A/N First Camp Rock Story so I'm open to criticism, just tell me if you want more, I have two more chapters written up but I don't want to post them if no-ones gonna read them.

Disclaimer: I'm in a fantasy land that I own Camp rock and all its characters *note the sarcasm*


Chapter 1

If you asked me four years ago who Shane Gray was, I would've replied, 'my best friend in the entire world', however, ask me today and I would say 'a pig-headed spoilt jerk of a pop-star who is starting at my school today because the label thinks it will help his attitude.

"Mitchie, time for school!" Mum called. I left my room and ran to the front of the house where I knew Caitlyn, my best friend, besides Sierra who had temporarily moved to China for her studies, would be.

"OMG guess what!" She exclaimed when I got into her car.

"Don't tell me," I said settling down. "Connect 3 are going to our school so Shane's attitude can get better," I muttered the last part because I knew this was only going to make his attitude worse. Caitlyn didn't know about my past with Shane, she didn't even know that I knew all of them to begin with.

"Yeah, how did you know?" She asked disappointed that I already knew.

"Um I don't know," I answered hoping that she wouldn't see through my lie. How was I supposed to tell her that Shane's manager called and told my mum of the arrangements that had been made because he thought I might need to know, after all, he is one of the only people that knew of my history with Shane.

"Mitchie!" Caitlyn called snapping me out of my thoughts.

We had arrived at the school and there was a whole bunch of reporters and students crowding around the entrance of the school where I presumed Shane, Nate and Jason were.

"Should we go see them?" Caitlyn asked enthusiastically.

"You can, I'm going to avoid them for now," I told her.

"What? Why?"

"No reason," I responded making my way into the school. There was a small crowd around my locker when I got there.

'Great,' I thought to myself," the lockers next to mine are probably the only empty ones in the school.' At that moment, Shane, Nate and Jason walked around the corner, followed by the entire female population of the school. I quickly ran towards my homeroom class, avoiding the boys because I didn't want them to see me or recognise me, after all, I am a loner… Besides Caitlyn.

"Mitchie!" She cried out giving me a huge bear hug.

"Whoa, what got you so happy?" I asked innocently.

"They… Are… In… All… Our… Classes…" she panted heavily. I backed away from the door, a serious look on my face.

"No…" I whispered sitting down at the front and placing my head in my hands.

"What got you so depressed?" She asked, "I thought you would be happy that Connect 3 were coming to our school."

"No, not really," I said as she sat down. I really didn't want to ruin her good mood so I gave her a fake smile and tried to look away from the door.

I didn't even have to look up when the boys entered the room, because of all the girls calling out to get their attention. The teacher walked in and yelled at everyone to sit down.

The boys sat in the unoccupied seats next to me which made not looking at them a lot harder. Nate and Jason glanced over at me a lot, as if trying to figure out who I was but that would be hard because I have grown a lot in four years and I have changed… A lot.

"Mitchie, are you listening?" the teacher asked and all of a sudden, Shane, Nate and Jason's heads all snapped up, as if they were actually surprised to hear my name. I gave a small nod, trying not to draw attention to myself so that they boys wouldn't know I was here.

The bell rang and I sprang up out of my chair, eager to get out of the classroom.

The day went past fairly slowly and as the bell rang for lunch, I hung back in the calculus room to avoid the lunchtime rush. Shane and Jason got out fairly quickly as well, however, I think Nate noticed I was still there.

"Mitchie?" Nate called out just as I was leaving.

"What Nate?" I asked in an angry tone.

He sighed, "I'm sorry," he said in a really pathetic tone which surprised me.

"Why are you sorry? You have nothing to be sorry about," I told him quite sincerely.

"Mitch, I understand why you hate us, we left you here without telling you that we were leaving and we haven't spoken since," Nate explained, as if I didn't already know what they did.

"I know Nate, I understand what you did and I know why you did it. As much as I want to, I don't hate you and I'm not upset with you and Jason, but I really can't help being angry at Shane. He was my best friend and after his many promises of not leaving me and not forgetting me, that's exactly what he did, and for that, I can't forgive him," I explained to Nate apologetically. I started to walk towards the door but Nate called out for me.

