Crea hadn't screamed in years, and it took more than was natural to break her composure, but Tamlen had never heard a sound that could make his blood turn to ice like this.

Inside the door was a creature that could only have emerged from nightmares, its broad head turning towards them. Without hesitation, it began a lumbering charge towards them, saliva dripping from oversized fangs. Tamlen felt as though his feet were rooted to the floor, and he could only breathe in small gasps, fear holding him tight.

"Tamlen!" Crea broke away from her terror and dove for him, shoving him out of the open doorway and clear of the creature's berth. It was slow to stop, its weight making it difficult to curb its momentum. Crea rolled to her feet and tore her daggers loose, fighting her instincts to flee.

"Crea, look out!" Tamlen yelled as the creature's immense paw shot out to swipe at her. Crea leapt back, trying to clear the beast's range, but cut it just a little too short. She snarled angrily as its long claws scraped across her belly.

'That was too close,' Crea scolded herself, 'You can't let it happen again! You know nothing of the surprises this creature could have for you!'


Crea ducked as Tamlen's arrow shot past her, wedging itself in the creature's right eye. It howled in pain and began another charge.

'It's like a bear,' Crea observed, 'A spiny, decaying…. angry…. bear. But a bear…. The Gods hate me today.'

"Tamlen, blind it! Take out its eyes!" Crea cried, another arrow whistling by her before she finished what she was saying. Glancing at her opponent, Crea could see that the creature was still angry and in pain, but now it was at a disadvantage.

"Now, aim for the belly! I'll open a target!" Crea mentally swore as she glanced at her friend. Tamlen was pale as moonlight, and his eyes frantic, but he bit his lip and nodded. Crea nodded once and lept for the creature, dodging its desperate swipes with its immense paws. She stepped to a side and left a stinging gash in the creature's side, dancing out of range when it roared in displeasure and swung her way. She repeated the offense on its other side, harassing it and magnifying its rage. But she was still having trouble getting it to stand. It wasn't easy to coax around, unlike the native animals to the Brecilian Forest. Frustrated, Crea left an angry slash across the creature's muzzle. With a fed-up roar, the monster rose to its hind legs and stretched out its claws, searching for Crea. Tamlen's arrows were accurate and in fast succession, each striking deep. Crea ducked under the creature's claws and dug her daggers in deep, trying to access the soft organs under the decayed flesh and patchy fur.

Her daggers met their marks and she pulled away as the creature swayed, then fell, its death roar ending when it hit the ground.

"What- what was that?" Tamlen stammered, dropping his bow.

"I don't know," Crea hissed, grabbing his bow off the ground and stuffing it into his hands, "And I don't want to know if there's any more around."

"It was like something out of a nightmare…."

"Which is why I want to LEAVE!" Crea insisted, pulling her daggers from the dead creature's belly and shoved them into their sheathes angrily, "Let's go!"



"Lethalon, look." Tamlen pointed deeper into the chamber. Crea dug her fingernails into her palms, but turned and stared.

Only a few paces from them were steps that led up to a dais. At the peak, a mirror rested, its surface covered in darkness.


"Look at the script at the top," Tamlen said quietly, "What do you think it means?"

"I don't care. I don't trust it, and neither should you."

"It's sat here for who knows how many centuries, what could be so dangerous? Don't worry, I won't break anything, I just wonder what the writing is for."

Crea's only response was to make an angry hissing noise, unable to word her frustration.


"Did you see that?" Tamlen asked suddenly, "I think something moved inside it!" He took a step forward. Crea took a step back.

"Get away from it, Tamlen. It's not natural, let it be. Leave it to gather more dust. Please!"

"Hold on," Tamlen hissed, "I just want to know what it is- You see! There it is again!"

Crea had been seconds from knocking her friend on the head and carrying him home, but she'd seen the ripple across the mirror's surface as well. Her blood ran cold and she felt a tugging at the base of her spine, like a rope trying to drag her closer.

