
November 2023

"Oh, my God, are you sure this kid is your son?" Finn demanded, finally breaking and losing the staring contest between himself and three year-old Isaiah Samuel.

The simple question was answered with a resounding smack, courtesy of the football Isaiah's five year-old brother, Jonathan Noah, had decided to throw.

Apparently, pregnancy put Rachel on two modes: mellow and weepy. She never got mad, she never went psychotic, she was just super chill or super weepy. Which meant that all her dormant psychotic-ness combined with Puck's own brand of crazy into what Kurt loved to call "the hell spawn"—aka Jonny. On the other hand, Isaiah got all of the mellow genes that must have been for his brother. Their new little sister Caroline Leah, though, was the wild card.

"'Course he's my brother!" Jonny protested, emphasizing his statement by throwing his soccer ball at the back of Finn's head.

"Jon, stop throwing things at Uncle Finn," Puck scolded his eldest son. "He can't afford to have more of his brain cells knocked loose."

"So glad to see nothing's changed," Mercedes laughed from where she, Tina, Brittany, Quinn, Santana, and Emma were crowded around Rachel and newborn baby Caroline.

"Trust me," Kurt sighed from where he sat at the counter with Hiram, sipping wine. "For as long as the Puckerman genes will be passed on, nothing will ever change."

"Yeah," Blaine agreed."Every generation's gonna have a Puck running around and insulting people. No offense, Aviva."

Aviva hauled Isaiah off Finn's lap and cuddled him against her chest. "Feh."

Puck chortled and yanked the baseball out of Jonny's hand before he could chuck it at Finn's head. "She doesn't care as long as she's got her Jewish grandbabies."

"Well, what am I?! Chopped liver?!" Beth demanded, poking her head over the kitchen counter where she, Shelby, and Leroy were setting up the food. Her chagrin at being a half-Jew had always been a sore spot—especially during Hanukkah.

"No, honey," Puck cooed. "You're more spleen than liver."

"I hate you," she grumbled, disappearing over the counter again.

"Love you too, sweetheart."

Beth had been told about her birth parents when she was five, but even back then, she took it all in her stride. As much as Puck and Quinn wanted to be considered "Dad" and "Mom," they knew it'd be too complicated, so they settled for being "Uncle Puck" and "Aunt Quinn" while Shelby remained "Mom" and her husband of eight years, Ben, became "Daddy." They still couldn't decide what the relationship was between Beth and Jonny, Isaiah, and Caroline though—aunt and nephews and niece or half-siblings? It was all jacked up, but it worked well enough. Beth loved Jonny and Isaiah, and she'd already called babysitting dibs on Caroline.

"How's Aria, Finn?" Tina asked, pulling Jonny back from where he was trying to dive-bomb off the couch.

Finn grinned goofily and leaned back against the couch, throwing his arms over the back. His eyes softened at the thought of the Canadian saint of a woman he'd met in Paris all those years ago that was currently at their home in London, Ontario packing for a short car trip. "She's great, but since she's too big to travel by plane, so she decided to visit her mom in Toronto."

"When is she due again?" Emma asked, stroking Caroline's hair from where the baby was being rocked in Brittany's arms.

"February," Finn said proudly. "He's gonna be a big boy; she's so big already."

"Oh, God, Sasquatch Junior," Santana sighed disappointedly.

"Santana," Rachel said warningly as she sat on the armrest closest to Puck. She absently ran her hand through his closely-cropped hair as she turned to Finn. "Have you thought of any names?"

"How about Jet?" Santana offered innocently.

"JET PUFF!" Jonny cried ecstatically, making Finn spin and glare at Santana, who just threw her head back and laughed.

"Auntie Tana, be nice," Isaiah scolded with a small frown.

Santana immediately sobered and scooped up her favorite little Puckerman. "Sorry, bendito."

Finn stared at the sight in complete disbelief before turning to Puck and Rachel. "Are you sure he's your son?!"

Rachel smiled, and her hand strayed down to rub Puck's shoulders, making his eyes threaten to roll back into his head.

"You should see him when anyone gets too mean," she said proudly. "Noah says he looks just like me—all righteous indignation, fighting for the underdog."

Puck scoffed. "You make it sound like a good thing, baby."

Her massage turned into a smack upside his head, and she bent down to his ear to whisper, "You know it gets you hot."

