Authors Note: I'm not really sure what caused me to write such a short drabble. It's more like a giant poem than anything. The whole 'goddess' metaphor isn't that original but I liked the idea of it. To be frank, I'm not too big on this one. But meh, why not post it? I'm a hopeless romantic at heart and this detailed-filled fic is an apparent reflection of it. ;)

His Goddess.


There she stood in the lazy mid-day sun, dressed in nothing more than one of his oversized white t-shirts. Serenity. How the auburn streams of her hair glistened - the blue oceans of her eyes lit with fascination for the open arm's of the world. You could have mistaken her for a goddess. His goddess.

He observed her from a remote distance. She stood before the window with her arms crossed, a motion that frequented her even when content, and one foot slightly placed before the other; her smooth legs in plain sight. He knew all about clairvoyance, but at that moment he wanted to sought out for it. She had such a troubled mind, but now it seemed at ease. As if everything was alright with the world and she lived in a state of perfection, drifting from reality into her own oblivion. An oblivion where the sun was all that existed. Where she could free fall and never have to face the darkness again.

The smirk plastered over his fair complexion then transitioned into a frown. He could not refrain from thinking this was his fault. Her brother had accused him for the death of her sister and even for her own cancer. He could feel his heart shatter into pieces of jagged glass. God, he loved her. He loved her more than anything else in the goddamn world. Such contemplations grabbed him by the heart and milked it raw.

Mulder's train of thought was then interrupted by the goddess' voice. That was a nickname he could get use to. How suiting for her. With the beauty of Aphrodite and the strength of Athena, she was something unimaginable. Not even the intelligence of the Greek scribes could conjure up this goddess.

"Mulder...?" Scully was now glancing up at him. Her demeanor was a mix of curiosity and concern. He must had been deeper in thought than he'd been cognizant of and he was sure she'd said his name about five times.

He walked over to her and let the smirk return. "Sorry, my mind must have been somewhere else."

She ran her tongue across her bottom lip, another motion which seemed to frequent her rather than she frequented, and opened her mouth to speak once again. "Mars?" She joked satirically.

Moving his hands to her cheeks, he kissed her forehead. "Mount Olympus." She certainly was a goddess, because wherever she was was not only his home, but heaven.