Always and Forever

Summary: 7 year old Christine Daae saves a gypsy boy named Erik. They become friends but, she is a servant to another 7 year olds family, Carlotta de la Lara. A spoiled and conceited girl. Christine and Erik want to be friends forever. But, the lust 10 year old Raoul de Changy has for Christine is too much and everything becomes upside down…

Disclaimer: I do not own the Phantom of the Opera or any characters in it. Wish I did but, I don't :(

Always and Forever

Chapter One


Rouen, France 1856

Madeline was screaming in pain. The baby was coming, and other gypsies were trying to calm her, but it was no use nothing can stop her from screaming. Some women grabbed a wet towel and placed it on her forehead. Antoinette made her a drink made of herbs to help her gain strength.

"Come, place her on the bed! Hurry!" Two gypsies grabbed her and placed her upon a bed made of hay. None of the gypsies there had experienced labor or helped a woman during labor, except Antoinette. Everyone one seemed to panicked. Madeline began to scream again, the pain didn't stop! It hurt so much! Antoinette began to calm her down a bit, but it still hurt.

"Take deep breaths my dear, breath in and out. Good girl." Madeline did as Antoinette told her, it helped soothe the pain… a little. Madeline gave a horrific scream. She felt stretching, and the baby was trying to come out.

It was time to push.

Antoinette went to where her legs where and told her, "Push! Madeline! Push!" Madeline began to push, but, the baby wasn't coming out. "Again, Push!" Once more, she began to push and the baby began to come out. Antoinette has experienced labor but, she has never seen labor. However, she was sure this wasn't normal. The baby was coming out… feet first? But, the main point is to get the baby out. Madeline pushed again and the baby's body was visible. One last time, she pushed and her ears were filled with baby cries. Antoinette grabbed a blanket and began to clean the baby, he was so precious. It was a baby boy. The baby calmed down and was sound asleep. He looked so peaceful, she had only had one child, Meg. But, she had never had a boy. He seemed so, beautiful. "What should we name him?" asked Antoinette.

Madeline was breathing heavily. "Him? I think I shall call him… Erik." Madeline smile ready to see her baby boy. "Yes, I like that name, Erik." Antoinette was smiling as well, she walked towards the bed and place Erik in Madeline's arms. Madeline was smiling at Antoinette but, when she laid her eyes on Erik, her smile began to fade and she gave a high pitched scream. Many gypsies that were waiting outside the tent came rushing in to see what happened. But, they stopped in their places when their eyes laid on the baby.

"WHAT THE HELL IS THIS…THING?" she quickly threw Erik back to Antoinette's arms and the baby once more began to cry. Antoinette didn't like how Madeline was acting. This was her baby for Christ sake! She began to rock Erik in her arms, making his cries stop.

"He is your child, Madeline." Antoinette said her voice angrily. "He is your child! Take care of him!" she screamed.


Antoinette snuggled Erik into her arms and left Madeline there alone. Antoinette vowed that Madeline will care for this child but, anytime she fails, she will step in and help poor little Erik. She would love Erik like a son.

Paris, France 1860

4 years later…

Erik was in a good mood. He had just been with Antoinette and she gave him a small violin. He didn't know how to play it, but he would learn, she would teach him. He went to the tent where his mother was and couldn't wait to tell her about the violin!

"Mother?" he called. She was lying in her bed, but she was wide awake. She turned her head to see who was in her tent, when she saw who it was, she made a face of disgust. "Oh, mother! You're awake! Look what Madame Giry gave me! Isn't it wonderful? It called a violin! She says she will teach me to play it!" He kept rattling on. "I surely cannot wait to play it! It seems like a wonderful thing to learn and play!" She couldn't take the talking of this boy!

"Erik stop talking! Stop! Go and play with your stupid violin!" she spat. The smile Erik had on his face quickly faded. "And put the bag back over your head!" His face was showing. When he was with Antoinette she never let him wear that bag, in fact she once told him that she loved his face. But, once he was with Madeline it seems she gets disgusted by him.

He was looking at his feet, silent tears streaming down his face. "I'm sorry mother…" he whispered. She got off the bed and grabbed the bag to put over his head. She grabbed his wrists so tight, he felt her nails digging into his flesh.

"I told you to stop talking and to put the bag back on!" With that she threw him out of the tent. He hit his head on the floor with a thud. He looked down and let more tears fall freely down his cheeks. Suddenly it began to rain…

He didn't care, he actually loved the rain because it always covered his tears. Erik always felt like his mother didn't love or want him but, he didn't want to believe it. He kept trying to think of excuses to not think about it. He always wanted to believe that she wasn't used to him or she just had bad days. But, he always wished that one day she was in a good mood.

He didn't know how long he had been lying on the rock ground until he heard Madame Giry's voice. "Goodness gracious! Erik, what are you doing on the ground?" Antoinette ran towards him and wrapped a blanket around him. "Come my child, let's get you warmed up." She pulled him into his arms carried him back to his tent. Madeline was sleeping in her bed peacefully, not really caring where her son was.

