Oct. 24, 2011

Sebastian has told me that I should start a journal in order to keep my memory strong. Apparently, incubi have the memory of a human- which means that as I get older, I'll begin forgetting things. He doesn't need to because he's half demon, but I will.

How unfortunate.

My name is Ciel Phantomhive. I am an incubus, a human who has had most of their soul stolen. I have a half-demon servant who is bound to me through a contract we made when I was... what, ten? I don't really remember.

I am about 5'3. I no longer look thirteen, due to the extremely useful ability to change my appearance. Sebastian was displeased, but he understands the necessity. For one, even in a world where homosexual relationships are no longer quite taboo, if I looked thirteen... I have kept my blue hair and eyes, even though it causes some stares from elderly men and women. A pity, that, because they are the closest humans to my real age on this planet.

This twenty-first century is... odd. Women walk around with over half their bodies showing. Men walk around in wifebeaters or shirtless. Tans are popular- even fake, orange ones. The entire world seems obsessed with random celebrities. It is a trivial world.

Sebastian Michaelis is my servant- and lover, and friend. Only forty years ago, I would have denied it vehemently, but now- it seems childish to deny the truth. Sebastian has stayed by my side for a hundred years now. How mnay others can say the same?

As time passed, Sebastian and I were forced to leave Britain. This was because of the 'census' and other things which made it impossible to stay without police always on us. It's odd- I'm used to being the chaser, not the chased. Sebastian and I came to the United States in 1984 with faked papers from trusted, if dodgy, characters. Soon, we may have to move again.

Currently, we live in Manhattan. It's an interesting area, but I miss Phantomhive Manor. But the Manor was knocked down years ago by the government in order to make room for a hotel. A funny bit of irony, that; similar to how I stole King Edward's castle for a hotel.

Well, I suppose it is simply karma.

Ciel set down the pen and stood. He walked over to the window of their high, expensive apartment. He stared down at the bust streets below.

Funtom is doing well, fortunately. I hate the idea of asking Sebastian to steal... or something.

"My lord?"

Ciel turned. He allowed himself a small smile. "How was business?" He asked.

"Mr. Bennett is perfectly willing to sell us his company." He smiled thinly.

Ciel quirked an eyebrow. "But it was only the first meeting. How did you manage that?" He asked.

"He said he's been looking to retire. He's been hoping for a nice nest egg and someone to pass the company onto. Funtom now owns Toys R Us as a subbrand."

Ciel smirked. "Looks like we won't be stuck in this apartment for long."

"And where would you want to go?" Sebastian asked. "Back to Britain?"

Ciel immediately shook his head. "No. Britain has lost all it's charm for me. I would like to have Phantomhive Manor reconstructed... oh, say, in Colorado."

Sebastian smiled. "You're only starting to feel homesick?" He teased.

"The name of Phantomhive was everything to me. Isn't it only natural that I should miss it?"

"Indeed, my lord."

Oct. 29th, 2011

For some reason, my mind keeps wandering back to Sebastian's brother- even though I don't remember him, only what Sebastian himself has told me. It's hard to focus.

Our new mansion is being built on a bit of land in Colorado. It doesn't look exactly like my old manor, but it's close enough, and Sebastian and I can fix it up later. We'll be moving in a week. The apartment is already almost entirely packed up, it's just the bed and other essential furniture now.

Heh. I don't even want to know what Sebastian's planning, if he's saying our bed is 'essential furniture.' It's not like we need sleep.

Ciel chuckled to himself. Well, we have things to do, anyway... I should probably go help Sebastian if he's not already done.

Pfft. Things have certainly changed, if I'm actually helping Sebastian. I suppose I've matured. I no longer need to feel superior.

He walked into the kitchen. Sebastian was crouched on the floor, wrapping mugs in paper and setting them into a box. He looked up and smiled. "Done already?"

"Being an incubus has benefits- especially being able to move quickly. Speaking of which, why aren't you done?" He asked, smiling.

"Mm... just felt like it. Nostalgia, I guess. You aren't the only one thinking about our life at the manor."

"I'm looking forward to our new place." Ciel commented, dropping to a crouch and picking up one of the mugs. "Should we make it exactly like the old manor?"

"I'd prefer to modernize it a bit. You know, electricity and all that." Sebastian laughed.

"Of course. But decoration-wise?"

"Definitely. Phantomhive Manor was well decorated."


"Well, if you insist on complimenting me every night, isn't it inevitable that my ego would expand?"

"Compliment you? How?"

"Should I remind you?"

"Hmm... I think that sounds like fun."

Sept. 4th, 2011

We're at the new Phantomhive Manor. We've already made our changes and are settling in. The only real differences is the lack of servants- and, of course, Sebastian and I sharing a bedroom.

