As stated in the description, this is a sequel to a story that I finished a few days ago called Jealousy. If you haven't read it, I would highly suggest reading it, as it will fill in a lot of blanks and give you insights on the characters and their relationships. You probably will be able to read this without reading to Jealousy though, if you know the basics of Yugioh 5ds, but again, I'd highly recommend it. To review some basic things quickly: 'Kaze' is Hat Guy from the Tag Force games. He is the same hat guy from Tag Force 1-5, which means he has the duel academy history and all of that. Ruka is 15, in this story, Kaze is 18/19 depending on how you want to see him as, although his age doesn't play a major part, and Sherry is 18. That should be all of the major parts... With that aside, this story starts a week after Jealousy ends (Which is after the battle with Zone)
Chills went down my spine and my hairs stood on end. I was alone at home... So... so why did I hear someone say my name...? I don't know from where, but I feel like I know that voice... It was so faint, that I can't even put the voice to a face though...
"Hey Ruka," my twin brother, Rua, cheered as he ran over to me, eagerly clutching some papers in his hand as if they were winning lottery tickets.
"What is it," I asked.
"Look at this! Look at this," Rua shouted and waved the papers in my face, so fast that I couldn't even read them.
"C-Calm down, will you," I asked. Rua stopped his thrashing of the papers after a few seconds, if only to make it easier for him to see me and my reaction for what he'd say next.
"Look at this! Its so cool! It'd be awesome," Rua said, and ranted more, but I was more intent on reading the papers. A dueling tournament...? On an island out at sea?
"Why do you want to enter this," I asked.
"Hello! Look at the prize," Rua said. I trailed my eyes to the bottom of the page, where 'Grand Prize' was written in bold letters.
"'The winner of the tournament will be given one wish, for whatever he or she desires'," I read. "Wish...? You honestly believe this, Rua," I asked.
"Its true! When I was at the plaza with Tenpi, there was this guy there who was handing out these flyers and said he'd prove it! He took this old guy and in a few seconds, he had a full head of hair! It was so cool," Rua shouted. "Besides! We're going to an island... Don't you think there's a chance that Kaze will be there," Rua asked.
He did leave about a week ago, and I haven't heard from him since, so there was the slim chance he could be on this island, but there were how many islands in the world. Chances are that he wouldn't be there... Wait a second... Kaze left with Sherry... and that voice from before... Now that I think about the blond, it did sound like her... If it was her, does that mean that she and Kaze have returned? Either that or my mind is playing tricks on me. "So, Ruka! Let's sign up! With one whole wish, we could do anything," Rua grinned.
"With one wish, someone could do extremely bad things... I guess we have no choice but to go, right," I asked.
"Yahoo! Let's hurry and sign up then!"
A wish, huh..? Anything in the world could basically be yours... Or... or anyone. Oh, what am I saying! If I did win, which might not even happen, forcing Kaze to have feelings for me wouldn't mean anything... It'd be like getting a date with someone you like because they lost a bet. The love wouldn't be real, and it really wouldn't be worth it... I'm getting ahead of myself, aren't I! Who says I'll even win? "Ruka! Come on! Hurry up and fill in your application," Rua said. I nodded before jumping off the chair and grabbing a pen from the drawer.
Two days later...
"This'll be fun, right, Ruka," Rua asked as he rested his head on his arms, which were placed behind his head.
"If by fun, you mean scary, then yes," I muttered as I looked around at the trees around us, which were most likely covered or filled with a bunch of bugs.
"Don't worry! I'll protect you, no problem! After all, I am a Signer now," Rua grinned, causing me to sigh. As much as I should correct him that being a Signer doesn't make you instantly stronger or anything, I let it slide.
"We should just focus on getting done with the first round of this tournament so we can get out of this forest," I said.
"It shouldn't be too hard. I mean, beat four people and get to the gate? There were plenty of participants! The rules even say we have to duel on sight, unless we want to make a little team! It'll be easy," Rua said.
"If you lose once though, you're done... People will be gone like flies," I muttered.
"What kinda attitude is that? Let's go and look for someone we know! Then you'll be less worried, right," Rua asked.
"But we didn't know anyone at the opening ceremony," I pointed out.
"There were at least ten people who didn't show their face! It could be Jack or someone else," Rua said.
"It could also be someone like a pro and we'll be forced to fight," I said, causing Rua to puff his cheeks at me for being pessimistic.
"Excuse me... Would you two happen to be Rua and Ruka," a voice asked, causing both me and my twin to turn. As luck would have it, it was one of the people who didn't show their face at the opening ceremony. I'm pretty sure that under the large cloak, there was a boy who was around Sherry's age, due to the height and voice.
