Reviews for Where I Found You
CarnationDaydreamer chapter 2 . 9/20/2014
I really enjoyed this story. Truthfully i always look mess prussia and Romano because although prussia acts happy and Romano pushes everyone away you know their hiding. I'm honestly a mixture of the 2. I will both laugh with everyone and have fun, but I'll always keep them at arms length or push them away. And i know what you mean by trying to feel. It's hard isn't it? Well your not alone in the sense of not being able to feel. I guess we're both unwanted and unloved countries right? :) Be strong I'll try my best too.
TsundePomodoro chapter 2 . 9/10/2013
It was written two long years ago.
Yet I feel the urge to comment.
I so loved this story. It hurt me so much to read Lovino being like this. So... helpless... loveless.
But still, there was that only one for him. Spain. It means there always is someone.
The story behind this one, your story is as interesting (well yeah, maybe it's the wrong word to describe it. I mean, I don't speak english that well, and this time, I can't find the good words. Yet I wanted to tell you how I felt.)
It's great. I love your writing style, and I honestly think you have talent.
Good bye, dear unknown writer that made my heart shake. I wish you happiness; real happiness.
RedBrushStroke chapter 2 . 8/31/2013
To the previous comment:
you have absolutely no right to give me such an insensitive comment.
i couldn't stand to just sit and read that without replying. You have absolutely no idea what was truly going on in my mind and life at that time. I wasn't asking for pity exactly, rather venting because i had no one to talk to at the time. My grandfather died earlier this year. I'm sorry for your grandmother. I really am.
but to basically state how I'm simply looking for pity and giving me no credit for trying to get through that hard time in my life personally is absolutely awful.
each person has their own way of coping through things and at the time writing was mine.
therefore you have no right to bash the way i dealt with
Hm chapter 2 . 8/31/2013
People in this world all beg for pity. Everybody does it. My grandmother has had cancer for a year and a half. I didn't feel anything, either. The difference between me and you is that my grandmother actually died a month ago. I was sad. But, I simply walked out of the house and spoke t
Guest chapter 1 . 12/23/2012
This is the most emotionally moving Fanfiction I have ever read. Thank you.
Lupus of the Stars chapter 2 . 5/15/2012
It's interesting how one means so little yet so much.

Just one person could change your life for the better or the worse.

Now, if you add up all the people in your life, you end up with...Either misery or happiness.

Your story awakened both in me.

That was POWERFUL!

I really hope that your mother has recovered :)

Sometimes, we're all children that equate everything in life in terms of happiness. But y'know, people don't always see the world that way.

I wish and hope the very best for you :D

Please write out what you feel and lend it to the voice of your characters!
ilovedeathdyingandbeingdead chapter 2 . 1/14/2012
To be frank, this was enchantingly beautiful. Not in the fairy tale type of way, definitely not. In the sort of way that it imprints a deep sense of empathy, despair and happiness into one large swirl of emotion, into the reader.

Everything was described vividly, although I felt that more insight could have been put on Romano's feelings and past. However, I enjoyed it none the less. The ending was heartwarming and perhaps Antonio will guide Lovino throughout the slow process of breaking him out of his newly found shell.

Please keep writing and sharing your talents with the world.
StopForAMinuteToSmile chapter 2 . 8/30/2011
This literally had me in tears D: But in a good way XD

My nickname's Romano and the way you wrote him in this story.. I swear you got yourself into my mind and stole my words and made Romano say them..

I loved this though :D I was able to relate so much and that only made me love it more X3

Now, all I need to do, is go and find a Spain like that and we'll all be set XD
loverofbooks4eva chapter 2 . 8/11/2011
That was an amazing ending :D
NaruHinaforever chapter 2 . 8/5/2011
Really awesome story you have here! It was definitely sad and honestly almost made me cry! But what really made me cry was your authors note. I don't think you should apologize for the little rant, everyone would love to speak their mind. I think the fanfic reflected on how your feeling too. Non-the-less it was amazing, best of luck in your future in both writing fanfics and personal! :D Hope to read more from you
mezza-verita chapter 2 . 8/3/2011
Another sad chapter but, thankfully, it ended on a lighter note. Looking forward to the next chapter to see how everyone acts and how Lovino reacts. Great job!
Guest chapter 1 . 8/2/2011
This story is so fabulous! Yes how did he hurt his head? Update soon! It's so good!
fan girl 666 chapter 1 . 7/31/2011
this sounds like a very cool story i like the first chapter and hope to read and review more chapters as soon as they are posted
NoWhereToCallHome chapter 1 . 7/31/2011
Aww this is so sad D: I can't wait for the next Chapter :D This is just an idea for a title "Glass Vase Cello Case" It was actually a song I was listening to while I read this so yeah :) Good luck in typing the next chapter~
NONAMESWEREAVAILABLE chapter 1 . 7/31/2011
Wow, that was awesome. :D

But how did he do that to his head?
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