"Please…." Crea whispered, her voice stolen away by the silence.

"I think it knows we're here…." As if his fear had been taken away, Tamlen's voice only held curiosity, making Crea grind her teeth. She felt the fear draining away, and the rope at her spine tugged harder. She wasn't going to give in that easily. Then Tamlen made it worse.

"I just need to take a closer look." He said with finality, approaching the stairs and ascending them. Crea looked pleadingly to the stone above her, but also climbed the stairs. However, she fought for each step, making sure it was taken on her willpower, instead of the endless tugging coming from the mirror. She halted a stride away from it, fighting to be dominant. She was about to make Tamlen do the same when he stepped right up to the glassy surface, his face mere inches from the surface.

"It's… showing me places." He said, brushing the mirror with his fingers, sending ripples across it.

"Gods, Tamlen-"

"I see a city." He continued, squinting as if his vision was from a distance. Crea only saw even more ripples, and the grey-blue surface slowly turning an angry red. Tamlen glanced at her, as if to confirm she was still there, then turned back to the mirror.

"Underground? And…. There's a great blackness- Darkness. Gods, it's dark," He traced his fingers across the mirror once more. Crea took half a step closer, watching as a growing look of horror grew on Tamlen's face, "It saw me-!"

"What saw you?" Crea asked, fear rising in her stomach once more and heat rushing through her veins, cleansing the mirror's control from her. But it would not release Tamlen; it had found its prey.

"Help! I can't look away!" Tamlen cried, angry ripples bubbling across the mirror and colors flashing. Crea's eyes hurt and she squeezed her eyes shut, forcing herself to separate from those angry lights. She heard Tamlen's feet drag as he tried to pull free from the mirror, but it had his hand stuck to its surface and held him fast.

"Crea? Crea, help me!" She heard Tamlen yell. Crea opened her eyes, reaching for her friend. But before she could touch him, there was a flash and she was thrown away from him.

"Tamlen!" She screamed her friend's name in defiance as all faded to darkness.


It was hazy. All she could see was gray. All she could feel was hard, cold stone pressing against her back. Crea took deep breaths, trying to get her bearings, but everything felt light. She couldn't feel pain, but when she sat up, her dream world spun.

She knew there was something important she was forgetting, but she couldn't grasp it. Every time she got close, it danced away, like a ghost. Crea pushed herself to her feet, but couldn't stay on them for long. Finally, she resigned herself to crawl, feeling dirt and rocks beneath her hands. She didn't know where she was going, but she knew she had to leave. Something was hunting her, it wasn't near her, but she could feel it coming, like the temperature drop before rain.

She had to go. Then her world started to strangle her, poison choking her lungs. Coughing, Crea threw herself away from that air, pressing through it. The force still hunted her. She was scared. The world around her was gray; the darker parts were barriers, while the gray she crawled across was a path. Things she couldn't see stabbed her palms, smashed against her shoulders, tugged at her hair. But she drove on.

Then, ahead, she could see white, she could smell familiar scents; things that made her feel safe. But she felt the force behind her still, darker, hungrier. She couldn't stop running, not yet.

Softness beneath her hands, warmth on her back, there was light all around her. Crea pushed herself to her feet. She could walk; barely, but it picked up her speed. Yet that darkness drove her on.

Then she collided with a force that was in her path. Unlike the barriers, it would flex and it could move; it was different. She felt it bind around her and she collapsed.


She couldn't move, but she could see. Crea gasped, the noise sounding distant to her ears. There was a pillar of white marble nearby, and ferns. Trees. Moss.

An echo disturbed her thoughts, and she reached for it; she was afraid, but curious. Maybe she could get her bearings.

"-ou hear me? Can you hear me?" The voice asked. Crea slowly turned her head, trying to find the source of the echoes. She found it in a shape that blocked out the sun. As her vision focused, she saw a man leaning over her, positioned as if her head was on his lap. When he met her eyes, sorrow filled his own.

