Author's Disclaimer: As much as I keep wishing to Jareth I did, I still do not own Labyrinth, which belongs to Henson. But, I like to think that Jareth wouldn't mind too much the ending I am giving here. As indicated by the below chapter, we have now arrived at the end of our story, and such a journey it has been! There are so many people to thank for all the time and work that was put into making this story possible, so I will thank them all at the end. This is my first fanfiction, and hopefully the first of several more to come (more below on that). Thanks for all the reviews! :-) I love writing to please you. And without further ado, let us move on to Sarah, who now has quite a few things to say:
Chapter 9: "You have no power over me."
Sarah took one look at the man standing in front of her, and it all became very clear what had to be said. Taking tests had a strange habit of making clear what one's priorities were, and he was just another obstacle to be tackled, man-handled, and destroyed, by all means necessary. She could only hope Jareth was close by to witness her words, since some would be directed at him, too.
Taking one last steadying breath, Sarah lifted her chin defiantly, and giving him a smug, mocking grin as only Jareth would be proud of or could match, she finally spoke her mind to him fully.
"Dick, you blind, stupid, jerk of a human being, why do you even exist? To alienate and annoy others? To make other well-dressed and better-endowed men look even better? Do you honestly believe everything you just said?" For that series of questions, she received several small squirms of discomfort from the other person in front of her. Emboldened, she continued:
"I honestly don't think you believe it all, or else you really are blind, stupid, and the biggest jerk in the world. I always thought that of you since the moment I met you, though. Perhaps now you will believe it yourself. First of all, you can insult me all you want, but it won't matter, because I'm still the biggest person, metaphysically speaking, while Jareth will always be physically. I will never stoop to that low of a level to say those kinds of things to another living being right after one of the most brain-wracking experiences a person can have, a final exam. No matter how good I am, it still causes a great deal of stress, but despite all that, I know that I have at least the same size brain as you, if not bigger. I was fully able to tackle those problems, only having issues with the last several, as they were designed to be more difficult. I would say that the exam was a piece of cake."
"Enjoy checking that final, Dick, I will be laughing at you for a long time to come because I was able to beat you at your game, that of winning the mind game of knowing that I can do it because I have faith in myself and my abilities, not needing you to do it for me. You must be blind, because I was clearly not scared, only concentrating on the questions entirely and not looking up at you until I could pause and take a well-deserved moment of peace from working since I had accomplished so much already." Yes, she over-exaggerated slightly, but he would never know, she thought wickedly.
It was at this point that Dick tried to butt in as she paused to take a breath from her long-awaited speech, trying to protest her prowess in doing the exam, but he was cut off before he got very far.
"I smiled at the end of the exam for two reasons. The first because I knew I had done pretty good on the exam, so that I could keep my grade in this class, and second, I was happy because I knew that I was done and free of you and the entire world of physics for the rest of my life. I suppose that scene of me smiling over you was pretty scary and familiar, huh?"
It was a long shot, but she had to hope that Jareth was as creative with punishments and dreams as he claimed to be, to see if Dick would respond to hearing that image brought up. She got lucky.
"I don't know what you are talking about." He may have said it, but his body and face clearly belied him and told a very different story as he began to hunch over slightly, and his eyes looked around himself warily for a moment. It seemed it was time to have some well-deserved toying-with-his-mind fun with him. Her glance and posture were beginning to resemble Jareth a great deal now.
"Oh, to the contrary, I think you know too well what I am referring to. Realistic, huh?" Such a predatory smile, Jareth was definitely rubbing off on her in many good ways.
Dick laughed, before shuddering. "It couldn't have possibly been real, nor do you have any idea what I dream about, there's no way."
"I disagree, there is at least one way that I know of to make dreams happen."
"Yes, well, perhaps I was a little harsh on you, and my subconscious felt it, probably because it was still weak enough to want you, punishing me for it."
"All of the dream?"
"Well, maybe not." It was then that his lightbulb came, for several seconds at least. "Wait, how can you know about my dream, let alone know I had one?"
