I can't believe it 9 reviews in 2 chapters already. That's awesome! Well enjoy the chapter and I hope you like it.

**Chad's POV**

After hours on the plane, I was finally home.

"Ladies and gentlemen we have arrived to Dallas, Texas and thanks for choosing American Airlines." The attendant.

I sighed and unbuckled my belt.

I got out of my seat, letting a few people out first, and went inside.

I started looking for the luggage and found it.

I watched the luggage go around until, I saw my suitcase and grabbed it.

I went outside and since I was in disguise no one asked for autographs and no paparazzi.

While looking for a familiar truck, I saw a familiar blondes. I smiled.

"MOM?" I yelled.

She turned around and ran to me.I

"My baby." Mom said kissing my face.

"Mom stop." I whispered.

"No I missed my baby." Mom said continuing to kiss my face over and over again.

"Casside stop." Dad said taking mom in his arms.

Mom glared.

"There's my boy." Dad said hugging me.

I hugged back...a manly one of course.

We pulled away and he ruffled my hair.

They looked at me weird.

"What?" I asked.

"No comments about me ruffling your hair?" Dad asked picking up my suitcase.

Mom wrapped her around mines and we started walking.

"I guess I missed someone ruffling my hair." I said.

Dad smiled and mom kissed my cheek.

"So how's Hollywood?" Mom asked.

"Stressing." I answered and got in the back of the truck.

Dad smirked.

"Sonny does know you well. She said you were stressing." Dad said starting the car and drove off.

I rolled down the window and smiled.

I smiled.

Dallas is a small city but the best city in my opinion. This how you know it's Dallas, the trees have a smell a fresh one and a white flower on some of them.

The best trees and we went past a little farm. I saw a sign that said "Harry's Horses" he has the best horses in town.

Once I took in all our surroundings and we were home already.

I got out and took off my shirt.

Yup this is Dallas alright.

I grabbed my suitcase out the truck and looked at the house.

My mom wrapped her arms around me. I smiled and leaned in to her.

"We missed you Chad." Dad said.

"Not as much I missed you guys." I said.

"That's not possible." Mom said.

Dad smiled at her.

"What?" I asked.

"Sonny missed you the most, more than your mother." Dad said.

"Yeah it's a shame." Mom said shocked.

"I'm gonna go look at your baby pictures now. Since my baby is all grown up." Mom said pinching my cheeks. Mom went inside.

"Sometimes she scares me." Dad & I said together. Dad chuckled.

"Come on later on everyone wants see you." Dad said going in the house.

I went inside and went up to my old room.

I laid down on my bed and sighed.

"Sweetie?" Mom asked knocking on the door.

"Come in." I answered. Mom came inside and laid down next to me.

"What's wrong? You look more stressed." Mom said.

"My job is over." I said.

"Why is that?" Mom asked.

"Tawni doesn't like Sonny and if I didn't meet with her today, she said my job is done." I said.

"I don't believe that. Mr. Condor is too smart to let you go over that. Trust me Chad, I know." Mom said.

"I love you mom." I said laying my head on her chest. She smiled and ran her fingers through my hair and I fell asleep.

I woke up and saw I was in bed alone and I still tired, so I got out of my pants and got under the covers & went back to sleep.

*1 Hour Later*


I opened my eyes, sat up, and took off the wig.

I went in the bathroom and turned the shower on.

After washing up and enjoying the water, I stepped out the shower.

I dried off with my towel and went back in my room.

Changing into boxers, white and plaid short sleeves shirt, white jeans, and brown cowboy boots.

I went back to the bathroom combed my hair back in a messy way and brushed my teeth.

Maybe this is what I need. I have no more bags under my eyes and I'm not stressed anymore.

I went back out put my necklace Sonny gave me and her favorite cologne of mine.

I went back downstairs and saw mom.

"Aww don't you adorable." Mom said pinching my cheeks.

"Mom I'm 20, you need to stop." I said.