Antoinette placed Erik in his small bed and wrapped another blanket around his small body. She thought about letting his shorts dry, for the fact that those were his only clothes. He never had a shirt or shoes, just plain khaki shorts. "Erik, dear? Why don't you take off your shorts and let them dry?" she asked.

"No, it's okay. They'll dry in my sleep."

"Are you sure?" She asked. He nodded and gave her a little smile. She smiled back at him and placed a kiss on his forehead. "Alright then. Get rest Erik. I will begin teaching you those violin lessons tomorrow." She said before she gave him one last smile and left the tent.

Erik awoke when Madeline shook him hard. "Wake up! Antoinette wants to talk to you!" She said while grabbing his wrist and yanked him out of bed. He happily put the bag over his head and pulled his arm from Madeline's grasp. He ran out the tent and began looking around. He saw gypsies all over, though he knew none of them like him, he wanted to find where Antoinette was.

He looked and saw a little girl dressed in rags. He's never talked to her but, he has seen her before. Maybe she knows where Antoinette is, couldn't hurt to ask.

"Pardon me? Do you know where Antoinette Giry is?" He asked. The little girl turned around her browns eyes caught his attention, and so did her long blonde hair, she looked around his age probably a year younger. In a happily voice she responded.

"Oh, she's over there. Here, I'll take you to her." She grabbed Erik's hand and took his to Antoinette. He couldn't help but blush. While she took him across the fair, she felt the need to talk to him. "My name is Marguerite Giry, but you can call me Meg. What's your name?"

"E-E-Erik…" He responded. Giry? He didn't know Antoinette had a daughter. Then again, he always said Meg was adventurous and was always out in the fair. She smiled at him and then let go of his hand.

"She's right there." She said pointing to the women with her brown hair in a bun and a long and old navy blue dress. She didn't look happy, he wondered why. He looked at Meg and took her hand and lifted his mask so only his lips can show before he gently placed a kiss upon Meg's hand.

"Thank you, mademoiselle." He said and put his bag in place. She gave him one last smile before he turned and ran to Antoinette. "Madame! Madame!" he said happily as he ran towards her. Antoinette turned and caught him in a hug. She felt his excitement in his voice but, she felt horrible for what she was about to do. "Are you going to give me my violin lessons?" He asked excitedly.

"I'm afraid not Erik…" She responded with a sad tone. Erik's smile and excitement began to fade. Did he hear correctly? She wasn't going to give her music lessons?

"W-w-what? Why not?" She felt his disappointment slap her in the face. She didn't like to see Erik unhappy. And now, this is the first time that she's the one making him unhappy.

"Erik, I've been s-sold… I have to g-go away." Tears wanted to come out of Erik's eyes but, he didn't want them to fall out.

"Y-you can't! You can't leave me! Please Antoinette, don't leave!" Erik didn't hold the tears back anymore, he let them fall. But, he didn't care, he wanted to be with Madame Giry. "You were supposed to teach me how to play the violin! You can't leave! You're the mother I never had or will have!" Antoinette couldn't take it, she scooped Erik into her arms and cradled him. He began to sob into her shoulder, his little cries made Antoinette's eyes water. She became so attached to this boy, he was like her son!

"P-p-please Madame G-Giry, don't leave! I can't bear to be without you! You are my only friend!" He sniffled between every word. Antoinette set him back down on his feet. She removed his bag and kissed his marred side of his face.

"Oh, Erik… I know, my dear. I love you like a son but… I have no choice I must go." She stood up, placed a kiss on his forehead and whispered "goodbye" before she turned and left. No! This couldn't be happening! Why? Why must she leave?

He began to whimper and he must have stayed there for hours because it soon turned dark and people were leaving.

Suddenly he felt like he was being carried. He turned and looked at a man with a beard and crazed look on his face. "Who are you? Let me go!"

"Shut up, you little freak!" the gypsy spat. Erik was wondering who the hell this man was. He felt fear, something that he has never felt before. Before he even realized it he was thrown inside a cage. He hit the floor on his back hard that it felt like a slap. "Let me go! I want my mother!" he cried but, the gypsy only laughed.

"Fool! She's the one who sold you! She sold you for 100 franks!" 100 franks? Why would his own mother sell him? Unless, all the things he thought about his mother, that she hated him, was disgusted by him, or even ashamed of him were true. She didn't love him. He did everything she asked!

And yet, she still sold him…

He began to sob for his mother. Not Madeline, no not her. But, Antoinette. She treated him more like a son then his real mother. He cries became louder as he remembered everything they had done together. Now, if she ever came back he would never see her again.

"Stop crying!" The gypsy said slamming a wooden stick against the cage. Erik began to shiver as the he could hear the echoes of the cage. "What lies under that bag? Let me see!" He hissed and before Erik could stop him the gypsy took the bag off.