"Well, Sherlock, you just told me, for starters. Besides, I had a dream too, though mine ended well. But, I'm sure the first part of the dream was just nonsense, right?" It was bait, and he went for it immediately.
"Yes, it was the most peculiar and absurd piece of nonsense I ever experienced. Really, there were little people! Hairy ones! Disgusting people, or creatures, I can't decide."
"Yes, and I suppose it is all their fault for what happened afterward?"
She was having trouble holding back her grin, though part of her wanted to deck him for his names regarding the goblins. They were going to have fun with him once she was through with him.
"Oh, it certainly was. They somehow managed to drop all my papers, and didn't even have the courtesy to notice or help me, just standing there, forcing me to do it. And in the process, they wanted to know if I wanted friction or not, how strange is that? I, being the rational being that I am, told them that no, I wanted nothing to do with them. And then, for some inescapable reason, it was if the room suddenly lost all friction! It was so weird! I kept falling on my butt! Not to mention I couldn't pick up my papers."
"You poor, poor, thing." Sarah tried not to let the sarcasm through, but did not succeed as much as she wanted. Thankfully, he was too caught up in receiving her attention and telling the story to notice, and so he continued, blissfully unaware of how much she was laughing at him.
"Yes, but after a while, I decided I wasn't going to take it any longer, so I told those things that were still there, pointing and laughing at me throughout as I tried to move, that I was tired of their games, and that I wanted to leave. I was fed up with them. And then, suddenly my world changed dramatically."
Sarah was covering her mouth now, to prevent her smile from showing too much, as she was enjoying it far too much. "How bad could it have been if you left?"
"It was dreadful. I was surrounded by those little things again." The disdain in his voice was quite evident. But then, a kind of fear overtook him as he hunched down slightly, then straightening quite quickly, as his eyes filled with fear.
"And then, they, they, they put me into a catapult! They tied my hands together and gagged me as I tried to escape and scream for help. Then, suddenly, they launched me away! I wish it had been a better place, but it was not. It was far from good. In fact, it was quite smelly."
He had to look at Sarah again, due to the sudden snort that erupted from her, though he soon continued as she waved him on with her other hand in front of her mouth, as though about to sneeze.
"Indeed, it seemed as though I were in some kind of quicksand, though the smelliest stuff I ever smelled. I can't imagine anything worse. But then, I couldn't get out. After attempting to swim out, I saw him." His face suddenly paled, his eyes looking out cautiously before he lowered his voice to her. "That supposed boyfriend of yours. He suddenly appeared out of nowhere, now wearing a black suit of armor with some kind of long-flowy-cape-thing. It was the strangest sight I ever saw. He then proceeded to tell me that I could never leave the sand, though he called it a bog. A bog, hardly. Of eternal stench, that I could understand. But, as I was not able to get out, I had no choice but to do as he asked."
"Well, that was a smart idea. Really, what could he make you do that was so hard anyway?"
Sarah had resorted to biting her lower lip to keep her smile from getting much bigger.
"That man had the nerve to force me to be around those little things again! Only this time, there were so many! All they did was surround me, running in circles and pulling at my clothes while doing that. Here I was, trying to do the proper thing and teach them about the greatest subject on earth, so that they could then use their catapults better, the little ungrateful things."
"Well, perhaps they could not understand what you were saying to them, perhaps they had never heard of physics."
"Never heard of physics? How is that possible? Everything with half a brain knows about and loves physics. They just kept on ignoring me however. After a few hours of trying, I was sick of it, and told them that they would never get their catapults to work, to which they quickly decided that I, of all people, should go back on it. Naturally, I was not going to let that happen, so I ran away as fast as I could, though before I knew it, I was back in that stupid, smelly, sand. And it only smelled worse."
"Well, you have no one to blame for your situation, as you made a promise to help them fix their catapults. You didn't fulfill your side of the deal, and so, you received the other part, that of being in the bog again."
