Hey guys, long time no see! I've had this chapter written up for quite awhile, although I got stuck at the very end... Needless to say, that block hasn't gone away, so enjoy this really pointless chapter!


He met her under the pouring rain purely by coincidence. They had both sought refuge underneath a large oak tree in the park at Lilycove, granted it barely gave them much coverage. He, mysterious and charming, had made room for her immediately when he saw her emerge through the branches. She, beautifully quirky, made him look twice.

Their unconventional meeting only sparked laughter when they both realized: what an unfortunate duo they made.

"The name's Drew," He offered, not long after their meeting.

She giggled before handing him a reply. "I'm May, nice to meet you."

"Well, May, what brings you here during this fine spring shower?"

"Actually, I was hoping on going to the market today." A faint sigh. "Only the Lilycove stores in this area have those novelty super-secret base items I've been searching ages for!"

"Must be a bit of a klutz to have gone out without an umbrella then. The forecast explicitly said all week that there'd be rain." Drew said with a smirk.

"That's rude! I don't pay much attention to the weather forecast, okay?" May retorted with puffed up cheeks. "And if you're so knowledgeable about this rain, why're you caught in this downpour? Any sane person would've brought an umbrella."

The boy shrugged in response before gazing at her, yet again. Definitely Drew wouldn't have been the first to admit May was a bit attractive with her flickering, blue eyes, buttoned nose and almost red lips. Nonetheless she was still one of the oddest girls he'd met. Who would go so far for super-secret base items? Yet with every attempt to sneak another look at beauty before him, the more he was falling in love with her at first sight, and second, and third, and every glance after.

He had also thought that she seemed too distinguished and poised to be of the common folk. She had thought his excessive glances were creepy.

"Well, I'd better excuse myself," May said abruptly. "This rain doesn't seem to be letting up, so we shouldn't waste all afternoon here."

A bit disappointed at her suddenly announced departure, Drew tried to reel her back. "Since both our plans seem to be ruined, allow me to treat you as an apologize for my earlier comment. There's this shop downtown that's definitely worth getting rained on."

The wheels in her head started turning; perhaps the way through this girl was through her stomach!

"I guess one cup couldn't hurt if some cake came with it…" She said with a growing grin.

Not missing a beat, Drew gestured for her to leave the safety of the oak.

"Ladies first."

She simply scoffed at his mocking chivalry and ran off into the distance. Feeling a challenge arising, Drew gave chase even though she had headed down the completely wrong street. By the time she had run out of breath, he put a hand on her shoulder to bring her back out of her imaginary race.

"May, we're in the completely wrong area."

With that comment, Drew had set of an explosion of reds; May's face became painted a whole canvas of embarrassment and anger.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?" She fumed.

He held his hands up in defense, though he hadn't a clue why he followed her. "You ran off like a maniac, how was I supposed to get you to listen to anything?"

"Well, Grasshead, why don't you just guide us to somewhere that's not 'a completely wrong area,' then?"

"If you're done yelling at me, that is, let's go."

"…but I'm just saying that Lavender Town really could be haunted!" May said defensively.

Somehow, they were caught up debating the different myths they have heard throughout their journeys. May was adamant that Lavender Town was the root of all evil. To her, skipping out on that town was worth losing a potential ribbon!

"You're being irrational," Drew started, but then realised that there was no getting through to her.

"I'll be as irrational as I want, but when you find yourself going insane, I won't be there to call for help!" She turned her nose up haughtily before scooping more cake into her mouth.

Drew sighed, but relinquished the topic for another that peaked his interest. "You said you're a Coordinator?"

May nodded. "Fourth year this year!"

"Then it seems we have more than our misfortune in common." Drew said. "I just so happen to be a Coordinator myself. Although one year your senior."

"I bet I could still take you on any time, any day!"

Drew grinned, what were the chances he'd lose to someone who started after him? "I hope you'll grace me with your presence on stage then, one day."

May opened her mouth as if to retort a response, but she seemed to catch a glance at her watch.

"The time! Oh no, I've spent way too long out! I need to head home now!"

Drew hesitated before nodding and standing up. "I'll walk you home." He didn't want to part with her just yet.

She began to refuse, waving her arms about frantically. "It's okay, I live quite close around here anyway."

"Then can we meet up again sometime?" Drew asked with slight hopefulness resonating in the back of his voice. Their time today had been too short-lived for him to fully enjoy, although his impulsive behaviour shocked even himself.

"Perhaps our misfortune will bring us together again one day." She smiled gentle and sweet. "I'll be out next Saturday looking for novelty items, again. Maybe you can catch me then."

Drew frowned, still a bit discontented, but finally let her go. "Today was a pleasure, May."

"I couldn't agree more, Drew. Thank you and maybe we'll meet again soon!" And with a wave, she headed back out into the storm.

Today… a day full of mischief, misfortune and mystery…

As always, comments and criticisms are always appreciated! :)

CSP out!