Reviews for Destined
marifreica chapter 19 . 7/7/2011

What the hell happened?

Weeping Angel Of Fear chapter 19 . 3/4/2011
great ending!

where she went chapter 19 . 3/4/2011
Nice work. I really enjoyed this.
writethelifeyouwant chapter 19 . 3/1/2011
I really enjoyed this story!
Morganel chapter 19 . 3/1/2011
I'm boggled! In a good way I assure you. I liek how you ended it, but I really liked how you paired up Here's Lee and Alternate Olivia, and I woulda liekd to see some of the Charlied and whatever happenedto Frank and Other Lee..

I'm Boggled...Still stilghtly confused, but yet again in a good way.
Morganel chapter 16 . 2/27/2011
Purely awesome I can't get enough of this I'm utterly hooked and I encourage continuing!
Weeping Angel Of Fear chapter 16 . 2/26/2011
great chapteS!

helikesitheymikey chapter 16 . 2/26/2011
*snickers* OMG! SO FUNNY! this bit

-"not as bad when he first started training, this guy could tell you anything about physics and nothing about combat…just the simple stuff but during our Vortex training he goes rushing in like a cowboy screaming 'take that Newton' and popped it before running out screaming like a little girl that we're all going to die."-

is probably THE FUNNIEST LINE IN EITHER OF YOUR STORIES! I totally was lmao!

*starts cackling again*

so...we gonna hear a bit more of the munchkin and what she looks like? oh'll be interesting if Olive ever becomes Aunt Liv and then when she and Lincoln have kids...the kids would be both cousins and half-siblings sorta wouldn't they? only difference between Liv and Olivia in DNA is the cortexiphan innit?



so...we ever gonna see a get together with Rachel, Ella, Walter, Peter, Olivia, Caitlin, Lincoln and Liv? that'd be...interesting to say the least.
noz4a2 chapter 16 . 2/26/2011
These last few chapters were good. The whole Liv Olivia thing is gonna be interesting. I hope it stays the way it is an the Liv doesn't get any further ideas an tries to steal Peter away. I thought I missed a chapter when I read that they were married, but it was all explained. Hopefully we get to see ore of Olivia being the BAMF that she is and that she and Peter do what they do a team! Missed seeing Walter in these chapters, hopefully soon! Update soon as always!
Morganel chapter 13 . 2/26/2011
Sad...Even Sadder that James Lincoln Bishop died. He was just an innocent baby thts too bad. I'm confused. But I love this sotry! SO MUCH!
Weeping Angel Of Fear chapter 13 . 2/26/2011
great cahpters!

but amy seems a bit mean and out of charater.

noz4a2 chapter 13 . 2/25/2011
Poor baby boy. As much as Peter didn't want it, it was still his son. Update soon.
Morganel chapter 11 . 2/25/2011
I like this! I love this!
Weeping Angel Of Fear chapter 11 . 2/25/2011
wonderful chapters!

noz4a2 chapter 11 . 2/25/2011
So it was twins...I have heard that happening before. So glad they have happiness in their life. A cortexibaby is gonna be interesting. Update soon.
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