
A/N: This was inspired by the scene in the field of white tulips from 3.15 'Subject 13'. This takes place in present time I should add, not when they're children.

Disclaimer: I do not own Fringe, just the magic act in which I keep pulling these plot bunnies out of a hat.

The moment happened outside a flower stand in downtown Boston on a day when the sun beamed onto the streets and cast the entire city in a blazing spotlight

The golden sheen over the city inspired a rather bold streak of audacity in Peter Bishop, and he had little intention of allowing it to be wasted.

There was a renewed vigour in his step as he strolled down the sidewalk, and if his eyes hadn't been wandering in a rather broad manner he would have missed it entirely.

When he saw it he stopped, paused on the brink of surprise and mystery, there was something so familiar yet incredibly ambiguous about it.

It was a bouquet of white tulips.

They sat there partially streaked with golden sunlight and rustled gently by a breeze; they seemed almost ethereal.

The way the sun slanted against the pearly petals made Peter imagine a glowing halo around them, and it reminded him of the blonde halo perched on Olivia's head.

He wanted to take one of those tulips and weave it into her hair, as one could never have enough halos.

It wasn't reasonable, hell it probably wasn't even logical that he bought the entire bouquet; but when he saw how each individual halo ignited under the sun he was reminded of Olivia and her golden halo.

When he brought them to her she was surprised but her delight was evident.

Though he had never heard of putting tulips in hair he did it anyways, and when she walked through a bank of sunlight that streamed through the windows she glowed.

He smiled at her and she smiled back, placing the rest of the tulips in vase on her table. He took her hand, curling his fingers with hers and led her away.

He'd learned long ago to never underestimate the power of a tulip.

Outside, two men with immaculate black fedoras looked up at the apartment from across the road as vehicles bustled over the concrete and people strolled by nonchalantly.

"Do you think that he recalls the meeting?" One asked with a hint of concern.

September turned his head slightly towards the other and then back to the apartment: "I do not think so," he answered, "And I think for now... it would be best for them to remain...oblivious."

Please review, I love to what everyone thinks of my stories :)