Hello everyone! Random drabble I came up with, and I have to say that I am the China of my group, and I am just as hopeless at technology as he is aru. Sorry about the delay on School Time! if anyone reading this is reading that, but we just got a new computer-finally!- and it has issues with all the stuff on my flash drive, so we have to fix that before I can update.


Leaving yet another boring and fruitless World Meeting, China let out a very undignified squeak of surprise. His pocket just vibrated! An instant later a little three tone ring came from the pocket as well. Apprehensively China reached in and pulled out his cell phone, eyeing it with disdain. Stupid pointless thing…. America had thrown them-literally!-at all the countries three meetings ago, and China hated his. And it hated him.

Another vibrate and ring resulted in the oldest nation in the world letting out a small sharp shriek and dropping the accursed device on the ground. With a muttered, "Aiyah!" the dragon of the east gingerly picked up his cell phone with his forefinger and thumb, eyeing it warily.

When nothing happened China opened it, and was immediately bombarded with many flashing notes and messages, none of which the ancient understood, or could even begin to comprehend. Without sparing it another glance China closed the cell phone and yelled, "Japan aru!"

His little brother was almost immediately there, eyebrows raised in silent question. China stretched out her arm, cell phone resting in his open palm, and sighed "It just vibrated and beeped or something and I have no idea what to do to the stupid thing aru. So just….just work it aru."

With a small smile Japan took the offered cell phone. His older brother was master of many things, but master of technology he was not.

"And wipe that smirk off your face aru." Said brother muttered, something akin to a pout on his face. "Stupid phone; I hate that thing aru. What did all that vibrating and intolerable noise mean aru?"

"You got a text message." Japan said simply, going to China's inbox with deft fingers. "It is from….America-san. It says, 'the hero rules'."

China groaned, closing his eyes and rubbing his temples. He had had enough of that moronic Western country to last him another 5,000 years. "Make him go away aru." He pled/ordered, and Japan pressed some buttons.

"I can make it so your phone doesn't ring or vibrate when he calls or texts."

"Please do aru." Japan did so quickly and handed his phone back to his aniki, who gave him a grateful smile. "Shia shi aru."

"Dude! Why isn't China picking up? I've texted him like 15 times!"

"He obviously blocked you you twit. Probably got Japan to do it."

"But I'm the hero! I'm amazing! Why would anyone block me?"

"Oh I wonder….."

China is Chinese Gibbs. It had to be said.