Inspired by Langston Hughes's "Dream Variations," to which I give due credit. This is a story about various characters talking to Ian, all saying almost the exact same words, yet all meaning completely different things. If you're confused, PM me and explain. I'm rather proud of this one.

Un-betaed. Flames will be used to roast s'mores on.


"Get a Clue, Ian"

I mean it both ways

You think he'd get at least one.

He knows what's going on,

He knows not to try and stop it.

I scoff at the thought.

As if!


He's suave,



And he's learning.

But he'll never catch up to me

And that's the truth of lies

From the person who tells both

As often as she changes clothes.


"Get a Clue, Ian"

I mean it both ways

And I lost hope

Loooong ago

That he'd geteither

Letalone both.

He doesn't have a single Clue

What's going on.


Oh, the irony.


He's suave


Everything I'm not.

But he's not intelligent.

If he is, he doesn't show it.

And now he knows,

AndI thinkhe's known it for a while.

He accepts it, however grudgingly

Because he'll never catch up to me

And that's the honest person's truth, cloaked in a lie.


"Get a Clue, Ian"

I mean it two ways,

With one hidden meaning

He can't possibly figure out.

He gets both ways,

But not the hidden one.

How could he?

He has no Clue.




He's suave,



Everything we've ever been brought up to be.

But he's more stable than me,

I'm teetering on the edge,

And that's the truth

From the liar that could have been honest

If she'd tried.


"Get a Clue, Kabra"

I mean it one way

And I hope to heaven he doesn't interpret it the other.

He gets it like I planned him to.

Well, of course—I'm not catty for nothing.


That's ironic.


He's suave,


And smart,

By society's standards.

But I've got all that and more,

And more is what it takes

To VVin the hunt.

And that's from the person

That can't be honest

For fear that she'll lie.


"Get a Clue, Kabra"

There's only one way to take it

Coming from me.

He understands.

He hasn't taken inflection training

For nothing.


That's what he is to me.

Which makes it ironic,

Only slightly,

And only if you're half crazy

(Which I am, of course.)

Well, obviously,

He's smooth,




And sick.

(His mind is, anyway.)

Because that's what it takes to kiss a girl and leave her to die in a cave five minutes later.

My charges may not speak,

But I have EyEs.

And there's a reason Grace hired me.

And that's the honest truth

For a person who,

(After hanging with Cahills for so long)

Isn't sure what's truth and lie



"Get a Clue, Ian"

I mean it in every way possible.

I try to understand it from allangles,

But there are numerous facets on the diamond

And I only have so many EyEs.

There's nothing funny with this

Right now.


I'm suave,




And stealthy.

Everything my expectations have brought me to be.

But I'll never be who I could have been

Or should have been

Or would have been

(Had I not gotten into this mess.)

And that's the liar's honest truth.

(Two truths are what it takes to fix one lie.)