He yanked her back before she could pull away, and he whispered in a gravelly tone, "Don't start anything you can't finish, Puckerman. I know you hate leaving your guests unattended, but if you keep it up, we're gonna be putting on a show."

She laughed lightly and kissed his cheek before going off to the kitchen to help Shelby, Leroy, and Beth.

"So, Puck," Mike said, smirking as he deftly caught the basketball Jonny threw at him. "Tell us about what happened with Blaine."

"Oh, dear Lord!" Rachel cried from the kitchen as Santana, Kurt, and Artie burst out laughing.

"What? What? What?" Brittany demanded, head swiveling back and forth between Blaine, Mike, and Puck as she jiggled Caroline in her arms.

"Oh, God!" Quinn laughed. "Is this the—"

"Don't spoil it, Q!" Santana shrieked hysterically, slapping her hand over Quinn's mouth.

Blaine and Puck immediately turned to face each other, and even though they were a solid twenty feet away, they still managed to break out the rock-paper-scissors. Twenty-nine and twenty-eight years-old, and they still settled their arguments with rock-paper-scissors. Puck won, and Blaine sighed, taking a swig of his beer before launching into the story.

"Okay, remember Operation Thundering Blitzkrieg of Jewish Puckleberry?"

"PUCKLEBERRY!" Jonny and Isaiah chorused with their arms in the air just like how Uncle Sammy taught them to do every time the name was spoken.

Everyone laughed at the reaction and the memory itself.

"Oh, God, yes," Rory chuckled, smiling warmly. "Some of my fondest memories of high school."

"I'd consider those more amusing-in-retrospect than fond," Will said, grimacing a little.

"Don't hate, Schue. It got you the Tony sitting on your mantel back in Lima," Puck said, holding up a hand and glancing at the three golden statues sitting on his own mantel.

Blaine chuckled and then began. "Well, in my junior year at Tisch, Puck decided that his favor to me didn't count because Santana staged the whole thing and that aside from letting me get out some bottled-up aggression, it didn't qualify as something that really helped me. So he decided to do a re-do, and since he already told Rachel about his plans, she decided to get in on it too."

"I knew he'd try to pull off something stupid, so I hoped that me being part of the team would cause him to think twice about risking incarceration," Rachel said defensively.

"The plan, I guess, was pretty simple," Blaine said. "Apparently being gay is like walking around with a floating, giant red arrow pointing down at you like a beacon for bullies. So even in college, I had these boneheads trying to push me around. Because of that, Sam and Santana got involved, and everyone knows when Sam, Santana, and Puck decide to do something stupid, not even Rachel can counteract it with her logic and level-headedness. So in a similar fashion to the rest of you, Puck's plan was to essentially torture me before helping me realize that he was, in fact, helping me. And unfortunately, since he knew about my less-than-pacifistic secret extracurricular activities outside of Dalton as well as the particular bar where my bullies liked to frequent, his plan began to take on the appearance of Santana's."

"What do you mean?" Tina asked worriedly.

Blaine sighed and glared at Puck who was determined to keep from cracking a smile even though he was practically holding his breath already. "At the time, I had no idea about the bar, so when Artie, Santana, Sam, Puck, and Rachel invited me and Kurt to tag along, I didn't think too much about the bar we were going to, and I didn't even spot the group until it was too late."

"The group that he failed to mention comprised of two thirds of the NYU men's wrestling team," Puck cut in blandly.

"What?!" Leroy barked from the kitchen. "Why didn't you ever tell us about this?!"

"You live in Lima," Kurt said, shrugging. "What could you do?"

Puck grabbed Jonny and clamped his hands over his son's ears while Santana took her cue and did the same to Isaiah.

"Okay," Puck said, taking over the explanation quickly before his son squirmed away, "our strategy was just to push Blaine into their little group and have him open up his can of whoop-ass. We sent Rachel and San into their group to keep flirting with them and buying them drinks until they were blasted out of their minds while Sam and I distracted Blaine and Kurt from noticing the wrestlers by telling them the story of Sam losing a bet and having to go drag where he got hit on by another drag. When Rachel finally signaled to us, we asked Blaine to bring us a new round, and as soon as he was out of his chair, I ducked around the crowd, hid behind some guy, and tripped Blaine when he was a couple feet from the wrestlers so that he fell into the group and knocked over a bunch of drinks."

Jonny finally squirmed away to crawl up onto the couch and jump onto Finn's shoulder.

