I'm back and enjoy the prologue I've created.


It's dark by the time, I returned to my room.

I feel the cold and cracks of the hardwood floor on my sore, scratched, pale barefeet as I walk.

I bumped into a few hard objects until I bumped into the right one.

My hands touched the cold, hard, surface and they began to search for an object.

I don't know, what my hands were looking for but when my hands stopped on an object, I felt...good.

My feet moved to my curtain covered windows.

Setting my unknown object down, my hands opened the curtains & windows.

I grabbed the now exposed object and set it on the window ledge.

The moon reflected on a silver piece in my room.

Walking towards it slowly, I picked it up and returned to my previous setting.

My hands clicked the trigger and it replied with a little flame.

I leaned toward my candle and waited until it caught the flame.

I tossed the lighter and sat in my little couch near the window.

As the wind picked up, my thoughts began to race.

Then when the flame began to blow and swirl around...my thoughts turned steady & into hatred...

Remember when you were little and daddy made the "monsters" go away?

Remember when daddy was the one who protected you from everything?

Remember when daddy would kill those asswholes who'd hurt their baby girl?

Remember when daddy would pick you up and spin you around?

Remember when daddy stare down your date and make sure he'd bring you back on time?

Remember when daddy...promised to be the one who would never hurt you?


My dad NEVER made the "monsters" go away!

My dad NEVER protected me from anything!

My dad NEVER killed any asswhole who hurt me!

My dad NEVER picked me up and spun me around!

My dad NEVER stared down my date and made sure he'd bring me back!

My dad broke that promise to be the one who would never me!

...The only thing my father ever did was manipulate me.







and...he killed me

~So there's my prologue, hopefully I'll update faster next time. See you soon~