Sometimes, it's hard to be in love with someone who gets so lonely... Someone who's always constricting themselves and someone who's always denying themselves. When you caress their cheek with your thumb, while tears are dribbling down, when you look them in the eye and say, "My love, are you alright?"

It's difficult to just hear the words, "Yes. I'm fine!"

And no matter how hard you try to rip open the seams to expose the truth, the hems keep closing in shut, becoming tighter and tighter.

So, how does one deal with this? Let me tell you, it takes persistence, love, and just a dash of Lovi...

It wasn't alarming to not have seen Lovino Vargas after half of the day had krept by. In fact, it was pretty occasional. You know, every once or twice a month mi tomate would practically baracade himself in his room, sulking, pouting, being cranky or just plain crying (which was often the case). I would just have to play along, be patient, and hope that Romano would feel confident enough with himself to peek out, and maybe say a few words to me. Lately, he had been caging himself up in his room more often, due to the fact his younger brother, Feliciano, was getting married. And of course Feli couldn't have fallen in love with just anyone, it had to have been Germany, also known as Ludwig. The fact that Italy was marrying Germany was enough to completely over-exasperate Lovino.
For some unknown reason, Lovino just had a black hatred for Germans in general. He always spat their names out out, calling Germany and Prussia, "Potato bastard one and two."

And this planned wedding had set him so off, that I hadn't seen Lovino in two days straight! It absolutely broke my heart to see him so upset. I know he was just being protective like the stubborn hermano mayor he was but still! I missed him horribly and it was quite upsetting to fall asleep without him in my arms...

But anyways, there's always exceptions to things in life. No matter what they are. This particular time in life was a major exception to the normal routines of Romano's solitude phases. As you guessed, he had once again locked himself in his room. I was being patient like normal, just trying to wait it out. It seemed pretty habitual, except for the fact I seemed emotionally and mentally off. Just the slightest.


Well actually, I was very off this specific day. I kept looking towards the stairs, which eventually when you turned a left, lead to Lovi's room. As I gazed at the staircase, I kept feeling like I was expecting something. Something...important? Like an answer to a riddle. But of course nothing was there.
And when I did my every-day chores, I kept finding myself looking over my shoulder. It wasn't a, "Is someone watching me?" kind of glance. It was more like a protective, motherly, "Is my child alright?" kind of glance. I hate to compare myself to a mother but that's the best way I could describe the feeling.
Also, I kept getting distracted! I was Antonio Fernando Carriedo! Sure I'm oblivious, but I'm pretty damned focused on my work! This particular 'off' symptom drove me loco! My thoughts wandered everywhere. I mean everywhere. From red crayons, to paella, to my favorite soap opera. My mind was crazy and like a mental iPod, was stuck on 'shuffle' mode. Random things popping in and out of my head, completely shredding my concentration.

Well after a long while trying to focuss again, my mind wandered to Lovino. Oh dear, I forgot to check on him... Not that would answer the door, but at least he knew I was thinking of him. As I walked up the staircase, an atmosphere coiled around me, and I felt attracted to Lovino's room. Somewhat like a trance if you may. Kind of a taunting, "Do you dare?" kind of atmosphere. It was pretty strong since I usually do not pick up on these things.

My journey to his room was a silent one, no whistling, no humming, no cheery thoughts. Just me, the atmosphere, and the hallway.
I stared at the door with a little wooden tomato swinging on a nail.

'Lovino Vargas' it read.

I stared for a moment, before hesitantly knocking. What the hell...? When was I ever hesitant about welcoming myself in? There was no answer. Hm. Nothing new. I tried again. Again nothing. Like always, I pushed on the door. I expected it to be locked, but to my surprise it swung open with ease. I stepped on the room, hearing a crackling sound as my foot set down on the floor. I looked down to see a shattered...lightbulb? My eyes looked up from the glass debris.

The room was terrifying. Things were tossed about carelessly. A once tidy dresser was beaten to death, splinters sticking out of the once perfectly carved wood. Objects of all sizes, shapes and forms were lying limp on the floor. The flag of Italy was shredded, and just ribbins dangled from the pole. The television was damaged beyond repair, the screen torn open and the back had sparks sparking every now and then. The furniture was doused with liquids like soda and tomato juice. The closet had things spewing out of it, like it couldn't hold anymore clutter, and it had to throw it all up. Chips and other junk food items were crumpled up and hidden in corners. Things stuck out of the wall, like Romano's old broom and his...shoe...?

Basically, it looked like a robber had come in and torn the place up. Huddled in a very clumpy bed of sheets and pillows and stuffed toys, was a shivering Italian... I could hear his whimpers. They were desperate and cold. I could almost...almost hear him screaming from the inside. Shrieking something that I myself couldn't understand. But I knew he was screaming inside, at the top of his worn out lungs. I didn't hesitate to dash over.

"R-Romano...!" I sputtered, instinctively wrapping my arms around the 'lump'. I expected some sort of raspy wail like, "Get the fuck away from me!" and some sort of physical abuse. But nothing of the sort happened. Instead, to my utter surprise, he pressed against my figure, needy and desperate. I tried to uncover the heavy comforter to reveal his probably tomato-like face, tears waterfalling down those cheeks of his... I tried to see the pain in his eyes that glimmered along with each tear. But he wouldn't let me. Instead, he just balled up tighter.

"Romano...! Please, talk to me!" I begged, still struggling with the blanket. No response.

"I don't know what's wrong...! What happened? Por favor, why won't you speak or look at me?"

There was some gasps and wheezes, in attempt to talk.

"L-Let me uncover you and-"


"What do you mean, 'no'...? Lovino! What's the matter?"

Just that simple syllable, and I could hear his voice trembling. A disturbing moan was muffled by the covers. Okay, I had had enough of this. This bedsheet needed to come off!

"I'm making you come out of here, Lovino!" I said loudly, ripping off the covers with all my might. They slid off like silk on marble. Little restrain held them back. When the covers fluttered down to my feet, Lovino was huddled in the corner, a puddle of red splotching his head.

"O-ow..." he moaned. My limbs...they stopped working... My mind, it became numb... My eyes, observed the suffering pain of Lovino's eyes, as we stared at each other from across the bed.

"Lovi...what did you do...?" I managed a whisper.

He didn't move, he just continued to tremble in a ball. I carefully crawled over to him, my hands shaking as they carefully slid aside some of his sopping wet hair. He winced as I discovered a deep gash to his head. Blood continued to gurgle out of his skull as he tightened his grip on his fists. He reminded me of an abused child, scared and cold. Helpless and defenseless...

When he began to answer, my ears perked.

"...I-I...I became so, so lonely..." was all he let slide through his lips, before he shut his eyes.

Please help me find a better title. I think I should continue this with one more chapter to clarify what happened. So I will. I'll explain what inspired this next chapter. I'm sorry for writing depressing things lately. I can't help it... Please review. Next chapter will be up shortly.