What in the hell happened last night? Oh my God. I couldn't believe it. I was a traitor. So, moving in with him, I expected constant fights, not make out sessions! I sat up so fast that I fell off the couch. Draco opened his eyes and blinked a few times.


"I-I uh... I'm gonna get dressed."

"Um, alright."

I ran to my dorm and pulled off my pajamas and put on my school clothes. After that, I raced back down and to the door.

"We still have an hour before classes start," Draco said, fully awake now.

"I'm going to see Ron and Harry. They're usually up by now."

"You aren't telling them are you?" He crossed the room and pulled me into his arms, kissing my forehead. "Don't. You said you wouldn't."

"Probably because I was love drunk," I muttered.


"Nothing," I said quickly. "Let go of me, Malfoy." I pulled out of his arms and leaned against the door.

"What's up with you, Granger? I thought you were fine with this?"

I shook my head. "I. Don't. Know. Please just leave me alone."

I walked out, leaving Draco broken with nothing to say to stop me. I went to the Griffyndor common room and muttered the password. Ron, Neville, and Harry were on the couches talking.

"Hermione," Neville whispered. "You look terrible...er, no offense."

"I know I do." It wasn't like Neville would tell anyone, so I sat between Harry and Ron and began to spill. "I kissed Malfoy."

"What! But you hate him. I thought the first time was just to help him get rid of Pansy!" Ron was going ballistic.

"He's a Slytherin," Neville exclaimed. "You don't like him do you?"

"Well obviously, if she snogged him!"

"Calm down, Ron," Harry said. "Hermione, are you sure you're making the right choice?"

I shrugged. "Right now, I haven't exactly made one, yet."

"Blimey Hermione. He'll only do you wrong. He's a slippery guy," Neville warned.

"I know he is. But last night, he wasn't. He really liked me."

"How did it happen," Harry asked.

"Well, I thought he was full of it when he said he'd stopped the rumor because he didn't want me to get hurt. He said a lot of sweet things and then we just did. We kissed."

Ron stood up, red faced.

"Ron," I said.

He opened his mouth to say something, but closed it and walked back to the boys dorms.

"I don't think different of you, Hermione," Neville said.

"I don't either. And neither does Ron, he's just protective. You know."

"You guys are awesome," I mused.

I kissed Harry on the cheek and then turned to Neville and did the same. Neville's eyes lit up and his face flushed.

"Well, whenever you figure out what you're going to do," Harry said, "Let us now."

"Yeah," Neville seconded.

"Thanks guys. Good-bye."

I stood up and left through the portrait hole. Whatever I decided with Malfoy, it didn't matter. I had Harry and Neville there for me, and if he came around, Ron too.