"It depends on who wants to know," Rua said and defensively stepped forward.
"I don't think anyone here is out to hurt us, Rua... We don't have to be so defensive," I muttered.
"She's right. All I want is a simple duel with the girl," the teen said.
"W-with me," I asked.
"No way! Duel me instead," Rua shouted.
"If she doesn't duel, she'll never get past the first round anyway. Why not get a duel for yourself so early in the running," the teen asked.
"Ruka," Rua asked. I nodded. He had a point. If I hid behind Rua, then I'd never get a shot at seeing the rest of the hidden contestants, who very well might be Kaze or Sherry. I wouldn't be able to win this so called wish to keep it out of the wrong hands either.
"I won't go easy on you. After all, a wish is at stake."
[Ruka: 4000 LP / ?: 4000 LP]
"I'll take the lead," the cloaked teen said before picking up his first draw. "I'll start off with Rescue Cat in attack mode!" [Attack: 300] A sting of familiarity went through me. Rescue Cat... It was one of his cards... Kaze's. That didn't mean anything though! Anyone could use Rescue Cat! It was a pretty good card, after all! "I'll use Rescue Cat's effect! I can send it to the Cemetery in order to summon two Level 3 or lower Beast-Type monsters," the teen shouted, giving me an even more chilling feeling... If he chose the same monsters that Kaze usually chose... "Lock Cat and X-Saber Airbellum!" [Lock Cat: Attack: 1200] [X-Saber Airbellum: Attack: 1600] This was all too fast... Finding Kaze within the first hour of this tournement...? That's highly unlikely! It just has to be an uncanny coincident, that's all! Its not like he'll... "I tune my two monsters together! He who was born from the blizzards of the past! Break your frozen shackles and freeze all who dare get in your path! Synchro Summon, Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Boundary," the teen shouted as his monsters united to form who I've recognized as Kaze's Ace Monster, the smart and tactical Sea-Serpent, Brionac.
"Ruka! Do you think that's-," Rua started.
"It has to be...! These combos! These monsters! It all points to him being Kaze," I said. As a response to my accusation, the teen ripped off his cloak.
"Kaze! Its Kaze," Rua cheered.
No. That's a lie. This was for sure not Kaze. It was easy for me to point out the differences... Rua probably couldn't notice them because he only saw Kaze as a friend, or possibly even rival in dueling, and hasn't seen him in a whole week, which was a long time in Rua's standers. To start off, I would have recognized Kaze's voice from the start if it was truly him. His voice was about the normal voice for a male, but this person had more of a high pitched voice. Kaze had brown hair that went a little beneath his ears; this person had their hair bundled up under an identical red hat. To go along with the hat, it was tilted extremely low, as to cast a dark shadow over nearly half his face, where as Kaze usually only covered his eyes. Kaze's treasured three bar necklace, as well as his one small piercing on his right wear were missing as well. This person was a clear imposter to anyone who truly knew Kaze.
"Nice to see you two again," the imposter smiled.
"Don't lie to us! Who are you," I shouted.
"I'm Kaze. How can't you recognize me," the imposter asked.
"I said don't lie to me! I want answers," I snapped, my fingers clenched tightly around the cards in my hand.
"If its answers you want, don't you think we should solve this through a duel," the teen asked.
"H-hey! Just what's going on here! That's not Kaze," Rua asked.
"I'll end my turn with just this. Let's see what you can manage," my opponent smiled, only pushing my urge to find out the answers even more. With that in mind, I drew my card.
- Cemetery is the Graveyard in Japanese. I'm using the Japanese terms for the cards since I'm using the Japanese names. Going along with the Cemetery, Brionac is also 'Ice Barrier' in the English cards, but 'Ice Boundary' in Japanese. After more cards appear, I'll make a more organized table for this than just listing them./
- The wish thing seems kind of far fetched, but you can either go along with it or be entirely skeptical of the entire thing. I think in Duel Transer, the player was promised to be world known or something if they won the tournament, which lured everyone in, so I had to find something else that would lure duelists in..
- For Hat Guy's appearance, I've decided to go up with the Tag Force 5 official image, where he has an ear ring/ect. I'm not sure if its just one ear or not, but I'm just going with it...
- I realize the story kind of goes from a calm intro to an interesting scene pretty fast, but I'm pretty sure that you'd enjoy that more than sending off an application, getting accepting, getting on a plane, getting to an island, getting a speech, and then getting sent off to a random part of an island... The speech is probably the only interesting thing, but its all basically the rules, which is what the twins describe at the first part of the tournament. Its not like you missed who the sponsor was either because they used an intercom, so it was basically the twins and a bunch of strangers/ cloaked/masked people.