Misha Collins smiled at his phone. "You all… know… I don't… like… to… seriously endorse… anyone or anything… but… this guy I met… is an… amazing… musician…" He handed his phone to a girl grinning in the doorway and smiled as she snapped a picture. "Thanks!" He placed the small wooden Elvis back down and grabbed his jacket, heading out the door.


Misha stopped and turned. A slender black woman walked out of the shadows. "I've been looking for you for a long time. I never thought it'd be this easy to find you."

Misha frowned. "Um. Do I know you?"

The woman cocked an eyebrow. "Yes, brother. Of course you know me."

"Okay." Misha said dubiously and then it dawned on him. "Oh! Angels. I get it. Fan of the show?"

The woman shook her head. "Being on Earth has scrambled your brain, brother. We all suspected; you really did let yourself go. But it's over now." She pulled a long sliver knife out of her jacket.

Misha backed up quickly, grunting when he ran into a wall.

The woman grinned.

"Hold on, hold on, hold on!" Misha said, his hands scrambling across the brick behind him. "We can talk this out, can't we?"

"What was our father thinking when he made you?" She brought the knife down. Dean caught it, wrenching her arm back and shoving her away.

"That's not your angel, gender bender."

"You." Raphael snarled. "This is not your fight." There was a loud crack and she collapsed on herself, falling to the ground, a thin thread of blood tracking down her forehead. Sam tossed down a small piece of metal piping.

Dean grinned at his brother. "Nice timing."

Misha gapped at them. "What the hell was that?"

Dean pressed a fist to his chest. "Saved your ass. Come on, lets go."

Misha allowed himself to be led. "No, seriously. What the hell was that? Jared, you, you… what if she's really hurt?"

Dean frowned. "She was about to kill you, Cas."

"Cas? Oh." Misha let out a slightly relieved laugh. "Oh thank God. This is a prank? You guys… you really had me going!"

Dean tightened his hold on Misha's shirt and glanced at Sam. "This is really starting to freak me out."

Sam stopped and rounded on Misha. "Look, we're not… pranking you. I'm Sam, he's Dean."

"Yeah." Misha's voice dropped. "And I'm Castiel. I get it."

Dean stared. "It's really freaky when you do that."

"I dunno." Sam said. "Kinda makes sense."

"What?" Dean said.

"Well, I mean, we're actors here, right? That means this guy either had to do a voice change or he had to have a twin."

Misha frowned. "Why would I have to have a twin?"


Misha pulled out of Dean's hold. "Okay guys, I've tried to be a good sport, really, but this is just… really starting to freak me out."

"Christ, dude! We're being serious here!" Dean grabbed Misha's collar and tugged him forward, kissing him. "There! Would Jensen do that?"

Sam made a face. "Dude, I'm right here."

"Shut up, bitch."

Misha blinked. "Um." He was cut off as Sam and Dean took off, pulling him along behind them. "Guys? What was that?"

Sam and Dean ignored him as they made their way to a large black SUV waiting for them. Sam opened the back door stepping aside as Dean shoved Misha in. Their driver watched impassively. "So we're adding kidnapping to tonight's agenda?"

Dean gave this a moment of due consideration. "Yes."

The driver nodded. "Alright, where to?"

Misha scowled. "Somewhere private to dump the body?"

"I know the perfect spot."

Dean grinned. "I like him."

Misha glared.

"Just, uh, take us back to Jared's, er, my house." Sam said.

Misha was quiet for most of the trip, but after a while he turned to Sam. "So why did you guys essentially kidnap me?"

Dean glared. "Hey, that chick was about to waste you."

"Yeah, cause you two certainly didn't pay her to scare the crap out of me."

"Cas." Dean began.

"Look." Misha interrupted. "I know I'm not important enough for you to remember, but this Cas shit is really starting to bother me."

Misha gave up at Dean's expression, sinking back into his seat. "Misha, Jensen. It's Misha."

"R-right." Dean said. "Misha. I won't forget again."

Misha laughed. It sounded rather broken; Dean felt his heart clench as he thought of the Castiel Zachariah once showed him, and his hand itched to take Misha's hand.

"So, Misha," Sam said, turning away from the buildings flashing by the window. "I didn't know you were Russian."

"Well, that'd be cause I'm not Russian, Jared."

"Oh. Right."

They sat in an uncomfortable silence until they pulled up outside Jared's house. Dean put a hand at the small of Misha's back, leading him inside.

"So." Misha said, his eyes sweeping the inside of Jared's home. "What exactly am I doing here?"

"Just keeping you safe, Ca- Misha." Dean said, his hand dropping away as he quickly swept the area for threats.

"Safe… right…"

"Really, just, until we figure out what's going on, stay where we can see you. Okay?"

Misha sighed and stepped away from them, walking to the living room and sinking into a couch. "Great."

That was actually a real tweet from Mr. Collins, if any there are any interested parties.

I haven't decided if there will be more yet. Thoughts? Reviews?