
Spoilers: All Seasons, mainly 6B and Subject 13 promo

Disclaimer: I do not own Fringe, wish I did.

A/N: I want to thank Caithrine Glidewell with her constant encouragement with this and helping when I needed help.

Olivia woke to a hand in her hair; she smiled and turned over to see Peter looking at her.

"Morning Beautiful." He leaned in and kissed her, Olivia let out a giggle that neither expected. "I never thought I'd see the day Olivia Dunham giggled."

"Shut up." She kissed him again and smiled when pulled her towards him, his intent very clear. "As much as I'd like to continue and we will soon, I need you to check to see if Walter is here."

"Trying to sneak out, I thought it was my job?"

She smiled and eyed him, "I'll make it up to you, I pro..." Her phone rang and she reached over to grab it, still on top of Peter and with his hand running up and down her bare back she couldn't keep a smile off her face. "Dunham? Yes sir of course, no I'll collect the Bishops and we'll meet you at the airport," she moved away as Peter muzzled her neck but shook her head with a smile. She mouthed to get dressed and get Walter if he was there. Peter kissed her head and shoulder before leaving the bed and Olivia. "Of course sir I will make sure their attire is appropriate. Logan at 11:15, understood."

Peter walked back over in sweats and sat down as she hung up. "What's the occasion?"

She smiled, "we're going to meet the president, he wants to see us all. Broyles said he'd pick up Astrid but we have to be at the airport at 11:15 so since we have less than three hours I have to go home to change."

Peter nodded and kissed her, "I'll find Walter a suit, I think we bought one for him last year." He chuckled, "guess its best I say nothing at all unless asked."

"Remember when we met, that file...well I lied, he'll have it."

"You're serious?"

She shook her head and pinched his side causing him to squirm. "No, you're just an easy mark." Olivia laughed and Peter began tickling her, she shrieked at his assault and both began laughing.

Looking up at him she smiled and kissed him, "you're right, it is beautiful and I want it every day."

"I will do everything in my power to make it happen."

"Peter!" The door flew open and they both looked to see Walter starring at them. "Oh I didn't realize."

"Walter, turn around and go back out, shut the door and go get a shower...we have a case."


"My apologies, a meeting at the White House so look your best."

Walter was gone within seconds and both began chuckling. "That was..."

"Probably the worst timing since the time he decided to walk in on me while using the restroom in public."

She smiled and kissed him, "no use in sneaking out, make me coffee?"

"Anything you want, black with one sugar coming up." He gave her a kiss, a long and leisurely one. "You're like a drug, addicting and worth the life I'm giving up."

"I can get expensive too."

"Liar, you like simple things." Peter left her but not before picking up her suit from the floor and laying it out.

Olivia smiled and began to get dressed; she could honestly admit that if it turned out to be a mistake, which she doubted it would, it would be the best one she made in her entire life.

Heading downstairs with her coat on her arm and blazer still unbuttoned, she found Peter in the kitchen pouring coffee into a travel mug.


He handed her the coffee and placed the sugar bowl beside her. "Morning Beautiful."

"What happened to sweetheart?"

"I thought you hated that, I stopped because you gave me a death glare every time I used it."

She smiled, "not a death glare."

"Okay, well whatever glare it was it clearly said 'call me that again and I'll shoot you' so out of self-preservation I stopped."

She chuckled and looked up at him, "start again, I will be back in an hour and a half to pick you up. No drugs and nothing that could be considered illegal."

"And be arrested at the White House? Not a chance Sweetheart. I'll see you later."

Olivia leaned up and kissed him, touching his chin before smiling and left.

A/N: What did you think?