The Heart Always Wins

Chapter 1

"Meet me at the lake in twenty minutes?" Shane discreetly whispered into my ear walking past me after final jam.

I saw no reason to meet him there; in fact, I saw no reason to be speaking to him at all. After all yes, I lied but I tried to apologise but he wouldn't have it so he ignored me and I ignored him. Just because I'm the 'girl with the voice' shouldn't mean a thing in our friendship, if he couldn't deal with me before he sure as hell won't be trying now.

But even if my mind had made its decision, my heart was telling me otherwise and after all, doesn't the heart always win?

I looked over and saw Caitlyn talking to Nate or well, flirting with Nate I should say because I swear those two will be the death of each other. At the start of camp Caitlyn hated his guts for leaving her when he got famous, I doubt she even remembers it was him right now.

I laughed silently at my inner monologue and decided to give the 'couple' some privacy. I walked out into the fresh summer breeze of Camp Rock. Wow, just a month previously I had just walked into these camp grounds and was extraordinarily excited for this summer now, with all the Tess drama and Shane drama I think this might have to be one of the best and worst summers ever but I would never change it for anything... Ever.

I decided to meet Shane at the lake, he probably would amuse me and I guess I would only be here a few more days so why the hell not.

"Shane," I whispered when I saw him sitting in a canoe.

"You actually came?" he asked me.

"You say that like I wasn't going to come at all," I smiled.

"Well your here now, how about a canoe ride?" he asked me smirking slightly.

"Oh yeah because everyone LOVES going around in circles in canoes on a lake and almost not making it back to shore." I laughed remembering the last canoe ride we had together.

"Hey! I practiced! I'm better now... I can't say the same about you though," he nudged me lightly and chuckled while I sent him a glare.

"Fine but only because I have no where better to be right now."

"Mitch, I'm really sorry about how I acted at beach jam, I knew you didn't deserve it and I was seriously beating myself up because you were ignoring me, I thought you honestly hated me." Shane told me truthfully.

"Shane to be honest, I know exactly why you acted like that, you're used to people using you for your fame and money so I really wasn't surprised maybe a little hurt but I brought that on myself again and in my defence I never specifically told you that my mom wasn't hot tunes china president."

"I guess that's fair but I never asked you either, I guess I thought you were different from everyone else," Shane sighed.

"What do you mean different?" I asked in confusion.

"I thought you were someone who... Well, exactly who you really are, never seeking attention, not trying to stand out and never use people."

"I never meant to act that way or make it seem like that Shane, I was always my true self around you and can you remember the first time we were in a canoe together?"

"Yeah, we were talking about keeping up images and people using me and how I was a jerk and you're jealous." Shane laughed when he realised if she was jealous, she would've been jealous of herself.

"Shane, I don't think you realised my hesitation that day but I was going to tell you the truth, I knew I could trust you and I wanted you to know that I wasn't trying to lie or use you."

"Mitchie, why did you lie in the first place it's not like you don't have any friends."

"Shane, it might seem like that to you but I never know who my true friends are I've never fit in anywhere, I only have one friend at home and were not even that close anymore so I only wanted to fit in and be popular for once in my life. I realised too late that the way I did that was wrong but I did get one thing from this whole experience."

"Oh yeah really? What might that be?"

"I learnt who my true friends are, people like Caitlyn and you."

"I guess that is pretty valuable and I understand the reasoning behind your actions I just want to know one thing."

"Okay what is it?"

"Do you really think I would act like that for just anyone?"

"Umm yeah well I was kind of presuming that to be the case."

"Well your wrong Mitch, I really like you and I really would like you to be my girlfriend Mitchie Torres?"

"Shane I never thought that would be your motives and I really like you too and would love to be your Girlfriend but would it work? You're famous and I'm a no body from nowhere how could that ever work out?"

"Mitchie I definitely don't think you're a no body and I could always talk to my record label for you."

"No Shane my idea is to work hard to get my dreams I don't want then handed to me but thanks for the offer anyway. And how can I possibly not be a no body?"

"Mitch you changed me in more ways than you think. Do you really think I would be sitting here calmly if it wasn't for you?" he asked.

"Actually yes I believe anybody could have done that if they tried to."

"That's the thing Mitch, people have been trying to change me ever since I became a jerk and that's quite a long time and I honestly don't think you were intentionally trying to change me. Mitchie I don't know but I think I'm in love with you," Shane admitted. My mouth hung open before I realised how to properly close it.

"Shane I don't know what to say..." I admitted, my heart and my head were having an internal war with each other and my thoughts were everywhere. But my heart being its usual self won over my brain. "I love you too," I whispered.

By this time, I was in Shanes arms just leaning against him. I twisted my head up towards him and he caught my lips with his in a sweet kiss. We pulled away gasping for air and attempting to settle the canoe from its rocking state.

"So how about it Mitch?" he asked me.

"What? How about what?" I asked confusedly.

"Will you, Michelle Demetria Torres, be my, Shane Joseph Grays, girlfriend?"

I leaned in to catch his lips in a kiss again before pulling back and whispering a yes into his ear. I shivered slightly when I realised how cold it was getting.

"You cold?" Shane asked sounding slightly concerned. I shrugged in response before shivering again and wrapping my arms around myself. Shane shrugged his famous leather jacket off before passing it to me.

"Are you sure? Won't you get cold?" I asked him eyeing the jacket.

"What kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn't look after my girlfriend?" Shane laughed lightly.

When we reached my cabin a couple of minutes later, I went to take the jacket off and return it to Shane.

"Keep it," he said to me making sure I didn't try giving it back.

"But isn't this like your infamous leather jacket?" I asked him.

"Yes but you are cold and I would like nothing more than the girl I love to have it. Besides, I'm leaving to finish a tour tomorrow which means I won't be able to see you for three weeks." Shane said breaking the bad news.

"Oh, well I guess this jacket will come in handy then while I'm missing you, I will still have a small part of you with me." I said trying to cheer him up from his sullen mood.

"Sorry Mitch I really should have planned this a little better but I guess things just happen sometimes." Shane sighed.

"Shane, not to sound cliché but we only just became boyfriend and girlfriend and you're famous so it was inevitable for this to happen. Besides you live in LA and I live an hour out of LA so we'll see each other soon," I reassured him. He looked down at me before leaning down and kissing me passionately.


"Shane!" I called watching him walk from his cabin towards the limo waiting to pick up connect three. Shane turned around and ran up to me planting a kiss on my lips.

"I have one question and before I ask you I'm definitely not ashamed of you being my girlfriend Mitch."

"Okay, what is it?"

"Do you want to go public with this relationship? Because personally I don't think we should because then you would be swarmed by paparazzi and crazy fans all the time and I just want a normal life for you."

"I see why you think that I would think that you were ashamed of me but I can see your reasoning behind it too so I'm not mad at all and yes, I think private relationship is better."

"Thank you Mitch, I have to go because Nate and Jason are waiting on me but I promise I will come see you as soon as I can." he told me kissing me lightly, exchanging numbers with me and getting my address just in case. I kissed him again and watched him get into the limo, all three of them waving at me as the limo drove off into the sunrise.