The Doctor: Hello everybody!

Canas: Greetings!

Nino: Hi!

Doc: This is my second fic... I started it a long time ago, actually. I was holding back publish it for a while, but decided to publish it now rather than later. I should warn you now that it may never be finished, but on the other hand it may be... In any case, this *should* be a ten chapter story on the resurrection of all ten bonus characters from FE8 and why and how they were rised from the dead. Pairings include: Lyon/Erika, Joshua/Marisa, Seth/Natasha, Innes/L'Archel, Tana/Cormag, Glen/Selena, and Ephraim/OC... I think I covered them all... if I didn't, I'll mention them later.

Canas: Noone is perfect, Doctor.

Doc: Of course. I should point out right now that while most of the monsters you fight in FE8 are mentioned here but I didn't use the wierd and otherwise confusing names given to them. I call them Floating Eyes, Wolf Monsters/Hellhounds, Skeletons, Zombies, Dracozombies (okay, so I used that one), Centaurs, etc. Why did I do this? 1. Only the most devout Fire Emblem fans can actually remember which one was is a Mogall or a Gwyllgi. 2. I can't remember what's what without looking on the Fire Emblem wiki. 3. I'm lazy. 4. I don't think it's a terribly big deal when we have Elibe go from a polytheistic society to a monotheistic one in twenty years and Resire is also known as Nosferatu and 90% of the names were translated funkily in FE6 and FE1/3/11/12. 5. See number 3 for further clarification.

Canas: Seems logical.

Doc: Yes it does. Also, I should not that the order of these chapters is not the same order you'd normally get the bonus characters in game (I suppose you could try getting them in this order, but it'd be reeeeeeally difficult... actually impossible... never mind). I put them in this order mostly for random, but a few for practicallity's sake (explained later on as we get to them). Well, enough of my babbling, on with the chapter!


Wild rumors floated all around Magvel. Rumors about people who came back from the dead. Of course, only after one hell of a challenge. Ever since the end of the war with Grado, demonic and otherwise disgustingly undead zombies and skeletons were let loose to run amuck across the land. It wasn't too bad, not anything a local band of mercenaries couldn't handle, especially because most of the monsters were really a joke fighting anybody with more than a sharp stick. There were two exceptions, however. The Tower of Valni and the Lagdou Ruins were havens for demonic beasts and undead. They didn't really do anything but hang around those two places. In the months after the war's end, they became places for strong warriors to test their mettle. Few warriors even tried to make the journey to these places and fewer still got far into their depths without having to turn back.

But it was the handful of men and women who pushed past into the deepest parts of these two places, the tippy top of the Tower and the center of Lagdou, that these rumors came from. It was said that those few that got past hoards upon hoards of creatures and undead to arrive at the center of the Ruins or the top of the Tower got to met a departed loved one. That one person that they'd bring back from the dead would then be able to live again and go home with the victorious hero.

Cormag smirked, that was a hell of a grand prize for killing hundreds of evil creatures. The corn blond haired wyvern knight didn't know for certain why he was here. Maybe he needed more proof to himself that he was a more than worthy knight, or rather former knight, that had peerless strength and skill, excreta. Maybe he was here to do some soul searching and what better place for a warrior to do just that than in a place that was regarded as a test of a warrior. Maybe he was following the wild rumors that he hardly believed. Maybe he was following a fleeting chance to get his brother back…

He loved his brother, not romantically, of course, but as his brother. As boys, they did everything together, worked, played, schemed, and dreamed. They joined the military once they were old enough, accepting the kind invitation of Emperor Vigarde. They loved their country and they loved serving it… together. They dreamed of a bright future after service in the military, of having wives and families that were close and supportive. Of course, the war and that mad bastard Valter had to end all of that. Cormag was left alone. He did the best thing he could do in the stead of his brother, it was by Cormag's lancereaver that Valter died.

With his revenge complete, he felt empty. He had abandoned his own country, he was a traitor, and he felt he had no purpose to exist. His old mentor, Duessel, tried to consul him. It helped, but he still didn't have much reason to be alive. He met the princess of Frelia, Tana was her name. It started out as a companionship and understanding from flyer to flyer, but it grew into love. She didn't seem to mind that he was a commoner, and from Grado to boot, all that mattered to her was that she was happy. He loved her, he wanted to marry her, but he needed to do something first. It might perfectly well be called soul searching, just some time off to think. Although most people would give funny looks upon hearing exactly where Cormag picked for his little soul search. Tana gave one that would best any other look of confusion when he told her what he was going to do. He escorted her, her brother, and her knights all the way to Frelia just so he could promise to marry her and then take off again. Cormag knew she'd definitely be cross with him upon his return…

It was amazing how much someone could think when facing really slow, clumsy, and somewhat unchallenging undead. Cormag severed another skeleton's neck with his sword. He was alternating between the killer lance currently strapped onto his back, his silver sword in his hand, and his trusty lancereaver, the very one that he killed Valter with. He'd dismounted Genarog, his wyvern, for this last battle in the center of the ruins. The great brute still followed him in here and like a puppy, stayed right there with his master. Of course, Genarog was far bigger, more scaly, and a bit more bumbling than a dog. He was doing his best to help Cormag, however, and covered Cormag's rear, aiding him with his claws and tail. Cormag was thankful for that.