"I am… very sorry…" He said quietly, as if he was telling her she was to die. But it didn't feel right in the tone he said it. There was pity, so much pity. Why did he pity her?

Then a roaring filled her ears and her vision began to fade again. She cried out in fear. She didn't want to reside in darkness again.


Crea could hear birds. Slowly, she opened her eyes, trying to prepare them against the blinding sunlight. She knew this place. How did she know this place? There was a table in the corner, stacked with bowls and vials. Drying herbs were strung out across the ceiling. How did she know this place?

Across the room from her was a cot with a drawn curtain. Turning her head, she saw the books behind her. Books. Home?

Slowly, the memories returned. She was home. This was the Keeper's aravel. But why was she here? Shouldn't she be in her own?

Crea pushed herself into a sitting position, groaning. It felt as if she hadn't moved for weeks. Stubbornly, she slowly slid one leg off the cot, then the other. She braced against the headboard, then pushed herself into a standing position.

It was hard to maintain. Lights danced before her eyes and her legs shook from the effort to remain standing. But she refused to let herself fall. Gods, she was thirsty.

Taking a deep breath, Crea took one step towards the door, then another. Her legs began to remember their job and she began to move smoother. She still didn't understand why she felt like she had been beaten with large sticks.

A twinge in her hands made her look down and she blinked, unable to understand what she was seeing. Her hands were bandaged tightly, as if they had been cut all over. Why were her hands bandaged?

Shaking herself, Crea pushed those thoughts away. Someone would tell her. She curled a hand around the curtain door and flung it open. It turned out to be a grave mistake as sunlight rushed to greet her in full force. Her world spun again and she put a hand to her head, feeling it throb angrily. What had happened?

"You're awake!" A voice called, making Crea look up into the relieved face of someone she knew, "You've the Gods' own luck, lethalon."

"Fenarel? What- Where?"

"You're…. back at camp. Everyone was worried sick about you. How do you feel?" The male elf asked, reaching out to steady her.

Suddenly, the nagging feeling in the back of her mind surfaced.

"Worried…. Gods, where is Tamlen?" She asked, hearing a hysterical tone in her voice. Fenarel flinched and met her eyes with effort.

"We don't know," He admitted, "The shem who brought you here saw no sign of him.

"A human? What human?"

"A shem brought you back…. two days ago," Fenarel explained, "You don't remember him?" But something else caught Crea's mind.

"I've been here for two days?"

"Yes! There was a Gray Warden. He appeared out of nowhere with you slung over his shoulder. You were hardly conscious, with a hard fever. He said that he found you outside a cave in the forest, barely conscious and alone. He came, left you here and departed again."

"Wait, fever? Gray Warden? How can I not remember this?"

"The Keeper has been using the Old Magic to heal you."

"The-," A heavy weight crashed down on Crea's chest; Old Magic was difficult to control and only used in very serious situations, "But- Is anyone looking for Tamlen? Forget me, where is my friend? Have you been looking for him?"

"Of course! Most of the hunters we have are looking for him right now. But the Keeper wanted to speak with you as soon as you awoke. She's very concerned. Stay here, I'll get her." Fenarel waited until Crea hesitantly nodded, then ran further into the camp, dodging two apprentice hunters as they walked by.

Crea chewed her lower lip. Tamlen was missing, and she had been out for two days. That meant Tamlen had been missing for two days.

'Oh, Gods, if you have any mercy, bring him home to me. I failed to protect him once, it won't happen again. I beg you.' Crea sent her silent prayer to the sky, hoping that the gods of the heavens would pass it on to their earthen cousins and guide her friend home to her. Finishing her prayer, Crea turned to face the footsteps that approached her back.

"I see you are awake, da'len," Keeper Merathari said in her soft voice, "Gods be thanked. It is fortunate that Duncan found you as early as he did. I don't know what dark power held you, but it nearly bled all your life from you. Even with my more powerful grasp on the Old Magic, it was difficult to keep you alive."

