~ Chapter 1# ~

Crow's First Encounter I

Ugly, Yellow, Jagged.

Crow watched from the shadows as a little boy, maybe a year older than him walked by his hiding place with a few small sacks of groceries. He was slender in build, with a navy blue jacket and scuffed tennis shoes. Crow smiled to himself, he was sure the sack contained food and he was hungry. His stomach complained loudly. He slowly eased out after the boy and followed close enough so as not to loose track of him but also far enough so as not to be noticed.

"Yusei! Yusei wait up!" cried two voices. Crow froze and melted into the shadows before two other boys raced up. One was tall, with blonde spiked hair and a white hoodie. The other wore a red shirt and brown vest, his hair was nearly white and hung limply as if he had got caught in the rain. The boy turned and waited.

"Hi Jack, Hi Kallen, Why don't you help me out with this. It is getting sort of heavy." The burden was distributed equally between them. They began to laugh and joke, Crow edged closer.

"Hey lets play a real quick game of hide and seek!" Jack said. Yusei frowned at first but one look at Kallen's and Jack's eager faces caused him to smile and quietly nod his assent. They carefully set the bags of groceries down, and Jack began to count. Yusei and Kallen scurried off. Jack finished counting and raced off to find his friends. Leaving the bags of groceries unguarded and in the open. Crow waited briefly before scampering to the bags. A quick rummage turned up a small loaf of bread; he quickly snatched it and raced around the corner. He ran into something and fell back hard on the ground, he quickly looked up into the scowling face of the one they called Jack.

Crow's eyes widened in horror, before he yelped and started to race off in the opposite direction. However, Jack grabbed his arm firmly. Crow yelped again. "What's going on?" a voice questioned. Crow and Jack looked up to see Yusei and Kallen standing watching them. They had obviously heard the cry of alarm and had gone to see if Jack had gotten himself into trouble.

Crow shrank, he tried to squirm away but Jack's grip on him tightened and he growled as he shook Crow. "This little rat," he started, shaking Crow again for emphasis, "Was stealing our food!" He looked at Crow through narrowed eyes. "What do you have to say for yourself?" he snarled.

"I'm sorry?" Crow said, anxious to appease them and get away in one piece.

Jack snorted, "Typical. Couldn't even tell if that was a question or an apology." He turned back to Yusei and Kallen.

Crow scowled and stuck his tongue out at Jack before he could stop himself. He froze when he saw Yusei and Kallen watching him. He tried on his most innocent little boy look, the kind that made ladies feel sorry for him and give him scraps of food. Jack looked down at Crow and glared. "What are we going to do with him?"

'I doubt I get a vote in this,' Crow thought to himself. He lifted his little leg and before Kallen could cry out a warning kicked Jack in the shins with as much muscle as his ten-year-old body could handle. Jack let out a pained howl, at the same moment Crow twisted away hard and raced in the opposite direction in which Yusei and Kallen stood. He still clutched his prize of bread. He couldn't help but suppress a smile as he raced away.

His tried to scurry away as Jack narrowed the gap between, He slipped and fell off the peer. He tried to kick to the surface but the water seemed to suck him in. Crow franticly reached the surface before being pulled below water again. If only he could reach the surface again! His hand left the water but only a moment before he was completely submerged. Then he felt someone splashing next to him, the older boy grabbed his hand, tearing him from the water's grip.

Crow didn't open his eyes until he felt the ground beneath him. He shook the water from his body like a small rodent and looked for the black headed boy who had jumped in to save him. He saw the taller boys carrying Yusei and their groceries back away, seemingly they had forgotten about him. Crow followed the trio, it seemed Yusei would be okay. Crow retraced his steps to the peer and found a rather large piece of bread that had been left behind.

The little culprit snatched the bread up and ran into the nearest Alley. After awhile, Crow ceased running and ducked into a large cardboard box, pulling a moth eaten blanket over. He giggled to himself, remembering the look on Jack's face. He munched on his bread slowly, picking at it and savoring the first meal he had in two days. The bread was delicious and he tore of another golden crusty piece and ate it. He wanted to eat the whole thing but common sense told him to save some for later so he wrapped the remaining half of bread in newspaper and put it in a metal box. It was the only thing that defied the rats.

He left his hideout in search for more food; experience had taught him to not wait until he was out of food to go find more. Food was scarce, especially for the likes of him. He took to the alleyway, that's when he saw that a group of security officers were escorting a fancy car. Curiosity got the better of him and he followed them. He saw at once when the man stepped out of car that he was in charge of important official things. He went inside at tall building. All the officers went with him, except for one who stood by the car. However, he got distracted when some teenagers edged closer. When he left to deal with the problem. Crow edged closer to the car letting his hand run over the smooth exterior. An older boy was in it and looking at some duel cards. Crow craned his neck to see better, his head blocked the sunlight and the boy looked up startled.

Crow froze but the boy smiled and stepped out of the car. "You want to see my cards?" he asked with a smile on his face. Crow hesitated; this boy was bigger than him, perhaps a whole two heads taller than him. The boy was still smiling and beckoning Crow to take the cards. Crow slowly took them and look at amazement at the bright colored monsters on them. "Where do you live?" the boy questioned smoothly slicking back his hair with a black comb before placing it back into his pocket.

"Here in the Satellite," Crow replied staring at the cards.

"You're a Satellite?" the boy questioned, his posture turning rigid. Crow wasn't paying attention, he nodded absentmindedly. The boy eyes narrowed at Crow in a squinty stare, and a slow evil smile crossed his face. "Have you ever been to the facility?"

