"Yo Dude!" said a guy in a packed school yard after the final bell had rung. He ran excitedly out of the building. He was tall and lanky. He had black long hair pulled back in a ponytail. His skin was somewhat dark but wasn't African. He wore all black except for an orange jacket and grey gloves. He slid past everyone effortlessly. He then threw his arm around a pail kid with very pail hair. He wore only grey and always wore a pair of goggles. He was his age but was a little bulkier and a little bit shorter.

"Get off," said the pail kid quickly with no emotion.

"But bro-mo! You never talk to me during school!"

"Don't call me that."

"But you are. You and uncle are the only family I have Francis. And I live with you so you're my Bro. Not my cousin."

"You are an idiot."

The other boy just smiles.

"Would you stop with that idiotic smile Zerik? My dad's here now."

In front of them was a sleek grey car that matched Francis' clothes. The window lazily rolled down, "Well get in. We don't have all day."

Zerik jumps in through the window as Francis opens the door and gets in giving Zerik an annoyed look.

"Really? Can't you be more civilized?" asked Francis.

"Maybe at home!"


"Quiet Francis. We'll deal with this at home."

Zerik turned his face to look out the window. It had only been a year since he started living with Francis and Epsilon. It didn't matter to him. He couldn't remember anything before then. Well, except one memory. It always upset his uncle though so he never spoke of it. It was when he was younger. Much younger. He felt a warm and fuzzy hand stroking his hair. Something playfully nipping and licking his ankles with a lizard like tongue. A laughing man with a bad eye, and a fair haired woman, hugging the man.

The first time he told his uncle was the last time. He was smacked by him and was told never to speak of it again, then to go to the bathroom to wash his hair. Zerik didn't know why, but his uncle always made sure his hair was washed and dried thoroughly before he was allowed to do what he wanted. And he always made sure his towels were black.

Zerik's eyes drift off to sleep. As they do everyday as they get close to home.

"We're here," said Epsilon. Zerik open's his eyes. They are in a large garage. Made entirely of metal. Zerik and Francis step outside the car.

"Zerik, go do your homework. Francis, come with me."

Zerik scowls and picks up his book bag and takes it inside as he takes Francis to the yard. Even though he'd been there for a year, he never even dreamed of stepping foot out there. It was a father and son place. A place he would never be welcomed. He sighed and walked to the kitchen. He placed his bag down and opened the fridge.

"I see we need milk, butter, cheese, eggs… Doesn't anyone in this house go to a grocery store?" Just then, Zerik fell to the floor, drifting into an unconscious state. Next thing he knew, he was in a cavern.

"There you are," said a mysterious hissing voice.

"What in the world?" Zerik said quizzically.

"You thought you could hide young Kerling, but you can not hide from destiny."

"Who are you? What are you talking about?"

"Don't deny it boy. We'll get you soon enough!"


Zerik quickly sat up. In front of him was Epsilon and Francis.

"Why were you sleeping on the floor?" asked Francis, his voice laced with sarcasm.

"I fell."

"More like you fainted," said Epsilon.

"I didn't faint. I'm just a little woozy," he says standing up. As he stands a terrible migraine hits, "Do we have any aspirin?"

"For what?"

"Bad headache."

"Top shelf like it always is."

Zerik goes to grab it when a question strikes his mind, "Hey Uncle Epsilon?"

"What?" he said rather annoyed as he was about to go back outside with Francis.

"I was just wondering… What's a…," his voice faltered. His gut said that Kerling would be too strange, too many questions, "What's Ker?"

"Ker is a mythological beast that is a source of unlimited power and everlasting life for whoever can find and capture it. Where did you here about it?"

"School," he said quickly.

"Well if you need help on the matter talk to Francis when we get back."

"Okay," Zerik said as Epsilon and Francis left. His body relaxed as if it was always tense. He quickly gets on the computer to watch a T.V. show Epsilon forbids. It's called 'Our World As Seen On Saturday.'

It is a T.V. show about mythological creatures and how they would live among us. It's truly fascinating. The graphics are so life like. The characters are Doc and Drew. Sometimes they even have a guest by the name of Doyle. They all seem nice enough, but all have a sad look in there eyes, as if it's missing something.

Zerik looks to the fridge. 'We'll be back late. Make yourself something.'

If I'm going to meet them, tonight's the night. They're in town and those two are gone.

Zerik throws on a coat and walks toward the door. When he opens it a huge gust of wind smacks his face and he's lifted off the ground. He looks down to see he's in the air. Scared, he slips, falling downward. As he's falling he sees his home for the first time. But it's much bigger. It's a huge airship. He quickly descends realizing he won't survive. He clenches his eyes shut. Then the wind stops slapping his face and he hears a loud noise. He also feels an arm around his stomach.

"Whoa kid where did you come from?"

Zerik looks up at the person who grabbed him. He is wearing a black shirt and a jetpack. He wears a mask over his face that makes it look similar to a robot.

"No worries kid. I'll take you somewhere safe. Can't have you making a swan dive from the heavens now can we?" he said landing on a platform about a mile below them. A curtain covered half of it. It was a stage.

"Doyle. What's going on?"

Zerik turned around to see Drew from the television.

"You're Drew," he said in a gasped whisper.

"Yes sweetie I am. What's going on Doyle?"

"Kid was making the world's highest swan dive to his death. So I saved him."

"I'm sorry but what's your name sweetie?"

"I'm Zerik."

"No last name?" asked the man named Doyle.

"Well, name no. Initial yes," he said pulling out a locket. He figured nothing stranger could happen today, Couldn't be any weirder falling miles downward from your house and being saved by a jetpack wearing star. The locket engraving says ZS.

"Funny, it looks just like the one we gave Zak on his birthday."


Doyle, Drew and Zerik look over to see Doc.

"What is a kid doing back here?"

"Long story," says Doyle.

"Just get him out!"

Zerik, frightened bolts away leaving his locket in Drew's hand.

That's all for now. This is the sequel for Come Back. Please Review.