I keep having little flashes of memory, though. A man with black hair in a red coat, striking Sebastian. My parents, and a woman in red. But the man in the red coat keeps coming back.

I wonder if I should mention this to Sebastian? I think he mentioned once that full incubi occasionally start remembering things.

"My lord?"

"You know, I keep wondering why you still call me that." Ciel commented, setting down his pen. He turned at stared curiously at Sebastian.

"Habit. And it suits you." Sebastian chuckled. "You look troubled."

"Mm. I think I'm starting to remember things. A woman in a red dress, my parents, a man in a red coat. He looks like you."

Sebastian blinked, a startled look flitting over his face. "How rare." He commented. "I believe it's only happened twice before in the entire history of demonkind. Then again, you always were special."

"Why thank you." Ciel said dryly. He stood. "How are the gardens coming along?"

"Mm. I'd rather show you."

They walked out of the manor to the gardens below.

"Blue roses?" Ciel asked, raising one eyebrow. They were standing in a maze made of blue rosebushes, blue the color of Ciel's hair dotting the green.

"Haha. A little tribute to you. Further on, I have red and white."

"I'd like to see."

Sebastian led him through the maze. "This is a real maze, you know." He commented. "Quite easy to get lost-" He froze.

A man in a red coat stood over a rose bush, crushing one white rose in his hand. He looked up and smiled. "Sebastian- and his young master. So you two are still together, hmm?"

"...Lucifer." Sebastian murmured. "Why did you come back?"

"Ah, you've changed. You actually dared to say something other than 'yes, sir.'" Lucifer commented. He walked over to Sebastian and placed two fingers under Sebastian's chin. "I wonder, is it because you've grown accustomed to not serving someone? Ciel, dear, you've been spoiling him."

Ciel stiffened. "Sir," He said quietly, "May I ask you to leave my grounds?" He met Lucifer's amused green eyes.

"Why yes, you can. Will I? Of course not. I created you, Ciel. I own you."

Sebastian imposed himself between them. "You may 'own' Ciel, by the orders of our race. However," He said, with a deadly smile on his face, "Ciel and I are no longer subject to the rules."

"Oh, but I am. And I've decided that it's been oh-so-boring without you, dear little brother and... brother-in-law. So I came for a friendly little visit."

"Friendly, my ass." Sebastian stated.

Lucifer blinked. Annoyance flashed in his eyes. "Excuse me?"

"Ciel, please stand back."

Ciel blinked. Sebastian never asked him to do something unless it was important. Ciel moved to the edge of the path.

"Why, Sebastian." Lucifer murmured. "You look angry."

"I am ready to pay you back for every bruise and every break, cut or humiliation you ever gave me. Allow me to show you why demons have always placed incubi under spells."

Ciel blinked. Huh?

Lucifer's eyes narrowed. "Sonneillon, behave." He barked.

Sebastian smiled, closing his eyes. "'Sonneillon' is no longer my true name, dear brother."

Lucifer's eyes widened, and panic filled his face. True fear followed it. He turned, as if to run-
Ciel almost didn't see Sebastian move. One second, he was standing perfectly still. The next, his nails elongated to an extreme length and ripped through Lucifer's torso, cutting him in half.

Ciel smothered a gasp.

Lucifer fell. "Fucking-" He cursed, reaching for his legs.

"I think not." Sebastian said coldly. "Ciel, would you mind closing your eyes?"

Ciel closed his eyes tightly.

Lucifer's screams echoed for the longest time before simply cutting off.

"How... I thought you couldn't beat him." Ciel asked, lying next to Sebastian on their bed.

"Hmm. Well, you know about true names. Mine used to be Sonneillon- don't ask what it means, even I don't know. But after the whole fiasco with Lucifer, and then us... well, becoming lovers, I changed. The true name is a reflection of self. Like you are Umbra, I became something else." He smiled.

"What?" Ciel asked. He was sharply aware of how personal the question he was asking was, but... Sebastian knew his name, shouldn't he knew Sebastian's?

"Cielamor." Sebastian answered softly, turning his head.

Red eyes and blue eyes met. Ciel's eyes widened.



"I love you."

Sebastian blinked. "...I love you too."

It was the first time they'd said it, despite almost a hundred years together.

So... despite vowing never to continue this, guess what! I got a plot bunny for it. v.v Well, this way, Lucifer gets what he deserves and we get some SebCiel fluff. I like how I did Ciel in here; he's still Ciel, but he's no longer so unopen. I know that's not a word, but hell, language was created so we could communicate, and I say butcher it all you want if it gets your point across. ^^