This story was inspired by a Cars fic on here called Blind Car, Lame Human and liked it so much, that I wanted to do something like it but in the HTTYD world.

Ayoung Night Fury is born blind and abndoned by it's parents.

It is found by Toothless and he decides to raise her as his own and doesn't care that she's blind.

If you're wondering, I am visually impaired with tunnel vision and RP.

I hope fans enjoy.

It was a calm night in the forests f Berk as something special was happening.

Two older dragons, both Night Fury were excited and looking at something.

It was an egg that the female had laid a month ago and they were excited yo have it hatch as they could be parents.

Suddenly the egg began to ctack making them excited.

"It's hatching.

Our child is coming." the male Night Fury said.

A small growl emerged as something stumbled out of the egg shells, a baby Night Fury but there was something wrong with it's eyes as the female looked in thwem, growling sadly.

"It has no sight.

This is terrible.

What should we do?" the female asked.

The male picked the infant up in it's mouth but flew off deeper into the forest but dumped it in the heart of the forest..

He then flew back to his mate.

Many days later, Toothless was flying with Hiccup when he heard crying.

He then landed in the forest as Hiccup wondered what was going on.

But Toothless smelt something and gasped.

"A baby Night Fury!

What's it doing here alone?" Hiccup asked.

Toothless had it in it's mouth as Hiccup got on his back.

They headed back to the village.

But Toothless wondered what the infant was doing all alon in the forest.

Toothless saw that the infant dragon was sitting on the table in Hiccup's house but whimpering.

"I won't hurt you little one.

I founmd you alone in the forest along with my rider Hiccup.

But we'll take care of you, I promise." he said to it in dragon tongue.

The infant calmed down as Hiccup was amazed.

He was examing her but was worried looking in her eyes.

Hiccup what's wrong with her/

Why're you scared or worried?

Hiccup sighed at him.

"She's blind buddy.

Maybe that's why she was out there.

What should we do about her buddy?" he asked him.

Toothless was thinking about it but knew the infant Night Fury needed a father or mother to raise it and made up his mind about the situation as Hiccup wondered what his friends was thinking.

I'll raise her Hiccup.

I can do it.

Hiccup wondered why he would do this as he understood that Toothless wanted to help the infant as he saw the infant nuzzle Toothless making him smile as he knew his friend would be a great father figure to her.

Toothless smiled blowing smoke rings.