So, yeah, I was bored and had a severe case of writers block…which is still bugging me. I blame the exams! Anyway, I tried the Ipod Shuffle Challenge to get out of it…it kinda worked. But I tweaked the rules a little bit. Instead of doing it in the time limit of the song, I gave myself a 230 word limit (I'm averaging 202). I've also added the videos in case anyone doesn't know the songs. I'll leave this as incomplete because there's every chance I'll be adding to it!
Shakin' Hands – Nickelback
212 words
Slightly AU – I could see Jenny saying something like this to Hollis but, unfortunately, the opportunity didn't arise. So I created it myself :D
I didn't make it this far by shaking hands, Hollis.
Jenny grinned as Hollis hastily exited the room. She had been insinuating that Jenny wasn't experienced enough for Jethro's plan. That someone else should take her place undercover…
Director Sheppard would have been more sophisticated with her retort. However, Agent Sheppard had spent far too much time with Stan Burley.
To be fair, there was every chance she could have been that woman - the one who slept her way to the top. She had worked her ass off to get where she was, but her romantic history suggested otherwise. Her list of exes consisted of doctors, senators and the occasional judge.
Old Nick would love to get a peak at her little black book.
When she was younger she'd always been the girl next door type…innocent. But according the Jethro she was more like Evillene than Glinda. She had a lot of favours she could call in, and more than enough weight to throw around. Very few would go against her with the knowledge she possessed. Capitol Hill would fall if she put her mind to it. Maybe she hadn't started dating powerful men until she was powerful herself.
But dating powerful men was definitely helping to keep her in power.