Sadie entered the room, scowling. OK, what did she do? She grabbed a plate and food and sat down to eat. Quietly. OK, now suspicious. I mean Sadie and quiet. That's never a good combination. What did Crystal do?I shook that thought out of my head, what could Crystal do? She seems nice.

Sadie was playing with her locket. When did she get it? I was going to ask when Crystal and Fabian walked in. Everyone said hello to them. All except Sadie.

"Sadie!"I whispered yelled.

"Hey." she mumbled.

Crystal walked up to Sadie and tapped her on the shoulder. Sadie turned around, "What?"

"Look Sadie I'm sorry for slamming the door in your face. It was just that I was still in shock."

Sadie didn't response. I kicked her in the shin.

She glared daggers at me then returned her attention to Crystal,"I forgive you."

Crystal smiled. That's when Crystal's necklace caught my eye.

I stood up and walked to her direction.

"Um..Carter. What are you doing?"

"Sadie come 'ere." she stood up and walked to where he was. "What?"

I pointed to Crystal's necklace. Sadie looked at it and her eyes widened.






Oh my gods. I noticed Crystal's necklace. I can't believe it, she has one! But where did she get it?

Crystal must've noticed us looking at her necklace cause she took it off and showed it to us. I was now absolutely sure it was that type of necklace.

"-Fabian also has one," I must of zoned out because I only heard that part. Wait, Fabian has one? He shifted uncomfortably, but then took off the amulet and showed it to us.

It was official Carter and me weren't the only ones. [Sadie tell them what your talking about] I was getting to that. There necklaces had a unique symbol. Sorry, unique but powerful symbol.

Crystal's amulet was a bright blue color but it had the symbol of Nephthys the river goddess. Fabian's amulet was sleek black and had the symbol of Anubis the god of the dead.

We aren't the only ones hosting gods.

I'm sorry I haven't updated. I'm starting school on Monday so I might not update that often, But I will try my best. Review!