"I know, you're getting older." Mom said pouting and rubbing my cheek.

Dad walked in.

"Casside we have to..." Dad started and stopped when he saw her rubbing my cheek.

"Umm Casside why are you rubbing Chad's cheek?" Dad asked.

"Chad's getting older and soon I'm gonna be a grandma." Mom said kissing rubbing my cheek slower.

My eyes widen.

I looked at dad scared.

He grabbed mom.

"Come on Chad." Dad said dragging mom by the arm.

I smiled.

We got back in the truck and drove to the barn.

It's really a giant shed where everyone goes for parties and it's across from the horses.

I got out first and smiled at the barn.

We went inside and mom held my hand since it was easy to get lost in here.

Mom let go of my hand and I went in front of them.

I walked behind a woman and covered her eyes.

"Guess who?" I asked.

"Darron, No wait Jack, No Jake." Connie continued guessing.

I uncovered her eyes and she turned around.

"Oh my Chaddie. Oh we missed you. I missed you." Connie said hugging me tight.

"I missed you too Aunt Connie." I said.

"Oh you've grown so much." Connie said.

I smirked.

"Quite nicely if I may say." I said popping my collar.

"Ohh Jake he's just like you. Concieted and all." Connie said.

"Yes he is." Dad said patting me on the back.

"Come on we've been waiting for you." Connie said leading me to everyone.

I've met everyone basically except for Sonny.

"So dude how's the babes in Cali?" Derek asked my long time best friend who's a guy since Sonny's my girl.

"They're ok, I wouldn't know since I'm in a relationship." I said.


Daniel and Zane shook their heads.

"I know guys he's a mess." I said looking at Dylan.

Dylan glared.

I kept looking around searching for my one person.

"I'm gonna go outside for a sec." I said.

They nodded.

I went to the fence and leaned on it.

I heard an engine and saw a motorcylce.

I saw the person turn off the motorcycle and got off.

They took off their helmet and smirked.

"You know Cooper it's not nice to stare." Sonny said.

My eyes widen.

"Sonny?" I asked.

She smiled and walked over to me.

"Miss me?" I asked smirking.

"I don't know. You're here now so I can't miss you." Sonny said smirking.

I grabbed her waist and pulled her close to me and she dropped her helmet.

"I said did you miss me?" I asked growling.

"Yes." Sonny whispered. I smiled.

"You remember I'm in charge when it comes to us." I said.

"Really?" Sonny asked smirking.

"Mhmm." I mumbled in her neck.

Sonny pulled my head out of her neck and put our foreheads against each others.

Sonny put her hands under my shirt & her hands traveled up and down my chest. Dragging her nails softly on my chest and I hissed.

"You know that turns me on Sonny." I said gribbing her waist harder.

One thing you should know about me and Sonny. We have a sexual friendship but that's how we work.

Her hands traveled down over my member.

I went back in her neck and bit down on it.

Her breath became a bit heavier.

I could tell, she needed me and I'm gonna keep it that way.

I looked over her outfit.

Dark wash jeans, brown leather vest, her black & dark blue, brown cami that can't cover her bra, the jewelry I gave her for her 16th birthday, and cowboyboots.

"You make me sick." I growled in her ear.

She snickered.

"You like it?" Sonny asked.

"I love it." I said kissing her neck and squeezing her ass.

She stopped and I put my forehead on hers again.

"I never thought I see the day where Sonny teases me. It's always the other way around." I said.

"That's only the beginning." Sonny said before kissing me.

I moaned in our kiss.

Sonny stuck her tongue in mine and we fought as always.

When I was about to really get in it. She pulled away.

Sonny grabbed her helmet and walked away.

"I bet Tawni never kissed you like that." Sonny said smirking and went inside.

I smirked.

I licked my lips.

I felt my member was hard and groaned. It was unnoticable so I continued back inside.

"The things that girl does to me." I mumbled.

***So what did you think? Was it Good, bad, sad, rad, review and tell me. See you soon.***