Hey there, fanfiction addicts! This is a Hairspray parody about my private school. Enjoy!

(Spoken) Hey there, kids at school! Stay tuned, cause this song's for you! Brought to you by SideshowJazz1 herself!

Oh every single day when the clock strikes one

A thousand crazy kids wanna have some fun, yeah

Well, they toss off their bags and leave the class behind

And they run and scream and act like they're losing their minds

They have to work and they frown, they're the richest kids in town

Oh, every single day they run to get to class

We know they have to work if they want to pass

They wanna twist and shout like the Sixties stars

But they study in the rain, even in the car

You should come on down and meet the richest kids in town

Rich cool kids who like to lead the way

And once a month we have our Open Day

And I'm the misfit who it's all spinning round

Just a lonely girl with the city's coolest musical sounds

So every single day they work at everything

Who needs to dance through life when you can write down things

Forget about the clubs and all the restaurants

There's exams, you can have some fun when there's a chance

They have to work on the nouns, they're the richest kids in town

Roll call!

I'm Sammi!


Alix, Holly, Sarah, Luke, Greta, Danyon, Livi, Lewis, Hamish Nikki Becky Claude Ash Sophie Lauren

I'm Steph, I'm Chris

And I'm...Matt

So if every night you're working with no hope of bed

And the multiples are spinning and pounding in your head

Who cares about sleep with no weekend school

They'll have to get to college while still looking cool

They'll get a cap and a gown cause they're the richest kids in town

They're the richest, richest

They're the richest, richest

They're the city spendest

Richest kids in...

Kids in town

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