I do not Own Star Trek or it's characters, sorry they belong to Paramount.
Takes place after Beverly comes back, Before Wesley leaves, after Picard's capture by the Borg and if that all isn't possible just pretend it is. All of this is non canon obviously.
"Decompression on Deck 6, Captain! Injuries reported throughout the ship!" Data shouted over the noise of surges and explosions from around the bridge.
"Evasive Maneuver Beta Alpha 6 now!" Picard yelled. The young helmsman quickly hit the keys on his terminal. The ship quickly turned dodging a phaser from the enemy's vessel.
"Get us out of here, now!" Jean-Luc Picard yelled as the ship rocked from the laser blows to the hull.
"But Captain!" Wesley yelled back in protest, "Earth will be captured!"
"And if we don't we will be destroyed!" the captain yelled back. The young ensign turned around in his seat and started hitting a few keys on his terminal.
"Course laid in Captain!" Wesley shouted, as the alarms rang through the bridge. The ship jerked to the side, making some tumble out of their chairs or loose balance.
"Forward Phasers offline Captain," Worf quickly yelled.
"Geordi can we jump to warp?" the captain asked through his combadge.
"I can give you a few seconds of warp 9 but that is about all I can give you," Geordi replied. Soon an explosion on the other end sounded.
"We can't hold up much longer, we're going to be bursting at the seams if we don't get out of here," Geordi yelled.
"Warp 9 Ensign. Now!" Jean-Luc yelled. With that word, Wesley pressed the button and the ship zoomed away. The sirens still were going off, and small surges of power were still lighting up the bridge with a few sparks. Within a few seconds, they stopped, and Picard quickly contacted Geordi once more.
"Geordi, we need those engines, how long?" Picard said quickly after tapping his badge.
"It could take days to restore everything, but I can give you warp 3 in a few hours," Geordi replied a few explosions going off in the background.
"Hurry, they could be following us, and I want to be able to outrun them," Picard replied, "Picard out." Jean-Luc looked around seeing most of the bridge crew slightly injured, but nothing too severe except a large beam that had fallen.
"Mr. Data I want you to help Mr. LaForge down in Engineering," Picard quickly said. The yellow android nodded and walked off the bridge, with another taking his station.
"Mr. Worf assemble a few teams and head to the more damaged parts, help make sure everyone gets out alive," the captain quickly ordered.
"Aye sir," the lieutenant replied and hurried out as well.
"Number One, gather the senior staff not currently working on repairing this ship and assemble them in the briefing room," the captain quickly barked.
"Yes sir!" Riker replied standing from his chair, and hosting a bruise on his temple. Jean-Luc looked around.
"Wesley, join us, you too Deanna," the captain said to the two people. The captain quickly hurried to the briefing room, needing to speak. Soon the senior staff, excluding those needed at the moment to repair the badly damaged ship, which turned out to be Riker, and Troi, plus Wesley.
"Everyone," the captain began, "As you all know, the Borg have attacked Earth to assimilate our species. We have been unsuccessful in protecting Earth, and as a result, we had to flee. There is no doubt in my mind at this very moment the Borg are assimilating our friends and family, and those we do not know. At this very moment, we cannot return and reclaim our planet, and we may never be able. But we can survive. I believe at this time we must find a place to settle on in the mean time. Any suggestions?" Jean-Luc looked around seeing his officers stumped.
"Well sir," Wesley Crusher spoke up, "There is Vulcan, and Andoria. And perhaps Veridian III, however a planet nearby is a pre industrial society."
"Vulcan and Andoria are out of the question, the Borg would most likely follow us there," Commander Riker replied.
"Veridian III might be are best bet, we should make sure to stay away from the other Veridians, and we will if we go there," Deanna Troi replied.
"No," Jean-Luc replied, "We cannot disrupt their society and we would if we stay there; the Borg could follow. Are there any other uninhabited M Class Planets anywhere?"
"Arcturus II," Wesley suggested.
"Any known societies nearby?" Picard asked.
"No sir, Class M planet about 50 light years away," Wesley stated.
"Good. When Engines are back online set a course for Arcturus II," Jean-Luc replied, "You may go Wesley."
"Aye, sir," Wesley replied and walked out of the room.
"Captain…" Deanna started.
"Yes Counselor?" Jean-Luc asked.
"Are you sure you want to do this, sir?" Deanna asked.
"Of course I am sure. Once the crew is safe, I will take a few officers and try to finish the Borg, it's the only way to free Earth," Jean-Luc replied.
"But sir! That would be suicide!" Riker interjected.
"It may seem it, but I feel we might have a fighting chance," Picard replied.
"And how so sir? Our ship was almost destroyed fighting them," Riker questioned.
"I don't know Number One, but we can't just sit around and do nothing," the captain replied.
"I know we can't, but committing suicide won't help either!" Riker insisted.
"Will!" Deanna interjected.
"I know Deanna, but we can't go in with guns blazing and come out alive with the Borg!" Riker insisted.
"That's a first," Deanna replied.
"Yeah but it's true," Riker insisted.
"Number One, please, we will come up with a plan before hand, but we can't just ignore what has happened. We have let our world be assimilated by the Borg, and we have to make sure it doesn't stay that way," Jean-Luc interjected, "We are done discussing this, dismissed." Deanna began to stand and leave, however William Riker remained standing at his seat.
"I said dismissed commander," the captain repeated. Riker stared at Picard for a second and then turned and left the room, obviously angry about this. Picard shook his head and exited himself. They need to make many more repairs before they would be able to set out again.