So this is a new story I came up with about Sadie and Anubis. This is in the future... Carter and Sadie have already defeated Apophis. I came up with this randomly after listening to Justin Bieber songs…. I know….. I'm weird. In this story, alt doesn't exist because I don't know how to incorporate him in it.

Disclaimer: I don't own the Kane Chronicles… but I desperately wish I did.






I stormed through the door of my bedroom in Brooklyn House and plopped down on the bed. I let out a huge sigh of relief. Today was a long day. Even though the war against Apophis was over, we still had to keep training the initiates. We meaning Carter and I, or more like whenever he was around. Carter and Zia had gotten together during the war, and he now spent as much time as he could with her. So that left me, stuck training the initiates. But it's not like I can't handle it! I mean, I'm 14 now… I should able to take care of other people… right? Wrong… it left me more tired than ever and I have hardly had anytime to even put a new streak in my hair!

I heard a knock in the door and immediately groaned. I mean, come on… really! Right now!

"Come in!" I groaned. But when the door opened, I saw the person I least expected to see.

"Anubis! What are you doing here!" I sat up quickly, shocked. "I thought you went back to the hall of judgement after the war!"

He shrugged and shyly put his hands in his pockets. "I couldn't stay there long… I needed to… well…" He looked kind of uncomfortable just standing there in the middle of the room, so I did the most sensible thing possible… well as sensible as you can be when you are staring at the goddamn hottest thing in the world.

"Do you wanna sit down?" I asked, motioning to a spot beside me on the bed.

"Umm…. Sure." He answered quietly and slowly sat down beside me. That was weird for Anubis. Usually he would make some joke about how I was trying to woo him or something, or at least, he did that a lot after what happened on my 13th birthday, exactly one year ago. I started to wonder if he knew it was my birthday today, but shoved the thought aside and went back to the present.

"Soooooo… what brings you here?" I asked after a very awkward silence passed.

"What do you think about me?" He blurted out so quickly I almost couldn't hear him.

The question took me aback and it took me awhile to gather my thoughts before answering. "Well I think you're an amazing person, and you do your job as a god greatly and I think you are a great friend and…"

"Don't lie to me Sades" The nickname sent shivers down my spine and to make it worse, he looked at me. His deep brown eyes bore into me, and I knew I had to tell him the truth. I took a deep breath and said the 5 words that would change my life forever.

"I think I love you"

He leaned in and whispered. "I know I love you." And with that he closed the distance between our mouths and started to kiss me. I leaned into the kiss for a second, amazed and shocked at what happened before I started to pull away.

"Anubis… what will everybody else think! I mean… isn't it forbidden for a god to date a mortal! And…. Oh My God! I didn't even think about my dad! What will he say! I mean…"

"Sadie!" He grabbed my hands and laced his fingers through mine. "Don't think about what other people want! Think about what you want. I'll handle you'll father, and I won't let anybody else get in our way. I love you!" The whole time, he was truthfully looking into my eyes, trying to get me to understand.

As an answer I smacked our lips together with all of the force I could muster. This kiss was totally different then what we had a minute before. This kiss was hot and passionate, and I never wanted to stop the feeling of his lips on mine. My tongue started to beg for entrance to his mouth. But before he opened his mouth he murmured against mine. "Happy Birthday Sades." My tongue slid in and met his, and I couldn't believe how amazing he tasted.

This was definitely the best birthday ever.

There you have it! The first chapter! Please review! The more reviews the faster I update! Questions, comments, requests, anything is helpful! PM me if needed!

~ Sydney :P