"Needless to say," Blaine continued, the morally-dubious part of the plan having been censored, "Zachary Delgado and his crew were less than pleased. They started throwing around insults and threats, and I could've ended it all amicably if Vic Altillo hadn't said the stupidest thing he could've ever said in the presence of one Miss Rachel Berry."

All eyes swiveled to Rachel.

"What did he say?" Shelby asked eagerly, leaning against the counter.

"Everyone, grab a child and cover some ears," Rachel commanded, grabbing Beth for herself. Once all little ears were covered—even the baby's because Brittany didn't want to leave the little dumpling out—Rachel finally whispered the word, "Fag."

"And she went and opened her own can of whoop-ass before Puck, Sam, Blaine, and I could catch her," Santana gushed proudly. "The most fucking epic thing I'd ever seen."

Everyone holding little ears finally released them, and Santana continued a more censored commentary.

"She pulled her fist back and just punched that Vic guy in the face, and it pretty much opened the floodgates for the rest of us to join the fight," she said. "We went ham on those idiots!"

Brittany frowned. "You bought them ham?"

"No, honey," Santana said, leaning over to press a kiss on Brittany's cheek. "We beat them up."

"Okay, that is a horrible embellishment!" Rachel called, holding up a righteous index finger. "For one thing, there were more than ten of them—including their trampy girlfriends who tried stealing my earrings right out of my ears!"

"WHAT?!" Brittany screeched worriedly.

"Chill, Pierce, no one died," Puck said.

She visibly sighed in relief as if those involved in the fight weren't even there.

"Santana makes it sound like we've all been harboring some inner fight club ninja, but we were severely outnumbered," Rachel explained.

"And Rae makes it sound like we lost the fight!" Santana shot right back. "We all pulled out some crazy fight skills! It was a full-on bar brawl by the time the cops broke everything up! Those guys never bothered Blaine again, and they totally ended up giving him props for being a mean little fighting machine."

"Oh, yes, it was such a fantastic night that we had to call Dad and Daddy to wire Quinn money and beg her to drive up from Yale and bail us all out!" Rachel cried, throwing her hands up in the air.

Quinn literally fell off the armchair from laughing so hard, her face so red that Emma rushed to her side worrying about asphyxiation. "R-R-Rachel had a black eye and a bracelet tangled in her hair, and Santana had b-b-bite marks on her forehead."

"Sam had a bald spot!" Rachel shrieked, feeling suddenly defensive.

"Oh, God, yes!" Santana laughed, setting Isaiah down on Will's lap. "Where is Trouty Mouth? I wanna show off the scar!"

"The scar?!" Emma cried in horror.

"Oh, yes," Kurt said. "Sam didn't get a chunk of his hair ripped out, no. He was scalped."

"Where is that dimwit anyway? He said he was gonna change his shirt 'cause he spilled some soda on it, but it's been, like, twenty minutes," Puck muttered, getting up to his feet and heading toward the laundry room.

"Yo, Sammy!" he called out as he pushed the door to the laundry room open. "You're such a girl! Just pick a shirt and—OH, MY GOD! WHAT THE FUCK?!"

"NOAH!" Rachel shrieked, banging on the counter with a metal spoon in hopes of drowning out his profanity so that Jonny and Isaiah couldn't hear.

Puck had made a serious effort to cut back on cussing at home purely for the sake of his kids, but what he was seeing was just too much for him to handle.

Regardless of the fact that she was twenty-four years-old and a criminal profiler in-training, Bekah was always going to be Puck's little sister—the annoying little brat that would wake him up by using him as a human trampoline. So seeing her sitting on top of the washing machine with her skirt pushed up around her hips with her legs wrapped around fucking Sam Evans's waist? Yeah, it's safe to assume that "pissed off beyond all fucking reason" was the understatement of the millennia.

"YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!" Puck roared, clamping his eyes shut and covering them with his hands.

"Noah, Noah, please, we just—"

"Dude, it's just that we—"


Furious at the expectation of Jonny running around and squealing the f-bomb, Rachel stomped into the laundry room and stopped in her tracks when she saw Bekah and Sam readjusting their clothes and blushing. She barely registered Isaiah brushing past her to climb up into his dad's arms and that everyone was converging behind her.

"Oh. My. God. Beks has gone and gotten herself a piece of White Chocolate," Mercedes laughed.

"I knew it," Brittany breathed.

"Oh, thank God!" Aviva cheered.

