Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter if I did something tells me I wouldn't be writing on fanfiction nor have two jobs.

Author's Note: This is the rewrite of Rebels of Fortune. So the first few chapters will have some similarities, please bare with me. Sorry for any grammar mistakes, I'm trying but I still suck.

The Underground


Never trust the rumour, instead search for the truth.

Never take anything for granted.

Cherish every moment.

Never turn your back on one of us.

Respect those that have earned it.

Fight to live.

Rebel against the norm.

Be yourself.

Accept that everyone is different.

Never be ashamed of who you are.

Eat Pocky.

Live and let live.

- The Underground

Halloween Night 1981, thats when everything changed, the Dark Lord had terrorized the wizarding world for too long. Slowly he was destroying the resistance and his power was growing. No one knew how to stop him, he was untouchable.

Until he went to kill a helpless infant.

No one knew why Voldemort had taken it upon himself to kill a one year old baby, or more accurate to kill two babies.

The two boys in question were Harry and Daniel Potter twins.

I guess most people assumed it was his sick twisted way at getting back at the light side, kill the innocent and not those that oppose you.

Whatever the reason, he probably wishes he never did it.

No one can be sure what happened that night. The only witnesses were a Dark Lord who fled as nothing more then a shadow, a dead baby sitter and two infants that couldn't ever understand what happened.

The official story as told by Albus Dumbledore was that Daniel Potter had destroyed He-Who-Should-Not-Be-Named using his own magic to protect him, a small scar in the shape of a V on his cheek was the proof he gave, the mark of the small portion of the spell that got through. The mark of Voldemort himself.

Everyone believed the story and Daniel Potter was praised as being The-Boy-Who-Lived.

No one even thought of how Harry Potter got his mark that night, in fact it'd be a while before anyone thought of Harry at all.

-The Underground never trust rumour.

By the time Harry was five he'd lost his name. To the press and majority of the wizarding world he was the Brother, his name never mentioned in tabloids just the title. It was always related back to Daniel, so he was nothing if not that connection between the two.

To his family he was Boy, and he didn't matter. He was the unwanted and unnoticed member of the Potter household. Most people that visited never saw him and never talked to him. There were no pictures of him lining the walls, none of his drawings stuck to the fridge. There was no trace of him at all in the house, except behind one door.

Behind the door that lead to a room most people mistook for a cupboard, was were Harry Potter could be found. Pictures lined the walls, slowly getting better as time went on. Books were piled on what little room was on the floor, and mismatched or broken toys sat on the shelf or bed. Harry didn't often get given anything unless Daniel first discarded it, in which case it was his if he wanted it. Harry cherished any small thing he could get.

- The Underground take nothing for granted.

Harry followed after his father in looks but not in personality. He had his mother's love of knowledge but not her fiery temper. His hair was black but more tame then his fathers, his eye's were green but not like his mothers, there were swirls of a more vivid green, seen only in the killing curse.

The day it all changed was on Harry's sixth birthday.

Harry disliked his family, he hated the way they treated Daniel, the looks of love they gave him and the presents they showered on him. Most of all he hated the fact they never looked at him. Harry in his room listening to the noise down stairs everyone celebrating his brother's birthday, he could hear them all giving presents commenting on how good his brother was.

Harry got off his bed and went down stairs he was hoping Uncle Moony would be there, because Uncle Moony noticed Harry and actually was happy to see him. The party downstairs was winding down, most of the well wishers had left, now it was really only true friends of the family left, Harry opened the door hoping to go in unnoticed, luck was not on his side, when he walked in he bumped into Sirius who happened to be holding a very large cake, and when hit by Harry happened to drop it.

For a moment no one moved and then it happened, James Potter yelled at Harry telling him he was disgrace, wanting to know how he could do that to his brother on his birthday, Harry didn't answer and James got angry, he grabbed the boy and threw him across the room.

"James NO" He could hear Uncle Moony saying but it made no difference, his Father hit him again and again. Harry just took it knowing he couldn't stop it.

"James don't" He heard Moony again, his looked up his Father had his hand ready about to hit him but Uncle Moony stopped him.

"You can't do that to a child James it was an accident it wasn't Harry's fault."

'Don't bother,' thought Harry 'it won't help.'

"I can do what I want with him, he's no child he's a freak and he ruined his brother's birthday he must be punished." James roared at Moony

"Not while I'm here." At another time Harry would have been happy to know that someone cared enough to stick up for him, but he knew it wouldn't matter.

Then it happened James yelled at Moony telling him to get out of his house and never return. Harry's only protector was banished from his sight, the one person that cared about Harry that actually saw Harry.

Harry knew at this moment that if he wanted to survive he had to go, he no longer wanted to be scared, he no longer wanted to live as a nobody, he wanted to live and he'd fight for it. He pushed away the people around him and he ran, he knocked against his Father who tried to grab at him, he bit the hand him that reached for him arm. He fled from his once home.

And for years no one ever heard anymore about Harry Potter.

- The Underground fight to live.

To the used and abused, unknown and unappreciated, the lost, unwanted, misunderstood, scared, different, hidden, thrown away and runaways.

Welcome to the Underground.

Let the fun begin.