"I most certainly am not to blame for that! How can any sane person teach them anything? It is a suicide mission, that or one where you will go insane in the process. Strange, that was what he said when he came back."
This time however, instead of being scared, he chose to stare darkly and angrily at Sarah, which rather confused Sarah. She could only assume she had been mentioned, so she prompted him on, in order keep him going. "He was right."
"He was not right. He is never right. Even if you are on his arm, kissing him in that way, and laughing at me, he is not right, nor lucky. He does not even realize what he has with him, a parasite."
"A parasite? I hope you are not referring to me." She looked quite inflamed after that. But he did not seem fazed at all, and he continued, digging his own grave.
"Yes, you feed off of others' genius, and take credit for it."
"Yes, I suppose that because of not listening to you for the last few weeks made me able to do the final, and I got all my pretty looks from my family, having nothing to do with me." The sarcasm was dripping now.
"Of course. No one is so beautiful without having some secret bad reason. You are far too beautiful and intelligent not to be a physics major and work beside me."
Sarah was still surprised. Even though he was doing his best to insult her, he was complimenting her, in a weird way. Oh well, it helped her case more. "Yes, but I am not. So the only reason I was so good was to annoy you since you could never have me."
"Of course I can have you! You are perfect!"
"So why aren't I with you right now? Why would you want to be with a perfect parasite?"
Dick was forced to look a little sheepish after contradicting himself, but he soon bounced back, ready again to make himself look foolish by any means.
"The only reason you are not with me now is because of that glittery little pretty boy who claims to be your boyfriend. How he can be your boyfriend, I will never understand."
This was the moment Sarah had been waiting for. At long last, she would be able to make her feelings for Jareth clear, and defend him as she ought. She could only hope Jareth was close-by as she began.
"First of all, I will have you know that I have very strong feelings for him!" It was at this point that Sarah tried to move her head around, looking for some sign of Jareth, but still did not see one. No matter, she had to hope that he was there, somewhere. "Jareth is the best man I could ever ask for in every way. Since he is older, he is far more mature than you will ever be, and he cares about the future, more than just doing research together, which is not romantic, especially when one despises it so much. Also, because he is older, he has a greater depth of feeling, far more than you ever will, since compared to him mentally and emotionally you are a child. He is perfectly capable of having feelings for others, as he has shown to me and to others. He has the ability to understand me better, and he is willing to give me what I want most, him. And, it helps that he is far better on the eyes than you ever will be."
It was at this point that Dick felt the need to interrupt. "I hate to ruin your dreams, but if he did care for you, he would be-"
"He is here. You just haven't seen him yet.," she ground out. It was at this point that she looked off in the direction of some trees nearby, and then she said under her breath, "Jareth, I'm sorry. I was being stubborn, and I was a little afraid of what would happen by us being together, but without you, life isn't the same. I need you. I'm more afraid of not being with you. I can't help thinking about you all the time. Please, if you are here, show yourself and don't prove me wrong." She then looked up, and her breath caught in her throat.
There, in the tallest of the trees in the little patch of trees, was a solitary white barn owl. Nothing extraordinary, except that barn owls normally did not live there. It was then that the owl looked at her, and it took flight toward them. Dick was slightly confused why he was looking at an owl instead of arguing with Sarah, when suddenly the owl started coming straight at him. In fact, oddly enough, it was now looking him in the eye, somehow with a triumphant look.
It wasn't until the owl was several feet away from Dick, now at eye level with him that it suddenly came up slightly, and when it was over Dick's head, the owl had the courtesy to leave a dropping that managed to land on Dick's hair, and then slid off onto his clothing. Needless to say, Dick was greatly upset by this development, though his protests were immediately quieted by what the owl did next.
The owl then flew around to face Sarah, who then smiled widely at him, and then ruffled a few feathers of the fine owl before nuzzling him on the top of the head. As she moved her head back, Jareth decided that it would be a good time to change, and so, with a slightly larger than normal amount of glitter that seemed to spread everywhere, Jareth appeared in all his tight-panted glory.
