[ a/n; Hello there! So, I'm new to the world of HTTYD fanfiction but, I just had so many ideas bubbling up today and decided to give it a shot. Each chapter is going to be a set of 5-6 very short drabbles based on a word or phrase- maybe, if anyone likes them, I'll expand them into longer pieces later on. Each chapter/set will be from one specific point of view or set of characters, which I'll put up top. Please, please review; reviews make me jump about with joy. And if you have any ideas you'd like to see done- a short or longer piece- feel free to suggest! I'll probably do several a day. Thank you! c: ]

Set Number: 1
Pairing/POV: Toothless/Hiccup

Shell: On one lazy day with Toothless, trotting along the beach, Hiccup had picked up a pretty shell, telling Toothless he liked the color. The dragon, much to his rider's anxiety, later disappeared for the entire night. The next morning, he woke up to all the furniture in his room tossed haphazardly outside, the floor completely covered in shells, and a happy Toothless sitting in the very middle of the mayhem, head cocked and tail waving cheerfully.

Silence: After becoming the "Dragon Tamer" of Berk, hero of the village, he never had a moment of peace unless he was with Toothless. The Night Fury, as always, understood what he needed and would oblige the brunette, sitting in their cove together, tail curled protectively around his rider's tiny form. Hiccup just wanted to get away from the new pressure of being sought after, the troubles of adjusting to a new life, a new body. With Toothless, no justifications were needed. No explanations, no fake smiles, nothing. Just a boy and his dragon- together in silence, bonded by fate.

Rejection: Everyone in Berk had always pushed him away, from his peers to his own father, for being different. No one would ever give him a chance- until he met the dark dragon, the first being to ever take him as he was and love him for it anyway.

Snow: Toothless hated the snow. It was cold, wet, and being in it made him sleepy. Hiccup, on the other hand, loved playing in the snow, no matter how often the fluffy white flakes fell, and the boy just had the most adorably awkward, dorky, endearing smile- and Toothless would always find himself... forgetting why he was... mad in the first place...

Twenty minutes later, the mighty Night Fury found himself completely covered in snow, decorated with pine cones and branches, surrounded by Hiccup and his clutch of friends, and transformed into what they had, thinking themselves so very clever and funny, declared a "snow dragon."
Huffing to himself, grumpy, Toothless suddenly remembered why he hated the snow.

Wings: Never had Hiccup in his life felt quite as safe as when his dragon curled up against his back, curling one affectionate, protective wing over his slender form. For those few moments, he knew that nothing would ever harm him again.