Blog Post 9/15/11

Whoa! Haven't posted in forever, right? Got some awesome stuff to talk about.

I think… Atlantis might be cheating on Italy. I mean, come on, I'm one of Dad's states; I think I know when people are cheating. It's just… weird. When Germany got upset at the meeting the other day (dad dragged some of us along, it was pretty chill) Atlantis went after him and they didn't come back for like 10 minutes. Has anyone else seen anything goin' on, or is that it? They're good friends, aren't they? I dunno. Weird, right?

Another strange thing. Florida and Romano totally went on a date last weekend. Does this mean dad is doing Romano? That would be sooooo weird. I mean, come on.

Does this mean Spain needs to kill dad?

Does this mean that Romano is our new mother?

Am I the only one with these weird questions?

Now. Nebraska, I AM GOING TO KILL YOU.

I don't care that Estes didn't break her nose this time, stop convincing her to plank! She doesn't need to be planking! It's weird! Stop it!

…Nevada just busted into my room, sprayed like half a can of Axe body spray all over the place, and now I'm choking. I'll be beating my little brother up if anyone wants to text me. Peace out.

P.S. Utah, thanks for my iPod back! :D Yeah, I totally did break into your house and steal it back. Thanks!

P.P.S. WHOA. Michigan, what is this I don't even. I like Canada, man. Why you be hatin' on Canada? By the way, may be bringin' the kids up. They wanna see Plymouth and Detroit.


A/N: Oh my gosh no, Colorado and Michigan did not have kids XD He just calls them his kids :I Even though they're probably just his siblings, it's the same reason everyone calls America dad. 'Cause unless America had kids when he was 3… Then they're probably not his actual kids lol