A/N: All right - this was the last chapter. I had fun writing it! Thanks to betweenrealms28 for inspiration. And thanks to all reviewers!

Chapter 3

Remus worried a lot the following days. What was Sirius going to do? WHEN was he going to do it? At the end of the week, his nerves were so worn out that he almost wished Sirius would make his move - just to get it over with. But Sirius did nothing. In fact he acted completely normal as if nothing had happened. Another week passed, and Remus started wondering whether he had forgotten. Maybe he had decided that the torture of waiting and dreading was punishment enough. Or maybe he'd forgiven him. No - that wasn't like Sirius at all! It wasn't like Sirius either to be so patient. So, perhaps forgetting was the most likely option, after all...

However, later in transfiguration class his questions were answered. McGonagall was in a particularly bad mood that day and had just given the whole class a harsh scolding for being noisy and unsettled. And when McGonagall got angry, she was not to be messed with, so everybody sat up straight and went dead silent.

It was at this point that Remus felt a hand slip under his ropes and settle on his knee. Irritably he pushed it away, but the hand was back in an instant and started sliding up his thigh. "Cut it OUT, Sirius!" he whispered as he pushed it away again.

Sirius, however, showed no intention of stopping. Remus was getting very annoyed with his boyfriend's bad timing when it dawned on him that this must be Sirius' payback. NO! he thought desperately. Not here - not now - not in front of...

Of course he had chosen McGonagall's class. It was perfect irony of fate, after all, considering that Remus' prank had taken place during her exam. Remus clutched Sirius' hand as it traveled up to his crotch and tried to force it away, but Sirius pushed back with all his strength. "Sirius!" Remus hissed, "go AWAY!" Their hands engaged in an intense wrestling match under the table.

"Mssrs. Lupin and Black! - will you sit STILL back there? My classroom is not a playground! I'm WARNING you!" roared McGonagall.

Everybody turned in their seats and stared at them. Remus immediately yanked his hand up, grabbed his quill and pretended to take notes.

Remus felt Sirius' hand slither back under his ropes. The fingers started caressing and tickling his inner thigh, sending shivers down his spine. Remus dared not fight it out of fear of drawing more attention to himself. He tried to shift his weight in the seat and position himself so that Sirius couldn't get to him, but it was no use. The hand travelled further up his inner thigh; and then... there was...cupping. Damn you, Sirius Black.

Sirius scooted closer and purred into his ear: "You might as well enjoy the ride, Moony, 'cause you're not gonna get off! Well, at least not in THAT way..." His hand worked the zipper and slipped in.

Remus tensed up and held his breath. He was already painfully hard. He tried to reason with his cock not to cooperate with Sirius, but it seemed to have a mind of its own. Remus clenched his teeth and tried to think of something else. It didn't matter what. Anything. Anything but the delightful feel of the gentle strokes ministered by the boy next to him.

Sirius discretely moistened Remus' ear with a quick lick and then blew air on it. Remus shuttered and a gasp escaped his mouth. James, who shared a desk with Peter next to theirs, turned in his seat to see what was up with Remus. His eyes darted from Remus' tensed up body and facial expression to the smug grin on Sirius' face; and he suspected... no... realised what was going on. Remus' face turned crimson with shame as he saw James elbowing Peter and whispering something to him. Peter's jaw dropped and his eyes almost popped out of their sockets.

Remus made a mental note to himself never, ever to sit next to Sirius in class again. He looked at his watch and saw that there were still 30 minutes of class. At this point he decided to give up and just get it over with. There was no way he was going to make it till the break, and there was absolutely NO way that Sirius was going to let him off the hook. He abandoned all evasive thoughts and focused on Sirius' intensifying administration, while controlling his breathing as much as possible. As he came close to peaking he started believing that he might actually get out of this without being noticed by anybody (except Prongs and Wormtail - which was, of course, bad enough, but still sufferable). Just before he got off, however, Sirius withdrew his hand.

Remus looked at him furiously, only to be met with an innocent smile. Oh, so that's how it's going to be. You bastard! Remus could just picture how Sirius was going to make the next 30 minutes a living hell of teasing with a continuing interrupted hand job. He desperately thought of ways to get himself out of class. It was a long shot, and McGonagall would get angry, but he was going to ask her to be excused to go to the bathroom. Now, before Sirius picked up where he had left off.

As Remus raised his hand to catch McGonagall's attention, Sirius' hand also shot in the air.

"Yes, Black? Got something interesting to contribute with?" she asked, looking slightly surprised.

"Yes, Professor," said Sirius in his sweetest voice. "I read Remus' assignment for today, and he wrote a BRILLIANT piece about the topic you are going over right now."