Crow shook his head again. "Well," the boy said with smirk, "You are gonna find out." In a flash he seized Crow's wrist. "Officer! This street urchin tried to steal my cards!" he screamed. Crow froze in surprise, then felt a heavy hand fall on his shoulder, the officer looked at him angrily. Just then the boy's father arrived on the scene.

"What happened?" he questioned in obvious concern for his son's welfare. His son related what had "happened". The father glared at the officer in charge angrily and his glare took in Crow as well.

"But I didn't!" protested Crow squirming to free himself.

"Did too!" the boy accused, his eyes flashing.

"My son wouldn't lie," the father said, he turned to the officer. "you heard what happened! What are you going to do about it?"

"We will take him to the detention center," the officer replied, he got on his walkie talkie and gave some order into it. A security car rolled into view and the officer holding Crow propelled him to it. He was shoved in the back seat, he sat confused "What just happened?" he thought in shock as cold dread filled him. They drove for what seemed like a long time and finally stopped at another drab grey building.

"C'mon kid," the officer muttered pulling Crow out of the car and taking him into a building. He took Crow to a small room with plain white walls, a cement floor, and a small metal bed frame with a folded blanket on it. The door closed with a bang behind him. Crow bravely moved forward to inspect the room. He moved to the bed and sat on it, testing the softness. Suddenly the door swung open, an officer appeared and grabbed Crow by the arm.

He was taken to a dark room with one chair. "One incision," the officer stated to a man behind the machine. The man looked up and frowned.

"He's just a kid," the man observed.

The officer laughed it off, "They start young," he replied. He turned and had Crow sit on the chair he held him firmly. Crow screamed and tried to break free, he screamed again when the cold machine edged closer. He tried desperately to move but the officer held him in an iron like grasp. It flashed red as a laser of red light came toward him, which was the last thing he remembered because he had mercifully fainted and didn't experience the sharp pain.

He was brought to consciousness with a sharp jab. "Finally," muttered the officer and he took Crow by the arm. He soon found himself back in the room. The skin on his head felt like it was on fire, his hand reached up shakily and touched it. It felt smooth and puckered on the edges. He looked at the glass that was a small window in the door. He looked at his reflection.

He had never seen his reflection so clearly, he saw a yellow like mark across his forehead. It was ugly, hideous. He reached up to touch it and his reflection did the same. Crow sank back.

An officer told him that because it was his first offence and because he was young his time in isolation would be five days, usually after that they would take them to a reform center. The judge decided against it though, feeling that the crime had been punished.

Those five days seemed to be the longest ones of his life. Bile rised in his throat every time he thought of the mark and he would wipe bitter tears from his eyes. After the five days Crow found himself outside the building on the steps. It was cold and raining as he trudged away from the building. Puddles of water gathered on the streets. His eyes fell on one as he stopped in his tracks. There it was, the ugly yellow mark across his forehead. He moved on, stepping in the puddle and marring the smooth water into a choppy ripple. He raced on, but soon he forgot about his mark. It was great to be out again.

He rounded the corner where he stayed and found his box soggy and wet, collapsing on one side, it wouldn't belong until it collapsed completely. His eyes quickly spotted his dented metal box open and lying on its side. Some one had raided his meager food supply. He angrily kicked the box and frustrated tears blinded his vision as he leaned against the wall and sank to the ground. It wasn't the first time in his life he had felt so alone.

He awoke to the sound of clanging. He slowly opened his eyes, and blinked. He turned over and saw a huge alley cat raiding a trashcan. His body was cold, stiff, and sore. He cringed slightly at as another loud noise struck his ears. Crow slowly shook himself and looked at a broken piece of mirror. He was wet and smudged with dirt, one good thing was that his face was so streaked with dirt that he couldn't see the mark on his forehead.

He got up and looked around him; there was nothing in this alley for him so he wouldn't be coming back. He started to walk. He had walked for a sort while when he turned a corner. He saw two big mangy dogs quarrelling over a scrap of meet. Crow took a step back and kicked a can accidently. He froze and the dogs turned to face him snarling. They crouched ready to spring, Crow opened his mouth but nothing came out. They snarled and growled savagely that in itself was enough for Crow turn and book it to a safer place. The dogs had other ideas and were probably thinking that he would make a better meal.

Crow knew the dogs were gaining on him. He raced on and saw a bare ugly tree pointing like a skeleton finger to the sky. Crow wasted no time in swinging himself up. One of the dogs leaped and caught Crow's ankle his mouth. Crow bit back a cry and used his other foot to kick the dog squarely in the nose the dog yelped, releasing the ankle and dropping on all four. They stood at the base of the tree snarling up at him. After what seemed like hours they wandered away. Crow scowled at their retreating forms.

He jumped lightly from the tree but a searing pain shot up his ankle. His shoe was torn, and blood soaked the thin material. Crow found a new reason to be upset. "Those were the only shoes I had!" he snapped. He scowled again looking at his damaged shoe. "You know how hard it is to get shoes here!" Crow snarled bitterly more to himself since he knew the dogs were out of earshot.

He limped away muttering insults to the dogs about picking on someone smaller than themselves. He walked along and came to a more deserted part of the Satellite. It was almost nice; a large brick building graced a rubble cleared lot. He cocked his head before sitting down to watch the house. A small gang of boys appeared; one of the bigger ones picked up the rock and threw it at the window. The window broke with a loud clatter, the older blonde headed boy ducked out of view.

Crow froze at the sound of breaking glass; he was only about 15 feet away from the house. A door opened and out walked a woman; she was small in stature as she searched for the culprit. Crow turned away, his ankle complained but he managed to conceal himself before he was caught in her unwavering gaze


So what did you think? Does this seem too unrealistic? This is one of the first times I have actually written a story about Crow. This story should be about 10 chapters long so not as long as Yusei's… Sorry Crow Fans! Please review!