Hiya peeps! The name's Ash (that's short for Natasha, not Ashley, FYI) and I've been dying to talk to you guys about this challenge.

Well you see, the me-two-years-ago wasn't thinking straight when she said (to herself, she's crazy that way) she'd only write an afterword, not bothering with author's note in between chapters because- I quote myself - "It would mess with the flow of the story! :D"

Damn you smiley face.

I didn't know that because of that, I had to face years of agonizing silence from my end.

Oh, I wanted to explain so many things, gush about how I came up with them, and thank so many people for their continued support and seeing this through with me 'til the end.

So let me do so right now!

Special thanks

To Regardless for coming up with this challenge. It took a while, but I made it! Thank you for letting me test my skills as a writer. It had been fun!

To Mave, you heaven-sent lil' angel, thanks for your keen eye and witty reviews. They brought me out of my funk.

To the people who've read, reviewed, favorited, followed this story, you have my deepest gratitude. I wouldn't have found the strength to finish this if it weren't for you guys.

Love you all :*

So about my story...

Let me warn you, being limited to write only in 100 words for so long, I am bound to get chatty because now...



I used a lot of words to describe Gill throughout my drabbles, but mainly, I thought he was cold.

Cold from not feeling the warmth of a parent's love for a long time. Cold from locking away all your regrets and secrets. Cold from a self-inflicted isolation. Cold from feeling the pressure of being the child of two great people.

This was all in his head of course.

Most authors tend to portray him (in varying degrees) as an arrogant, prissy, son-of-a-b*tch who turns up his nose at anything dirt related (i.e. the MC because, duh, she's a farmer and she dances in dirt)

C'mon guys.

I really, really, really think that he's just a dorky guy who's socially inept because of issues, give 'im a break.

Besides, it was highly likely (most definitely) his only friends when he was a kid were the Harvest sprites.

Ehem, okay, I wanted to highlight that too.

Out of everyone, save for the MC, Gill was the closest to the Harvest Sprites, and by association, the Goddess as well. So I had to give them a connection, hence, the wild ball theory I threw in there. Speaking of Gill's mother...

My decision to make her a major part of the story was actually inspired by one of Animal Parade's released official art. You may have seen that picture. Little Gill looking up at his mother curiously as she smiled down on him. That broke my heart.

And when I read Gill and Hamilton's backstory...

That broke my heart even more.

So yeah, the whole point of this challenge was me getting Gill to open up about the two people in his life he couldn't live without. If you hadn't noticed, most of his values and beliefs came from his parent's lessons, he even inherited their love for their home (his in-game wish was centered on Castanet). His mother taught him about life and all its wonders while his father instilled in him his unyielding work ethic. And his notion of love came from him watching the both of them.

Then it all spiraled out of control when she died.

Annnnnd that's why he became a socially inept dork.

See? What did I tell ya? Issues.

Enter rash, slightly rude, but infuriatingly endearing farmer who knew just how to get under one's skin... while dancing in dirt.

(I would've used Molly, but I thought Gill needed someone as... fiery as Angela more)

Ah, it was a pleasure writing those interactions.

You have no idea how much squealing on my part was involved whenever something particularly sweet happens.

So, when the new farmer started stirring up the metaphorical stagnant pool of Castanet, Gill was bound to get caught up in her whirl pool.

He didn't even notice it at first, but she slowly managed to peel away all the layers he had until he was able to cross thresholds with her by his side.

...I'll leave it at that.

Since this afterword would get too long if I explain everything here, I encourage anyone who wants to ask about a chapter to do so. If there are certain aspects of the story you didn't understand or want to know more about, I'd be happy to answer :D

Future projects?

I have a special one-shot in the works, so you should watch out for that. It's about the residents of Castanet as they celebrate Starry Night. I'm also thinking of writing a story about Hamilton and his wife, the idea sounds promising.

Whatever I come up with, I hope you'll continue supporting me and my works.

So that's it then, after one hundred of a hundred-word chapters, I'll say good bye for now.
Farewell my dears!

Until the next door opens :)