"I don't understand how you fools didn't see this coming. I didn't even need my law degree to figure that out," Santana scoffed, flouncing back toward the living room. "Hummel, you owe me fifty bucks."

"Oh, dude," Mike chuckled at Sam. "You better have a good explanation for this."

Sam shot Mike a for-the-love-of-God-please-help-me look, but when he was met with a smirk and shrug, he turned back to Puck. "Look, Puck—"

"No, no, I don't even wanna know. You know what I want? I want Clorox and a broadsword. I want Clorox to pour into my skull and a broadsword to vertically cut you in half. My sister? Are you for real? My sister? Bekah?! She's, like, twenty years younger than you!"

"Five!" Bekah shrieked.

"And she's my sister! Isn't there a code against this?! That little sisters are off limits?! Are you trying to give me a heart attack?! I'm about to have an aneurysm right now! I'm gonna keel over in T-minus ten seconds! My children are about to witness the untimely demise of their father! Are you happy?!"

"Oh, my God. Rachel's melodramatic tendencies are rubbing off," Tina muttered.

"I'm not going to freak out," Rachel said evenly, holding her hands up and taking deep breaths with her eyes closed. "I am going to stand here and calmly ask what in the world possessed you two to engage in such activities in my laundry room and I will then ask exactly where this buffoonery happened, so I know where to focus my disinfectant."

"Just do it everywhere, baby. Disinfect the friggin' walls. It's just—ugh," Puck muttered, shuddering and turning away.

Blaine cleared his throat and pushed his way to the front and started ushering everyone but Puck, Rachel, Bekah, and Sam out of the laundry room and back out to the living room. "Okay, okay, show's over. Let's let leave the new couple with the firing squad. Come on, shoo."

They really didn't need to grumble about it, though. Because once again, Puckleberry displayed their amazing projection skills. Everyone could still hear "NOT KOSHER, EVANS! NOT KOSHER!" from the kitchen and the living room as if the fight was happening right in front of them.




The gleeks burst out laughing at the fact that she basically just announced she and Puck pretty much used the laundry room for the same purpose as Sam and Bekah. Honestly, it was already common knowledge that Puck and Rachel had defiled every surface of the house itself anyway, but no one really wanted to think about that. Especially the ones who were sitting down on the couch.

"So, Quinn, how is John?" Kurt asked, trying to distract everyone.

Quinn tucked her hair behind her ear and smiled. "He's great. He's sorry he couldn't come today because he had a wedding booked, but his pictures are really getting out there, you know? Being a photographer is a lot harder than it looks sometimes, so I'm really proud of him."

"It also helps that he's got such a gorgeous actress for a model," Tina said, rubbing Quinn's back and making the blonde blush.

"How about you?" Quinn asked Tina and Mike. "How are the twins?"

Mike let out a breath. "Thank God Tina and I thought to use that chalkboard paint Kurt told us about because those two keep drawing all over my walls. It's driving me nuts."

"We're so proud that they're drawing so well at such a young age, but this is getting ridiculous," Tina said, holding up the back of her phone to show everyone the cartoon eye sketched in Sharpie.

"They even drew on my back once when I made the mistake of falling asleep on the couch while wearing a white shirt," Mike said, grimacing.

"I called it," Brittany said, leaning against her wife.

Santana shook her head and smiled. "My baby's a genius."

"How 'bout you, 'Cedes?" Mike asked. "You, Shane, and Devin doing well?"

"Oh, my God, that child," Mercedes laughed. "He started singing 'Man in the Mirror' when I was giving him a bath the other day. I flipped. It was all gibberish, but my baby can sing. Rory heard him, right?"

Rory grinned and nodded. "Yeah, he and my little Anna tried doing a duet even!"

"But Anna's two!" Quinn said. "She knows 'Man in the Mirror' already?"

"I said 'tried,' Q," Rory answered with a pointed look. "Devin sang; Anna screamed."

"Oh, God," Santana said. "We're gonna end up assembling our own little glee club."

"Who do you think will be lead?" Tina asked, actually liking the idea.

"The eldest out of the next generation, I guess," Finn said, motioning toward Will and Emma. "Gavin."

"No, no, no, the poor thing's too shy to sing outside of his room," Emma laughed.

"We'll get him out of his shell soon enough," Will said reassuringly, beaming with pride.

"Isaiah!" Jonny announced proudly.

