I looked at the top. It said his birth date, birth name, and a lot of baby information. Then I saw the words 'adoption date'. Officer Borsch was adopted!

If he was actually adopted, then he would not be really related to Warren. Then I would not be related to Casey!

I ran up to the door and was about to swing it open, when I realized I was supposed to be on the quiet side. I looked out of the window in the door and checked for anyone looking in my direction. Nobody was looking at the records room so I slowly opened the door. I tip-toed out of the area and to the main gallery.

Casey was waiting for me. I whispered in his ear, "Officer Borsch was adopted!"

Then I yanked him out of the hospital. I had an urge to kiss him, so I did. At first he was surprised, but then he kissed me back. It was wonderful. I was going to say, "That was great," when we broke apart, but what popped out of my mouth was, "It's about time!" He starts to nod and then pulls me in for another breathtaking kiss.