Author's Note: Yup, this was a long time coming. I cannot begin to beg for your forgiveness about the LONG time it took me to write this. This is the last chapter, I hope you all enjoy this as I had fun writing this story.

Living in the Night: Winter Formal

Logan POV

I found it surprising that the center would allow me to attend the dance, however, there were a few stipulations that I had to agree to. The first one was there had to be a dozen guards in disguises there in case I go crazy and drain the entire dance. I had to drink a gallon of the strawberry colored milk, which Carlos would have to donate for, which wasn't too bad, but I felt bad that he would have to do this just so I could go to the dance. He punched me in the arm; a mistake as he forgot that I really couldn't feel it, but laughed it off saying something about how small this is compared to walking in the doors with me on his arm. My heart would have been going crazy had it still been beating.

When Carlos told me that the formal was coming up, he neglected to mention that it was the following week. It was a rush of getting a tux to match Carlos' except I had no idea what color Carlos was wearing, so I decided on a deep maroon vest over a white dress shirt with a lighter shade of maroon tie. I stood in front of the mirror, wondering how my life had changed so much in these few months, but I wouldn't have had it any other way.

"You look good." Jim said as he walked up behind me, apparently not afraid to be alone with me now.

"Thank you, and thanks for helping convince the center to let me attend the dance." I said, ducking my head and scratching the back of it.

"You're welcome. I think you've deserved it, especially after this year you've had."

There was a knock on my door, which I assumed was Carlos, but I had no idea what I would open the door to see.

Carlos POV

I rushed over to the center, hoping that Logan was ready so we could go. I had to dodge questions about my speedy exit, as my parent's were disappointed that I didn't bring my date over here to have pictures taken.

Anyway, knocking on the door to Logan's room, I wasn't prepared for what I saw. Logan was dressed in a dark red vest and red tie and white shirt. He looked amazing, and like he jumped out of a romance novel.

"You look… amazing!" I paused, not knowing which word to use, as they all seemed too boring and used. Logan looked better than amazing; he made my heart skip a beat when I saw him.

"You too Carlos! It's almost like we're fire and ice." I didn't realize what he meant at first, until I remembered that I had on an sky blue shirt and black vest with a blue and black tie. Logan didn't miss a beat, he grabbed my hand and held it the entire way to the car I borrowed for the event. I couldn't afford a limo, nor could I ask anyone from the center to drive us there. Jim sat in the back middle seat, staring at the passing cars while I drove to the hotel.

Logan POV

I had to say, for the winter formal, I wouldn't have attended normally because there were enough responsibilities I was required to do, and it looked amazing. Carlos neglected to tell me the theme, but I didn't care much about it.

We danced like idiots, making sure I was as close to Carlos as possible, as I didn't want to tempt fate by getting too close around other people. I could see the guards, but only because their eyes were trained on me exclusively, and I guess, Carlos by association.

"Can we go to a table?" Carlos asked me, out of breath and sweaty. I could tell he was glad that he chose not to wear a blazer. I nodded in response and led him through the grinding crowds. Sitting at a table near the back of the banquet hall, where the dance was being held in the hotel, Carlos whispered he was going to get some punch and water.

I awkwardly glanced around the room, not noticing anything odd, not that I was expecting to find anything. Carlos returned with a red cup full of equally red punch and a bottle of water. Jim passed by, handing me a glass of 'punch' before walking away. With a smile, Carlos downed his punch and looked at me expectantly. I finished my plastic cup in a single gulp, as there wasn't that much in the cup. Taking my cup in his hand, he stacked his into mine, before throwing them both away.

"Wanna ditch? It wasn't as good as I thought it would be." Carlos suggested, and I nodded. Jim following behind us, a comforting presence in a sea of unfamiliarity, to which I was thankful for. Carlos led me to a hill, where there were two baskets sitting on the blanket that lay on the ground.

"Logan, I don't know how to tell you this, but I think you have good news." Carlos said, taking my hand into his and squeezing it slightly.

"Anything you could possibly tell me couldn't ruin this evening."

"The Center has decided that you have proven yourself able to handle life outside their walls. They are granting you temporary freedom. Which was explained to me as able to have your own place outside the center, your own job, and relationships, with weekly check-ins."

I stared at Carlos for a minute, letting what he said sink in. I laughed, pulling him into a tight hug, minding his need to breathe.

"I guess you have to help me apartment shop, because I want you to move in with me."

A/N: End. YUP. Hope you enjoyed this, as it is past midnight. I feel tired. Sorry for the long wait for a short crappy ending chapter.