It was here, the center of the ruins, that was most complete. The stone walls looked like that of any temple around Magvel with tiny shaft-like windows to the outside. The hall ahead was what the monsters and beasts were trying to keep Cormag from. At the other end of the hall was an alter, but Cormag couldn't really make out any of the details.

He was on the last few skeletons now. With the help of Genarog, he had felled a couple of Dracozombies and the rest of the undead and demons. Now all that was left was the blasted skeletons. He felled another and twirled his sword around to face one wielding a lance. He sheathed his silver sword and drew his lancereaver. The skeleton took it's sweet time to actually lunge at Cormag, and when it finally did, he sidestepped its attack and shattered its skull with the hilt of his sword. That seemed to do the trick and the skeleton was dead… again.

Cormag looked around for more, but there was none. He looked at Genarog and smirked, "I think we did it," he said. The beast snorted, which Cormag took as a yes. Cormag turned and walked into the hall. All was quiet now, he'd defeated hundreds of zombies and skeletons and beasts, he'd passed the challenge that was these ruins. Now he walked down the hall, the only sound was his boots clipping against the worn stone floor. Genarog stood back, somehow knowing Cormag wanted to be alone. It was strange, seeing as the great wyvern couldn't stand being without Cormag not five minutes ago.

As Cormag continued to walk down the hall, he again questioned why he was there in the first place. Was he really searching for himself? Was he really just starving off self-doubt in his ability or himself? Or was he really here because he was hoping against hope, hoping for the impossible, and probably following a bloody wild goose chase?

He couldn't kid himself around any longer, admittedly, he probably shouldn't have done so in the first place. It was true that he had to do some soul searching, he had to starve off a lot of self doubt, both of those things he needed to do before he settled down with Tana. But he was there because he wanted his big brother back. He knew he was acting like a spoiled child, he knew he needed to get over the fact that his big brother was dead and gone forever, but he had heard that something impossible could be done, for one hell of a price no doubt, and he needed to be absolutely sure whether or not the rumors were true before he could even think of coming to terms with his brother's death.

He had crossed the breadth of the hall and now laid his hands on the stone alter. He was sure priests and priestesses from ages long passed laid incense here and prayed to whatever god or gods they believed in for hope. He wondered if he should pray for his brother's return for it to work, but then he noticed that on either side of the alter were door-sized passages. Cormag humored his curiosity and walked through one of the passages. Both passages lead into a single room roughly ten feet square. It was unlit except for a strangle purple veil of energy that gave off a soft light. The veil took up the entire wall opposite to the entrance. It was hard to describe what it was made of. It could be described as made of either smoke, fire, sand, or water, or rather all four of those things at once.

Cormag was no mage and had little understanding of how or what it was, but he heard… voices. Voices, dozens of them and in the faintest whisper. He'd heard of dark demonic magical… things that would possess explorers and turn them mad with whispery voices, but these didn't seem malevolent. They were too soft to make out, but it seemed like they were just making conversations, it was like hearing many people at a ball or gathering from outside the stone walls of the castle. Cormag was momentarily intrigued, but he dared not touch the veil as he feared being possessed. Instead, he lay his hands behind his back and stood against the wall, watching the veil and listening to its conversations.

He was wondering what to do next when a bubble pushed itself out from the fabric of the veil, it quickly grew and formed into the shape of a man. Then a face emerged from the bubble, as if coming out of a wall of smoke. Soon, the entire body of a man emerged from the bubble and it thereafter dispersed. It was fairly dark, like twilight, but Cormag could make out the face. "…Glen?" he asked, wishing, hoping, praying that he was real, but at the same time not believing his eyes.

Glen turned and looked at Cormag. He was exactly how Cormag remembered him, his clothing, even his weapons were on him. He smiled. Cormag thought he'd never see the kind smile of his brother again, "Hello again, little brother," he laughed happily and went to hug his brother.

Cormag smiled and embraced his big brother warmly, clapping him heartily on the back. "Brother… I thought I'd never see you again!" he said. He found joyful tears falling down his face. He smiled, the first time in a while.

"Well, that tends to happen when you die," remarked Glen with a smirk. Cormag laughed, his brother's sarcastic sense of humor was well missed.

"Indeed." agreed Cormag seriously. He let go of the hug and clapped his brother on the shoulder, leading him out of the veil room. They walked towards Genarog and the exit. He didn't care that this was impossible. He didn't care that his beloved brother was back from the dead, something that should be impossible. He was more grateful for be alive at that moment than he'd ever been. He felt full again.

But he decided to humor his curiosity once more anyway, "Brother, what is this place?" he asked, his voice echoed through the high-ceilinged hall as he cast his gaze around it. "How is this possible?"