Remus couldn't believe the nerve of his boyfriend. How could he voluntarily be dating such a devious person?

"Well, maybe Mr. Lupin can read it aloud to the class, then?" replied McGonagall.

"NO! - I mean, it's really not that good. Not worth hearing at all!" Remus exclaimed.

"Don't be so modest, Lupin. Your work is always first-rate."

"I... I need to be excused to go to the bathroom," he tried.

"You may do so afterwards. Read to us first."

"Professor... I... I'd really rather not -"

"REMUS LUPIN - you are rubbing me the wrong way! Now, READ!"

Remus swallowed and bent his head. "Gamp's Law -" he started shakily, "- of Elemental Transfiguration was discovered and described by the highly gifted - AAAH!" Sirius had tightened his grip. "...by the...by the highly gifted witch Acantha Gamp in 1598. To this day discussion remain about -" Remus gasped for air. "...about the inalterability of the five principal exceptions to the law. In 1876 the Ukrainian wizard Vladislav Piotrovskii stunned the wizarding world by -"

Remus attempted to stifle a groan as Sirius picked up speed. "I can't... I'm having trouble reading the rest... the writing is smudged...I can't..." he said and sent McGonagall a pleading look.

But the professor didn't look like she was going to let him off so easily. "Well, then - maybe Mr. Black can give you a hand?"

James and Peter exploded with laughter. James dropped his head to the desk and slammed his fist onto it, almost suffocating from chuckles. Remus wanted to die. Stop existing. Disappear from the face of the earth. Sink into the ground.

"POTTER!" McGonagall was now steaming with rage. "I will see you for detention after supper!" She turned back to Remus. "Now - please continue, Mr. Lupin. And no more excuses, or you can join Potter in detention!"

"Vladislav Piotrovskii stunned the wizarding world by proving that food can, in fact, be conjured-OOOH... if the incantation and circumstances are exactly ri-a-aight." Remus couldn't help noticing how the rest of the class were gawping at him. This was going to end in disaster. Sweat was trickling down his face and his breathing became more laboured as Sirius worked him harder than ever. "However, Piotrovskii's work was soon after exposed as fraud... Other examples are - OH, GOD!" he cried out as he convulsed.

"What is WRONG with you, boy?" roared McGonagall.

"I think I'm sick," he panted. "Stomach cramps..."

James and Peter were struggling to keep their laughing under control, and Sirius just sat there with a big smirk on his face.

As they were leaving the classroom, Remus and Sirius each felt a hand on their shoulder.

"Boys -" McGonagall said, turning them around to face her, " - in the future, I would prefer that you blow off steam BEFORE entering my classroom."


"PADFOOT - YOU SODDING BASTARD!" screamed Remus as soon as the four of them had gotten a bit away from the other students. "That was SO NOT FAIR!"

"Ah, come off it!" laughed Sirius. "You started it!"

"What?" asked Peter. "Is there something we haven't heard about?"

"I sure as hell didn't make YOU come in class - I didn't even TOUCH you!"

"I'm sorry, Mr. Sexy - to your information I almost DID come in class, and since I obviously don't have your magic ability of achieving that without touching, then I'm afraid I had to cheat a little bit." Sirius defended himself.

"I swear, I'll take Prongs' invisibility cloak and give you a blowjob at the next quidditch match!" Remus fumed.

"Hey, hey, HEY!" James interrupted. "First of all - Don't you DARE, Moony! I'd never be able to wear that again. Secondly - don't even JOKE about sabotaging a quidditch match! And finally: PLEASE spare Wormtail's virgin ears!"

"Nobody sharing a dormitory with those two can possibly have virgin ears..." muttered Peter.

"By the way," said Sirius. "Did you HEAR Minnie when we left class?"

"Do you think she was on to us the whole time?...and...didn't stop us?" asked Remus nervously.

"That dirty old woman!" Exclaimed Sirius in half awe/half disgust.

"You're rubbing me the wrong way, Lupin... Maybe Black should give you a hand, Lupin!" mocked James.

"Shut UP, Prongs," growled Remus and punched him on the shoulder. "I'll never be able to look her in the eyes again."

"Oh, Moony, baby," Sirius begged dramatically "- PLEASE take me to the dorm instantly and give me some serious stomach cramps!"

"Help yourself with that hand of yours - you're SO good at it! I'm not touching you for a WEEK! See how you deal with abstinence."

Sirius looked like he was thinking hard for a second. Then he turned to James and grinned deviously: "Say, Prongs, have you and Evans ever considered a threesome?"