good."

"And the fact that they are being so cool about it," Wen stated, "can only mean that something terrible is going to result."

"I'm going to go talk to her," Mo said.

Olivia grabbed her arm. "That may not be the best idea."

Mo scoffed. "What do you mean? Stella obviously needs someone to talk to about this. We can't let her bottle this all inside. She'll explode." Her eyes widened. "And that's probably exactly what Ray wants her to do. That jerk!"

She didn't notice her boyfriend stiffen slightly with her insult. However, Charlie did. He raised his eyebrows. In response, Scott just shrugged. "I have to get to class," he said, ducking from Charlie's stare and heading in the direction Ray had previously gone.

"Oh, yeah. Me too!" Mo quickly ran after Stella.

Olivia sighed. Wen gave her a sympathetic look. "Looks like Mo's off to see Stell after all."

"Yeah," Olivia replied. "I should…" she motioned after her friend.

"Definitely," Wen said, shrugging. "See you…around…"

"Catch you, later, Liv," Charlie said.

She smiled back at them before turning off to follow Mo in her motherly rampage.

Wen patted Charlie on the back. "I guess this is the part where I look around and say it's good to be back."

Charlie laughed. "And then I'd have to burst your bubble and say that high school is high school and it still sucks."


"But," Charlie continued. "This is the best first day…EVER."

"Agreed," Wen chuckled.

The two walked down the halls together, greeting their old friends and encouraging new, more tentative students. Happy to be temporarily distracted from the dramas they already knew were bound to catch up with them soon.

So...How was it? Please review and send me feedback. I take all kinds of criticism and even though I like to label myself as a person who doesn't care about others' opinions, I enjoy the fact that people care enough to actually put me on story alert and review my work.

I'm on Christmas break, so all I have to do is write. Therefore, I'm hoping to be writing and uploading rapidly.

Kanks for reading!