"If I-," Crea felt her eyes grow hot, "I kept telling Tamlen we should have come back. Keeper, forgive me. I failed to protect him-"

"Do not worry, da'len," The Keeper said, taking one of Crea's hand and giving it a gentle squeeze, "Even I might have been intrigued by such a discovery that I would have been compelled to explore it further."

Crea stopped herself from recoiling just in time.

"Even you-"

"Yes," Keeper Merathari admitted, "Even I could have given in."


"Duncan thinks there may have been Dark Spawn creatures in that cave," The Keeper said, Crea internally bristling at the continual mention of this human stranger. Rescuer or not, her was an outsider and Crea had grown up protecting her clan from them.

"Crea?" The Keeper's voice broke through Crea's frustration, "Is that true?"

"There were things in that cave that weren't natural," Crea admitted, "Strange creatures…. And I felt such a darkness there… It was so powerful."

"Darkness?" The Keeper asked, her brow furrowing, "Dark magic, perhaps? But not Dark Spawn…. I don't know what those other creatures you mentioned might have been. If you could-"

Crea shuddered and knew that the Keeper could see she was trying to keep those memories away. Taking a deep breath, the Keeper changed subjects.

"Da'len, what else did you find? What do you last remember?"

"Did- did this… Duncan?" Crea asked, to which the Keeper answered with merely a nod, "Did he mention a mirror?"

"A mirror? And it caused all this?" The Keeper asked, her soft voice almost disbelieving, "I have never heard of such a thing in all the lore we have collected from our crumbled origins."

"As I have not either…." Crea admitted. The Keeper sighed heavily and looked away.

"I was hoping to understand more when you awoke, to get some answers, but now there are only more questions. And, worst, Tamlen remains missing. He is more important than any lore in those ruins, as are you, da'len."

"What if he was affected as I was?" Crea asked desperately.

"If he is as sick as you were, his condition is very grave. I know not what shape he could be in?"

"And the shemlen? Is it possible-"

"Duncan returned to the cave to search for Dark Spawn, but we cannot rely on him to look for Tamlen as well. Gray Warden's serve their oaths over the requests of any outsiders."

"But it's Tamlen!" Crea protested, "If he serves his vows over others, why did this Duncan save me and not look for my friend when he discovered that another was missing?"

"I do not know. But we must search for him ourselves, and quickly. Do you feel well enough to show us the way, da'len? Without your direction, we will not find it."

"Yes. Even if I wasn't, he is my friend. I would not sit still while others searched. I am well enough." Crea said, her body calling her a liar the entire time.

"I am relieved to hear this," The Keeper smiled wearily, "As a warning, I am ordering the clan to pack to go North. Time is short. Take Merrill with you to the cave, find Tamlen if you can, but do it swiftly. We do not have much time left. Am I clear?"

"Take Merrill with me and find Tamlen. Yes, I understand. But why?"

"If what the Gray Warden, Duncan, says is true, there may soon be Dark Spawn in these parts. We must get away from that horde. I will not risk the safety of this clan if I can get a warning from the individuals that know Dark Spawn best. But that is not our only concern; there is a more immediate one. Da'len, did you encounter any other humans while you were out in the forest?"

"Yes," Crea said, "We drove them off. We spared them, even though they were too close to the camp to be safe. Bloodshed always complicates things."

"Ah, da'len, even though you hurt no one, these humans," The Keeper said it with venom, "Roused their nearby village to come against us. As usual, our kind is not welcome to them."

"Those filthy curs," Crea growled, "How dare they? We could have killed them before they knew we were there and they know it!"

"Regardless, if they are aware of our presence, we have stayed too long. We must move on, and we must do so quickly. Do as I asked and be swift. Though we have two things to drive us from this place, Tamlen's life is threatened. It hangs in the Balance, and it is slowly slipping away. If we find him, it needs to be soon. Do you understand?"