"He never forgot about you," he whispered, "Jase and I knew it was you but Shane doesn't, we told him it was coincidental that someone had your name, I don't think he believed us but I wanted to give you some privacy especially after what he, we, did to you. I wasn't sure if you would be mad at us but we still wanted to give you some space. He talked about you all the time when we left but stopped after a while and then he became a jerk. No-one knows why he did, but I think it has something to do with you. Talk to him Mitch, he misses you more that he lets on." With that, he left me in the room to contemplate what he said.

I decided to head out into the cafeteria to see Caitlyn so she wouldn't be suspicious of where I was.

Unfortunately for me, I was normally the first person there but the conversation with Nate made me the last person there today and Caitlyn knew I didn't have any other friends because she didn't either but obviously everyone noticed Nate arriving Nate as well.

"You were talking to him, weren't you?" she asked referring to Nate.

"What makes you say that?" I asked her.

"Oh come on, they have every class with you and the ones I have been in, they keep looking at you," she explained.

"So you noticed that too did you?" I asked, I should've known that people saw them looking at me, it's not like people considered them as normal. We walked in and Nate looked over at me giving me a pleading look. I knew I was going to have to face him soon so I gave Nate a small nod and he turned away to talk to Shane again.

People made quite a commotion when Shane stood up and started walking out.

"I'll be right back," I told Cait. She gave me a questioning look but one look at my face made her think better of it. I followed a little behind Shane so he didn't see me and I almost called out to him when he sat down out the front of the school.
"Can't a guy get some peace?" he shouted, not turning around to see who it was.

In four years, these were the first words he had actually spoken to me, maybe a hello but this definitely hurt a lot.

"I know your still there, just leave, I don't want to see anyone… Ever!"

"Don't you dare speak to me like that after what you did to me," I said angrily. He shot up from where he was sitting. He turned around carefully with a pained expression on his face.

"Mitch…" he whispered edging closer towards me.

"You lied to me," I said, still quite angry but resisting the temptation to break down in his arms and completely forgive him.

"I never forgot you Mitchie, I left for your own good, it hurt me as well, more than you know," he explained, I couldn't help but to feel sympathetic for him, he looked so broken.

"Why did you leave without saying goodbye?" I asked in an almost whisper.

"I couldn't say goodbye, it hurt too much and I thought I was going to come back but I got so busy and became pretty depressed without you, I guess that's when I became such a jerk."

"Oh so you knew you were a jerk then?"

"No… Yes, Nate and Jase and everyone else at the label told me I was a jerk but I guess I never realised how bad I had gotten… Until I saw you today."

"Nate told me that he almost didn't know you anymore because you got so bad." I felt like an interviewer or the paparazzi because of all the questions I was asking but I guess it was necessary.

"I was getting worse," he explained, "I only realise that now but it was so bad I walked off the set of a music video, not even Camp Rock could do anything for me. I was bad to Nate and Jason and I will thank them for trying so hard with me but if I had seen you sooner…" He sighed. "I'm sorry Mitch, I'm sorry for leaving, I'm sorry for breaking my promise of not leaving, I really wanted the best for you and didn't want you hounded by the paparazzi if you were connected to me." This was definitely not what I expected, I thought he wanted nothing to do with me and he didn't care about me, I never thought he left for my own good. "I knew it was you this morning Mitch, no matter how much Nate and Jason tried to convince me otherwise. I really needed to see you but you kept avoiding me, which I really can't blame you for but I snapped I guess. I'm sorry for yelling at you and I can understand if you hate me, for what I did, and you never want to see or speak to me ever again, I will even leave if you want."

"I don't hate you," I whispered.

"Mitch, you don't just have to say that."

"No, Shane, I'm not just saying that, I understood that you left and yes, I was upset that you broke your promise, but I never hated you, I couldn't," I exclaimed.

"I'm sorry," he sighed grabbing my hand and leading me back in just as the bell rang.