Summary: Hunny wishes to have a chance to make his platonic relationship with Haruhi into something more before graduation. Suddenly, the Host club came up with a challenge. The reward? Spend the weekend at Haruhi's home. Can he win it and make his wish come true?

Pairing: Hunny X Haruhi

Rating: K+

Disclaimer: I don't own OHSHC.

~Chapter One~

Sweet Slumber

It was another peaceful afternoon at Ouran Gakuen. The school chime sounded just a few moments ago and students from different divisions were seen scattered on the school grounds. That chime signaled the start and end of a lot of things everyday. To some it's the start of classroom exchange, club activities or recess time. While for others, especially those in the elementary division, it signaled the end of classes for that day. We could conclude that in this elite institution of knowledge, schedule and punctuality is very important.

And one particular brunette, Haruhi Fujioka, knows that best of all. That's why she tries to stick to her schedule. She barely makes it to some (especially when its host club activity) but still she manages to get there on time and that's what matters to her. But today was special. She received a text message that morning that there will be no club activity that day and tomorrow. Kyoya and Tamaki were off on a field trip; the twins were off to another fashion show by their mother and Mori was preparing for another kendo competition. That means she had the whole afternoon to herself for two days. And the thought of having a very peaceful time alone appealed to her.

Haruhi made her way towards the backyard with a book in hand still dressed in that periwinkle male uniform like before. Her gender's still a secret, yet she didn't mind it all. She still preferred dressing like that for it's much more comfortable and it makes it easier to move about the school (she spends a lot of her time running around). She walked along the elegant corridor, took a turn and came into the garden. She paused to look around the garden. No one's there. She walked towards the huge tree and sat underneath its leafy shade. She leaned comfortably against its trunk and looked up. Its leaves cast shadows on her face, as a cool gust of wind swept by. Haruhi closed her eyes, a contented smile on her face. She only found that place recently. It's a perfect place to read a book and relax. Right then, she got her book and flipped its pages.

Meanwhile, someone close to her was free, too. He had a plush bunny strapped tightly behind his back and a box of his favorite chocolate cake in hand. His blonde hair swayed with the wind as he stealthily jumped from tree to tree. It was none other than, Hunny-senpai. He got tired of waiting for Takashi's training to finish so he set out to find a quiet place to eat. The gardens out front were filled with students but as he wandered towards the back gardens, it became quieter. He stopped at one tree and looked around.

Haruhi felt her mind was wandering back to the day she first met the Host Club. If only she had thought about studying outside the school building, she wouldn't have come into the Third Music room and got herself a debt too big to pay on her own. She sighed. If that happened she wouldn't have met the Host Club, too. She wouldn't admit it out loud but she found herself enjoying her time with them. But sometimes, being part of the Host Club is a fate worse than death. She hadn't realized that she had already fallen asleep with those thoughts in mind, a faint smile playing on her lips.

"Let's eat here, Usa-chan." He said happily as he placed his plush bunny on the grass, against the tree trunk. He sat beside it, setting the box of cake on his lap. He got out a knife and fork and said, "Itadakimasu!" before digging in.

Halfway through the cake, his mind began to wander. "Hmm, I wonder where Haru-chan is right now?" he thought. He sighed, it's always been like that recently- he spaces out to think of Haruhi ever since he realized his feelings for her. That it's not just a fondness like with sweets and cakes. He likes her; it's as simple as that.

"Knowing her, she'll be in the library studying now." He smiled, taking a piece of cake in his mouth again.

Suddenly, something dropped on the ground behind him. Hunny quickly stood up. When he looked at the side of the tree, he found a book lying on the grass. Curious, he looked behind the tree and behold! The object of his musing appeared. Apparently, Haruhi was just behind him, sleeping on the other side of the tree.

Hunny crouched beside her and looked at her sleeping face. She looks like a princess awaiting a prince's kiss to awaken her, he smiled at the thought. It's something Tama-chan would say.

"Why are you sleeping here all alone, Haru-chan?" he asked softly. But Haruhi only continued her slumber, totally oblivious to his presence.

He watched her silently as her chest rose and fell slowly. Her book was lying beside her, its pages turned as a strong gust of wind passed by. Her bangs swept softly across her face, she stirred a bit but didn't wake up.

Does she know how vulnerable right now? Does she know how much he's tempting him to take advantage of her? He wished the answer to them was yes. He gently swept a stray lock of hair behind her ear as it fell across her cheek. If all the things she does are calculated to seduce him then maybe-just maybe- he might have the strength to resist her charm.

But there's nothing manipulative about her. Haruhi is a kind, generous, and strong-willed woman he admires the most.

Hunny leaned closer, his face barely an inch away from hers. She's also trusting and oblivious that she doesn't even know when she's taken advantage of. And he was no exemption. When he feels like hugging her, he will do it under the pretense of his loli-shota character.

And right now, he could steal a kiss from her and she wouldn't even know it. Being her friend is fine but sometimes he couldn't shake the feeling of wanting to be special to her- to be someone who can stir her feelings even for just a bit.

But at the last second, he backed away. Instead he dipped his finger into the chocolate icing and drew a streak of sugary blob across Haruhi's cheek deliberately. That brought some response. Her brows furrowed and her hand shot out as if warding off a fly. She was about to doze off again but Hunny just kept poking her cheek, spreading the chocolate icing. Finally, Haruhi opened her eyes. Her gaze looked dazed and confused, as if wondering what woke her up.

"What happened?" she asked, her gaze focused a bit, "Hunny-senpai? What are you-" then Hunny put some icing on her cheek again. Haruhi grasped his wrist and saw icing on his forefinger. She touched her face and found the same icing on it. Realization hit her in an instant.

"What do you think you're doing?" she asked.

"Waking you up." Hunny said.

He was about to put icing on her again but Haruhi ward him off. "Stop! Stop! I'm awake already!" she protested. Haruhi got her handkerchief and wiped the icing from the side of her face. "Mou, you didn't have to do this."

"I was teaching you a lesson." He said, his forefinger held up in a reprimanding manner.


"You know, Haru-chan. You can't just sleep anywhere you want all alone. It's dangerous." He reasoned, imaginary little flowers appearing around him.

Haruhi looked at him, exasperated. "You could have just woke me up and told me." She said, "Now my face is all sticky." She wrinkled her nose.

"But this way will have more effect!" he said proudly, then he licked the icing off his finger.

She sighed and looked at him. He smiled at her innocently. What he said made sense but it didn't make her feel any better.

"Do I still have icing on my face?" she asked. He shook his head. "Well then, I better wash up." She stood up and picked up her book. "I'll see you later, Hunny–senpai."

"Bye, Haru-chan~!" he waved happily and watched Haruhi's retreating figure with a smile. As he put his hand down, his face turned serious.

"You can come out now." He said. There was a rustle of leaves a few feet behind him. Hunny turned to face him.

A/N: Who is the man behind the bushes? C'mon guess. Fufufu~ (smirks)

I'll post the next chapter soon, after I polish it a bit. So don't worry.

Anyway, how was this chapter? Tell me what you think to fire me up. (laughs)

This story will be composed of 7 chapters at best. Hopefully, I can finish the next chapter next week. Stay tuned for more minna-san!

Take care always and thanks for reading! (smiles)