"More than any other individual here. Pray for me, Keeper," Crea said softly, "I feel the Gods cannot hear my own. Or they choose not to grant them."

"Child, the Gods work in ways we cannot understand. Unfortunately for us, we can only hope that they are kinder than they are cruel. But I will pray. My voice may yet reach them."


Crea had found her daggers and was crossing camp to look for Merrill, the Keeper's apprentice, when she was intercepted by Fenarel.

"Is it true that Keeper is sending you back to that place?" He asked, concern apparent in his every feature.

"It's ill-advised to eavesdrop," Crea said, "But yes, and I won't go back on my word. And Merrill will be coming with me."

"I want to go with you!" Fenarel blurted out, startling Crea, "Keeper Merathari may not approve, but I can help find Tamlen. He's my friend too."

"I'm only supposed to take Merrill." Crea said tonelessly, gold-green eyes blank of emotion.

"I want to help find him. You're not the only one who cares about him. I don't care if it's dangerous; if Merrill can risk it, so can I!"

"Fenarel, Merrill is a Keeper's apprentice. She has magic!"

"And I have weapons. I'm just as good in a fight, if not better."

He had a point; Crea couldn't deny it. Fenarel was a good shot, and he had proven himself often enough that it was apparent he was dependable.

"All right, come along then. An extra set of eyes can't hurt, and our time to search is getting shorter by the minute."


"Are you sure the Keeper said he could come?" Merrill asked suspiciously, glaring at Fenarel from the corner of her eye.

"Merrill, we're already underway, does it really matter?" Fenarel sighed.

"I knew it," She grumbled, "He just signed himself on. No permission, nothing. The Keeper will be furious."

"I very much doubt that," Crea said, "The Keeper is an understanding woman. As long as we all come back in one piece, she'll be happy. Which is why I need to find Tamlen."

"We know," Merrill said, "Don't worry. We aren't giving up on him just yet."

"I'm never giving up on him! I won't rest until I find him." Crea growled, making Merrill hesitate before she followed Crea again.

"Crea….," Fenarel caught up to whisper to her, "Did you hear that?"

"Hear-" Crea realized she couldn't hear much at all right now. There was another noise, coming from within the depths of her mind. A nagging throb, like silent drums, and voices she couldn't hear with her outside ears.

"From farther ahead. It sounds like grunting, and snarls, but it sounds like no forest beast I know."

Then she heard it. She held up a hand, and her companions slowed. Crea slowly advanced on a curve in the trail and peeked around a tree.

They were hideous creatures, short and demented, yet shaped like a small man. They were dressed in rusting chainmail and spiked plates on their shoulders and knees. One held a wickedly curved bow, the other wandered about with a small shield and nasty short blade. They could have come up to her shoulder, but she felt icy fear in her veins. She couldn't scream, not this time. They would see her, and she already knew that they would enjoy killing her. There was no mercy in those squinting eyes. Crea tried to slide back around the tree, but one of the monsters looked up and let out a delighted squeal. Its companion saw her as well and they uttered a watery chortle, advancing on her.

Crea fled.

"Draw! Draw now!" She cried as she reached Fenarel and Merrill, sliding her own daggers from their sheathes.

"Gods! What are those?" Fenarel exclaimed as the monsters rounded the bend.

"Doesn't matter! Kill them!" Merrill yelled, a bolt of blue light lashing out. The first monster fell instantly. Fenarel's arrow found an open curve at the neck of the second's chainmail. Crea jumped in as the creature stopped to howl in pain and slashed at it with her daggers. Finally, one found the monster's throat and she let it bite deep. The creature died as she stepped away.

Crea and her companions stared at the two creatures in silence, shaking.

"What were those things?" Merrill asked suddenly, making Crea jump, "Are they those Dark Spawn that the human kept mentioning?"

"You're asking me?" Crea asked incredulously, "Damned if I know, I've never seen them before!"