Blaine nodded solemnly. "I don't know about Jonny, and we won't know for a while with Caroline, but Isaiah's showing the music genes he got from both sides of the family."

"The boy leaves the Broadway to his mother, but he's really leaning toward the Michael Bublé," Kurt said, nodding along with his fiancé.

"But this one can act, though," Artie said, ruffling Jonny's hair. "I've asked Rachel and Puck if I could borrow him for a commercial."


"Daddy, stop screaming!" Isaiah screeched.

"But Uncle Sammy is being mean, Isaiah!" Puck cried defensively.

"Uncle Sammy, be nice!" Isaiah barked.

"Your brother is so awesome, Jon," Rory said.

Jonny just shrugged and threw his football at Finn's head again. "He's badass."

"Jonny!" Emma admonished.

"Don't bother," Shelby said. "That was probably the kid's first word."

"Actually, it was just ass," Hiram sighed. "You can imagine Rachel's reaction."

"NOAH!" Rachel shrieked.

Rory laughed. "Much like that, I'm sure."

Meanwhile, inside the laundry room, Puck was pacing back and forth so quickly that Isaiah was swaying with a grimace.

"Noah, just stop for a second!" Bekah cried, running her hands through her hair. Sam rubbed her back reassuringly. "Sam's not just your best friend, okay?"

"What do you mean?" Rachel asked, her hands on her hips.

"Ever since you guys went off to New York, Sam and I have kept in touch. When I got into college myself, he was there for me to talk to about my problems."

"I could've been there for you too!" Puck interrupted.

"And me!" Rachel cried.

"But you two were so busy being wrapped up in each other! And Sam was always there! He was always available to chat on Facebook or whatever, so it was just easier for me to go to him," Bekah explained. "Eventually, things just started to shift between us."

"Eventually? What is eventually? Give me specific times, Rebekah," Puck growled.

"Daddy, be cool," Isaiah reminded his father gently.

Puck took a breath and waited for Bekah's response.

She gulped. "Well, I'd always had a crush on Sam, so…"

Puck's attention then swiveled to Sam. Now he kinda knew how Finn felt when Babygate blew up. Well…sort of. "And what's your story?"

"Come on, Puck," Sam said with a knowing look. "You know your sister, and you know me. When my mom kept harassing me to find someone and settle down, I had to think about what I wanted in a girl, and when I did, I ended up with a list describing Bekah. I mean, think about it, dude."

And so Puck thought about it. And it made sense. In between all the Justice League marathons, Avatar nerd-outs, and analyze-Puck's-ulterior-motives sessions, they just clicked. A lot more than Puck ever wanted to admit.

And Sam could totally tell that Puck knew.

"FINE!" Puck finally roared. "BUT YOU TWO AIN'T GOIN' NOWHERE WITHOUT A CHAPERONE! And you are totally babysitting for life! Both of y'all! You'll be paying me back 'til the day you die! I'm traumatized, Rebekah! TRAUMATIZED!"

The door suddenly banged open and Puck stomped out, still clutching Isaiah to his chest. Bekah and Sam followed him with small, sheepish smiles as they held hands. Rachel made a beeline for the kitchen and emerged with a bottle of whiskey and two glasses.

"I guess congratulations are in order?" Artie asked, smiling hesitantly as Rachel poured herself and Puck a drink.

"Thanks, dude," Sam said, bumping fists with all the guys.

"Oh, I'm so happy!" Aviva gushed, grabbing Sam and kissing his cheeks.

"B-But I'm not Jewish," Sam pointed out, glancing at Bekah worriedly.

"Your name is Samuel, and you lived with us for almost a year," Aviva said decisively, smacking his cheek. "You're Jewish."

"Brittany, can I have Caroline?" Bekah asked, grimacing at the dark, dark look she was receiving from her big brother.

"Don't you use my daughter as a shield," Puck growled, hugging Isaiah even closer.

"Daddy, you're squishing Isaiah," Jonny said, frowning at the grimace on his little brother's face.

"I think it's cute," Brittany said matter-of-factly, shifting Caroline in her arms to ruffle Sam's hair.

"Brit, you think Venus fly traps are cute," Puck grumbled.

"Their heads are so small and bouncy," Brittany countered. "Besides, I'd want Monica with Chandler instead of that creeper with the mustache."

"What?" Will asked, squinting in confusion.