Nothing was said. Erik was frozen in place till he slowly began to look up at the man who called himself "Javert."

Javert just stared at him with wide eyes and his mouth open. That…face. It was so deformed. It was the face of the devil itself. No one could ever have that face. To Erik's complete utter shock Javert started laughing. Why the hell was he laughing? "Yes, I think my friend; you are going to make me rich. I could see it now." He gave a wide grin and grabbed Erik by the shoulders. "But, I think that you shall need more scars than the ones you have on your face." Without a warning, Javert rolled Erik on his back and pulled out his whipped.

Erik began screaming when the whip made contact with his skin. Javert kept on laughing, other gypsies that Erik has known since his birth were laughing as well. Javert didn't stop. He kept on whipping Erik till his skin was bleeding. "Tell me boy, when is your birthday?"

"O-O-October 31st…" he said above a whisper. Halloween! His birthday was on Halloween! The gypsy began to laugh again.

"My god! You really are the devil's child!" he laughed once more he flipped Erik making them both face each other. His back began to sting from the cold and rusty cage. "Every day you will get a whipping but, on your birthday… it will be worse than the last." He gave a grin, grabbed the candles that lit the tent and left the cage, locking it behind him.

Everything was dark. Nothing could be heard except Erik's cries. Tears running down his cheeks but, he quickly wiped them away. He wouldn't let anyone see his tears anymore. No, now he knew that there is no one to count on except himself. His tears dried off after anger began to overwhelm him.

He stood up despite the blood and pain in his back. He began to punch the bars of the cage. "I hate you! I hate you!" he yelled. But, to who? To Antoinette, Madeline, God, the world. "You will all curse this day! I will see I have my revenge!" He back away and felt his knuckles bleeding but, he didn't care. Nothing mattered in this world. He never looked in a mirror or anything. He lifted his hand to his right cheek and gasped. His face felt so rough and twisted. He was pretty sure he could feel bone!

Is this why everyone hated him so? He knew the answer was yes but, he couldn't do anything about it. It was his natural face. He wanted to die right there and now. But, he couldn't. He looked up at the sky. "I will show you…" he began. "I will show you that I will never quit! You cannot defeat me so easily!" he yelled.

Tear began to form in his eyes again but, he quickly blinked them away. No, he said that he will not cry. "I swear, from this day forward…" he looked up at the sky once more. "That, you will never make me shed a tear. No matter what fate you bring upon me." He lowered himself to the ground and huddled into a ball. All kinds of questions went into his mind. What would Javert do to him? What was his life going to be like? Where would he go?

He began to fall asleep into the plain darkness not caring about anything anymore life wasn't going to be the same. He closed his eyes and began to imagine how life could have been if it wasn't for his face. He could have been living like a normal boy; his mother would have loved him. He could have had friends, well more friends. But, he wished Antoinette didn't leave. She would have stopped Madeline and took care of him.

But, no. God decided to give him marred flesh and make his life a living hell. He knew that this was how his life was going to be, there was no angel or person to save this poor child. He wanted to cry but, didn't. He was not going to give up that vow so easily. Oh no, he would prove to everyone that he would not shed a tear. He was going to hold it no matter how horrible and cruel fate was.

Paris, France

October 21st 1866

6 years later…

"Wake up, you worthless piece of shit! You have money to make me!" Javert yelled hitting the cage with his wooden stick. Erik eyes were open before Javert came. He has not slept peacefully or at all in the last 6 years. Erik was yanked out of the cage and pushed to the floor. "Bubo wants to show you some new magic trick you can use for the show!"

Bubo was the magician of the fair, he would show Erik a new trick every time they would have a new show. Erik was threatened to never take advantage of his learning. Or else. Erik had a few muscles for a ten year-old. He had work hard labor every day. His back was filled with scars from whippings and cuts that were infected. He wore a bag over head but, in every show Javert would yank it off. Everyone would laugh at him, throw food at him. He has experienced many ways of tortures there is.

And like he had vowed… He has not shed a tear.

Javert push him back into the cage. "Fine! You don't want to learn from Bubo? Then here's an early birthday present!" Javert took out his whip and began whipping Erik. Erik only flinched when the whip struck him, he was immune to the pain. "So, it doesn't hurt, huh? Well maybe this will!" He took out his knife and flipped Erik so he was facing Javert.

Javert began to cut Erik's leg and Erik gasped in a full breath of air. Javert was grinning. "Does that hurt? DOES IT?" Before Erik could respond Bubo came in.

"Javert! Javert! The crowd is coming! You better come out and entertain!" Javert groaned in disappointment. He looked at Erik and smiled.

"See you later." Erik grabbed a cloth that Javert would always use to wipe his sweat and he wrapped it around his leg, trying to stop it from bleeding.

He huddled in the corner staring into the nothing, waiting for everything that God is going to bring upon him tonight.

But, he wasn't expecting God to bring him a beautiful little angel.