"I don't know! It's just- I've never felt anything like them before. You can feel the evil pouring off them; it's so thick you can almost smell it?"

Crea shuddered. She'd gotten that impression too.

"It must be something to do with that mirror," Crea said, "Until I found that cursed thing, we never had to deal with this!"

"How could they be connected to our people? The mirror had elvish inscription, you said?" Crea nodded, "How can that be? Arlathan fell long before Dark Spawn came into history."

Crea swore colorfully, bringing color to her companions' cheeks.

"I'm just so confused! I can't think!"

"Are you alright?" Merrill asked quietly, peering at her face.


"Were you hurt during the fight? Even a little?" Fenarel asked. Crea shook her head, pushing aside the slight ringing in her ears. It was just the adrenaline clearing her veins, it had to be.

"I'm fine. Why?" She asked. Fenarel and Merrill exchanged worried glances.

"You're looking quite pale. Are you sure you're alright?"

"What is that supposed to mean?" Crea snapped. Merrill and Fenarel flinched.

"Nothing," Merrill said, almost too quickly, "It's nothing. Let's just press on."

"Yes." Crea said shortly, turning on her heel and continuing deeper into the forest. Fenarel jogged to catch up, leaving Merrill to follow. Crea slowly retraced her path, remembering it vaguely. Once banks rose up on both sides around the trail, things began to feel more familiar. It didn't stop her from feeling trapped. The songs of the birds had gone, not a sound could be heard except the light wind that ran through the trees.

"Whatever you awoke in that cave has spread outside it," Merrill said quietly, fear barely disguised in her voice, "The sooner we find the cave, and Tamlen, the sooner we can leave it behind forever. Let's hurry; I want to be on our way."

"I think we're almost there….," Crea said, "Yes, we are. See that small cliff face cover in thorns? The entrance lies beyond."

"In and out," Merrill said, "Swiftly."

"Down here," Crea gestured that her companions should follow, "It's going to get dark fast. And keep your eyes open."

Crea, Fenarel and Merrill slowly descended into the darkness, letting their eyes try to adjust to the meager light. The light that had seemed to come from the stone itself had gone, leaving the elves to depend on their vision and the meager slivers of light that had found some way into the depths of the underground building. Once they had entered the anti-chamber that Crea and Tamlen had first set foot in, Merrill came to a halt.

"This architecture…. It's definitely human, but you said there were Elven artifacts among this mess?"

"Did I say that?" Crea asked, her mind drifting elsewhere. There was that throbbing in her head again, and whispers echoing through the darkest corners of her mind. It felt as though she was being called for; something wanted her to reach it.

"That's part of what I've gathered from talking to the Keeper and yourself. Crea, are you sure you're alright?"

"Fine," Crea said sharply, "Let's keep going."

She had hardly taken two steps when she gasped and retreated from two shapes lying in front of her.

"More of these things?" Fenarel asked, "What- But they're dead. Someone must have dealt with them already…."

"D-dead?" Crea stammered, "You're sure?"

"Yes," Fenarel poked one of the dead Dark Spawn with the end of his bow, "There's certainly enough blood…"

"How can Tamlen still be alive with all these creatures about? It's so uncertain…"

"Don't talk like that!" Crea snapped as something in her heart crumbled, "He has to be here! He has to be!"

"I'm sorry," Merrill said, touching her arm, "I should not give up hope so soon. We should continue before I go on more about my fears."

"Yes, please…." Crea said quietly. She took a deep breath then squared her shoulders, "Alright, we go beyond that door."

"What's behind it?" Fenarel asked.

"A long hallway, in two directions. We go right."

"Understood." Merrill said, approaching the door. Crea ground her teeth and forced herself forward. Nothing would be awaiting her on the other side of that door, she was sure of it. But the ones beyond it….. There were no promises there. There was one thing she knew now, almost for certain: That mirror was calling her back. It wanted the prey it had lost.