Shego&Drakken Summer time fun
A/N: this is Enterprisecv-6 the reason why I'm going to have this story up before summer truly begins is because I might key word might be getting a job soon and I'll be taking a huge load of classes in the fall at my community college so yeah.
Disclaimer: I don't own Kim Possible or anybody else but I'm sure if I can get enough money personally I'll buy the show and start it up again (if anybody wants to work with me on this let me know please) =) also the "Summer time fun, and Winter time fun" stories take place one year after graduation just an F.Y.I for people who may be wondering about when these stories take place
Shego&Drakken's Caribbean lair
Drakken was in the lair's weight room, working out (his big lab coat hid his slightly buff body he was just trying to stay in shape) he knew now for a fact that he and Shego were meant to be with each other forever. He just loved her to no ends of the planet and every chance he got he would give her about 50+ flowers of all types, thankfully Shego didn't mind and kissed him in return for the flowers.
San Francisco California
In San Francisco Shego was getting some clothes for her to show Drakken (hell she found that she LOVED Drakken and needless to say the way she SHOWED IT,) she soon found some "outfits" that she was going to where that night when she got back to the lair.
Shego had for some time wanted to be a mom but she knew that if she did have a kid the U.N, N.A.T.O and others would be on their way to the lair and take the kid(s) away from her and Drakken and never let them see the kid(s) again so Shego and Drakken knew the only way to keep this from happening was to get pardons from Global Justice A.S.A.P.
Back at the Lair
Back at the lair Drakken got a call from Shego and she told him
"Drakken honey will you please make sure that only you and I can be in your room tonight, and that the henchmen are taking time off and not in the lair?"
When Drakken heard Shego's tone he knew what it meant…love and that she wanted it to be just the two of them, he knew that she HATED when the henchmen would walk by the door and hear her, when they made love to each other.
A/N: Cliffhanger big time so the way I figure chapter one will be rated "T" but the rest of the chapters LEMONS HUGE ONES, lol
So in chapter two the love begins so piece of advice after reading each chapter go to the dentist (just kidding)
On a different note I REALLY want to meet a lot of you guys I mean it was you guys who got me writing and now here I am and I have you guys to thank for that (Yuj you're the first person whose stories I've read)