I don't own soul eater, Google maps, or anything else referenced here.

This chapter shows a new character and the last one for a couple of chapters

Eruka learns of a wolf in love

"Okay I'm ready." The frog witch said as she came back into the room to find Free holding the prince by the collar.

"Forgive my master and Free, for they always fight from time to time." Clockwork stated in his same emotionless voice.

"Okay, now that everyone is ready we can go." Fanrir said as he grabbed both Eruka's and Free's bags.

"But, sir you still need a weapon." Clockwork interrupted as Fanrir gained lines of gloom above his head.

"Yeah, and I didn't see Kiyara walk in with you, where is she?" Free questioned.

"Long story short, we're going to meet her later." He said gloomily.

"Who's Kiyara?" Eruka asked as the prince got gloomier.

"Kiyara Bladez is the only werewolf who is a weapon that we currently know of." Clockwork explained.

"So she's Jim's weapon partner." Eruka stated as Fanrir became gloomier.

"What's wrong with Jim?" Free asked as someone finally noticed him getting gloomier.

As everyone noticed the prince in the corner drinking out of a canteen he gloomily said, "I'm just a little nervous about seeing her again."

"I think there's a little more to that," Eruka said, "I think you may like her."

"WHAT MAKES YOU SAY THAT?" the prince shouted out.

"Yeah that pretty much answers as a yes." Free plainly said.

"My lord has felt somewhat strange after the kishin was revived which is why his father is sending to the DWMA." Clockwork stated.

"Alright so we can go know?" Fanrir asked.

"Yes we can and then we'll go meet Kiyara." Clockwork said.

And after that they all went out the door following Jim and his map that he apparently got off of Google maps until night came and they had to set up camp.

"Damn, time sure goes by fast." Fanrir said as they all finished setting up the tent.

"So how are we all going to fit in there?" Eruka asked.

"I dabble a bit in magic, but I kinda suck at it." Jim stated.

"Nonsense," Clockwork interrupted, "You were able to make me an artificial body and a new soul after the star clan killed me 500 years ago."

"Say what know?" Eruka questioned.

"My current body is artificial after the prince here required a 'buddy' or something like that which could be immortal through mystic powers." Clockwork explained.

"True but I think that everyone should get some sleep." Free mentioned.

And when everyone got into the tent it appeared on the inside like a normal home from something out of Harry potter.

"Roomier than the last time I was here." Free stated.

"Yeah and we're going to meet with Kiyara tomorrow then go to the academy." Fanrir stated before going to a room labeled James Fanrir while Clockwork went to a room labeled Clockwork.

"Where are we supposed to sleep?" Eruka asked.

"The guest room." Clockwork stated pointing to a bedroom labeled Guest.

"IN THE SAME ROOM?" Eruka and Free blurted out at the same time while they were blushing slightly.

"It's a two bed guest room." Fanrir said before he closed his door.

And so the chapter ends on that note of witch the prince's plan begins to unfold moment by moment.