Glen looked at his brother and smirked again, this time it was a nervous smirk. "I'm no mage, Cormag," he said, "I'm not entirely sure myself… But what I understand is, all the people that died in that horrible war, both good and bad, went to a sort of… limbo. Eventually, we get sorted out, the bad go on to receive punishment and the good go on to Paradise. Some people go to be sorted quicker than others. People linger closer to the edge of the veil between life and death than others… I'm not sure why, it might be that we didn't want to die just yet, it might be that we left someone in life that really wanted us back for some reason or another and would go through a lot to get us back…"

"Oh yes, I did go through a huge lot to get you back," nodded Cormag, "It was a rumor, really, a hunch on my part… I heard that if you go though these ruins, an impossible gift would be given… I had a lot of reasons for coming here, but I guess the biggest one was that I missed you, brother, and I wanted to see if those rumors were true incase I could bring you back. I guess that's kind of selfish of me."

Glen smiled and hugged his brother again, "No big brother in Magvel is prouder of their little brother than I am of you now, Cormag." They resumed their walk, "I heard while I was in there that you took revenge on Valter for me, and then you came all this way to take me back. Don't feel bad for yourself any more, brother. Don't think that you took me away from a great place; we've been given a great gift brother, a second chance at living the life we planed we'd live all those years ago. I'm glad you brought me back, brother." He patted his little brother on the back.

"I'm glad you're back, brother," said Cormag with a smile.

Glen's expression turned a bit more serious, "There's something more you aren't telling me, though," he said, "You've done all this for me, brother, what about you?"

Cormag stared off pensively, "You're right, in the ten months since you died… I've been empty, lost. Once I killed Valter, I had no purpose." He paused, "Or maybe my purpose was to find an impossibility, a way to get you back from the dead. But that's not all I did. I did meet a girl."

Glen smiled, "Did you now? And what's her name?" he asked.

"…Princess Tana of Frelia," replied Cormag.

Glen nearly keeled over and died again, "Princess Tana of Frelia?" he spluttered, completely surprised. He looked his brother right in the eye, "Really?"

Cormag laughed, "Tana doesn't seem to mind that I'm a scruffy South Grado commoner," he said honestly, "I'm going to marry her, brother. I just wasn't ready yet."

There was a sound of galloping hooves from outside of the hall. The brothers reached for their swords, anticipating another centaur and Genarog tensed up for another fight as well. Instead, none other than Tana appeared in the hall, riding her Pegasus, Achaeus, like a normal horse. She dismounted at the end of the hall and left Achaeus with Genarog, "You, Sir Cormag of Grado… are one hard man to follow!" she pouted nearly out of breath. She put her hands on her hips and asked, "You call this soul searching?" She walked towards Cormag.

Glen did his best to keep his amusement to just a smile. "Tana," said Cormag, "I'd like you to meet my formerly deceased big brother, Glen."

Tana stopped and turned to look at Glen. They hadn't met in person, but she'd seen him a couple of times before. She knew Glen had died, of course, and now she was looking at him as if seeing a ghost. She suddenly forgot her aggravation with Cormag. She opened her mouth a few times, but no words came out. She just stared at him for a minute or two before saying, "So the rumors are true?" she asked, looking from brother to brother, "People are coming back from the dead?"

The brothers looked at each other, "Well, neither of us are sure… but I guess it is true," admitted Cormag.

Tana nodded, "...How odd," she said. She changed the subject, "So, Cormag, are you coming back to Frelia with me?"

Glen smiled and Cormag said, "Yes, Tana, I'm ready."

"Good, c'mere then," she said, drawing her sword.

Cormag hesitated, but then proceeded, "Kneel," said the Princess of Frelia. Cormag obliged, "I dub you Sir Cormag, knight of Frelia." she touched her sword onto Cormag's left and right shoulders before touching his head, "Arise, Sir Cormag." she grinned, "There, now you're bound to me."

"Wait… what?" asked Cormag. His big brother laughed and Cormag gave him a nasty look, "Tana, I'm already going to marry you, I already proposed."

"Yes, well," replied Tana, "next time you ask before you do some 'soul searching,' Cormag, rather than just telling me and running all the way down here without another word." She almost scolded him like a mother. "Now then, let's go home," she hugged Cormag. "Care to come along, Glen?" she asked from Cormag's arms.

Glen thought about it for a second or two, "I suppose so. I'll stay there for a while at least,"

Tana nodded and let go of Cormag. She mounted Achaeus once more, "Good, I'll knight you too then." She laughed and without another word, galloped off.

Glen shook his head. "You're so lucky, brother," he said.

"Should I take that as a compliment or as sarcasm?" asked Cormag.

The two went to mount Genarog. "I think… both," replied Glen.

The Doctor: It would be wise to use a lancereaver on Valter, whether or not you use Cormag.

Nino: ...Random.

Doc: Quite. Anyway, I hope the characters were in-character and all that. I think they are, but that's just me.

Canas: It's quite alright, Doctor, I believe they are in-character too.

Doc: Hmmm... interesting. Anyway, a review would be epic.