"Chandler is Ross's best friend, and Monica is Ross's little sister," Rachel explained, having mastered Brittany-speak ever since the blonde had moved in with Santana six years prior. "Brittany is merely trying to illustrate that the best friend dating the little sister is preferable because the older brother at least knows very well who his sister is dating. Right, Noah?"

"Whatever," Puck mumbled darkly. "Having a nun for a sister is preferable."

"All right, that's it!" Bekah snapped, glaring at her brother and jumping to her feet.

Puck surged up, still clutching Isaiah. "What'chu be startin', huh?!"

Rachel just shook her head and sighed.


No one but Puck, Rachel, Hiram, Leroy, and Aviva knew what the name meant, but it was fairly obvious that Puck didn't like it at all. Judging from the visible tick in his jaw and the intensity of the glares they were throwing at each other, Chase was a very, very touchy subject.

"Which is it, Noah?" Bekah growled. "Chase or Sam?"

Puck held on for as long as he could, Rachel had to give him that. The man was stubborn as all get-out, but he also knew when to admit defeat.

Puck slumped back onto the couch and scowled at Sam as Rachel smiled and rubbed Puck's shoulders comfortingly. "Welcome to the family, Evans. You break my sister's heart, and your existence will be wiped off the face of the earth not an hour after. You get me? And you still owe me bad."

Santana grinned evilly and leaned down to Bekah and said, "If you want, I can sing 'Trouty Mouth' at y'all's wedding."

"No, no, no, no, no," Sam said, pushing Santana away. "Just no."

"CAN WE EAT NOW?!" Finn cried as the soccer ball collided with his head for the eighth time in the last two minutes.

"Yeah, Finnessa's sympathetic pregnancy's been kicking in lately," Santana chortled.

Finn stood up and followed the crowd to the buffet line in the kitchen. He threw his arm around Santana's shoulders and squeezed her a little tighter than necessary. "Yeah, I really haven't missed you much, Santana."

"You love me, Michelin," she scoffed, reaching back and smacking his ass. "And don't deny the hormones. Accept them."

"Brittany, you can give me Caroline now," Rachel said, holding her hands out for her daughter.

"Nope," Brittany answered with a smile. "She's mine."

"Brit, what is your attachment to the baby?" Mercedes asked, spooning lasagna onto her plate.

"The mere fact that it's a baby," Beth spoke up for the blonde.

"So you did something nice for all the gleeks, right?" Emma asked Puck once they were all reassembled in the living room with their food.

He nodded through a forkful of fettuccini.

"What was Brittany's favor?" Sam asked, the thought finally occurring to him.

"Yeah, you've done something for pretty much everyone. You even saved Rory from being mauled at Macy's that one time, so he ended up writing himself into the list," Bekah added.

"I can never thank you enough for that," Rory said, saluting Puck.

"Well, it was all Brit's idea, so I guess she didn't need to be on the list?" Quinn asked, glancing around at the fellow former-OTBJP operatives. "Right?"

Brittany suddenly threw her head back and laughed, making Caroline crack a toothless smile. "You guys are so dumb."

Puck smirked as he helped Isaiah cut up his chicken patty. "They're not as smart as you, Brit. It's not their fault."

"Well?" Santana prompted, irritated that even she didn't know. "What was it?"

Rachel smiled and hugged Jonny closer on her lap as he ate his burger. Puck grinned at her and winked as Brittany squeezed the baby just a little tighter.

"Isn't it obvious?" Brittany asked, beaming at her family. "Pucklebabies."


Yes, yes, the final chapter.
Just wanted to show what was up with the gleeks later in their futures.

As for a couple things that I wanted to touch base on:

(1) Juilliard doesn't have a musical theatre program—hence Kurt and Rachel's new dreams of NYADA. But it's a fucking fictional school. Just…no. Now Juilliard has a drama and a music program, and I think it's stupid that they don't have a musical theatre program, so in my fic, there will be a musical theatre program. Made especially for Rachel Berry. Suck it, bitches.

(2) Initially, it was gonna be a Fabrevans endgame, but Bekah grew on me. I don't know. It just came out of nowhere, and so I decided to roll with it purely to stress out Puck.

(3) Pitbull and Gloria Estefan made a cameo appearance in Chapter 12, and I'm surprised no one noticed! Lol

Thank you so much for everyone who's followed this! I've loved and appreciated all your support! I hope you've enjoyed and one last favor? Favorite line in the entire story? :D

Have a happy New Year, everyone!