It was quite a sight to see. Jareth, feeling quite victorious and pleased after Sarah's confession, felt within his bounds to make Sarah appear more Goblin Queen-like, and so he gave her a similar outfit to what she wore at their last dinner together, while he wore another matching outfit, complete with his crown, cape, and predatory smirk. Granted, Sarah never noticed the slight change in costume, but Dick did, and was rather flustered and flabbergasted by what had just happened.
"You dare to doubt my feelings for Sarah?" The tone was sharp, biting, and rather threatening, enough to make Dick jump slightly upon hearing it. "I have loved Sarah for far longer than you have ever known her, and have fought very hard to gain her affections. I will always be there for Sarah, standing by her side until the end of time. You can have no notion of how much I feel for her."
"And likewise, you have no idea how much I love Jareth. For," she said tenderly, looking up at Jareth and touching his face, "I may have been wrong in the past, but now, I know I am not wrong, and I can without a doubt know that I do love you Jareth. And none of it would have been possible," she said suddenly turning to Dick with a triumphant grin, "without you."
"Sarah, I don't believe I quite understand what you are saying. You lead me to believe that you have feelings for him, because of me? You ought to have them for me; it is more natural."
"You couldn't be more wrong, Dick. Here, let me explain it more clearly to you, so you can see how little I care about you. You see, in the beginning, I did not understand physics at all, but after one meeting, I didn't like you. After three weeks, I hated you, and you had not helped me at all. And then, I got so sick of you that I finally turned to Jareth. See, I actually hated Jareth before I hated you, but you were so bad, that I was willing to seek help with physics from him. So, all this time that you have claimed that I was your greatest achievement, you actually cannot since I learned more from Jareth, meeting with him as often as I met with you, and always before meeting with you so that I got all your work done. And, with more work from you came more time spent in his company, so really you were the means of bringing Jareth and me together, so I ought to thank you for that, if nothing else. Physics was a mistake for me, except for one reason, and that was so that I could see why I needed Jareth in my life. So, thank you. I am quite happy with Jareth now."
Needless to say, Dick wasn't all that pleased to hear all this said, as his pride and happiness were now quite destroyed, so he made the mistake of trying to make fun of Jareth in his anger.
"Happy, with him? Hardly. He will be boring, though I can't quite figure how he managed to appear in all that glitter through a cheap magic trick."
Jareth almost purred then. "Well, would you like to see how I made that magic happen?"
"If you don't mind, yes I would."
"Gladly. Sarah dearest, take my hand, I think our friend wants to be put in his place and shown what else exists in the world." The two were only too happy to hold hands as the three of them then proceeded to float off the ground. Poor Dick, he didn't know what was more scary, the way Jareth was staring at him, or the fact that gravity had suddenly disappeared while he was in the air.
"What have you done? What is happening? How is this happening? What kind of weird trick is this?!"
"No trick at all, my little friend. Only magic." At the gaping mouth of Dick, Jareth continued. "You see, little friend, what physics does not explain is the existence of magic, and let me tell you, it does exist. You are experiencing it right now. Granted, you will never be able to prove it, and every other scientist will think you are a nut job if you ever try to pass off magic as real, but nonetheless, I just wanted to let you know that magic really does exist."
"No. It can't. There must be another reason..."
"Sorry, none at all. We are all here just floating away, no ropes, cables, mirrors, ramps, or other things, just us floating in air. Would you like to fly?"
"Fly? Ha. Hardly. If only."
"Brace yourself, my little friend, you are about to be proven wrong yet again." And with that, Dick began to float up more, until Dick started squirming, at which point he began to move in the direction of his squirms, more and more to his left, until he was quite disoriented, and was now screaming at the top of his lungs.
"Why is this happening? This is lunacy! This can't be happening!"
"Give it up, man. This is happening, and there is no way Jareth will let you come down until you acknowledge the magic. Come on now, you should be excited. You finally get to fly." Sarah was doing her best not to laugh too much.
"Fly into the loony bin. I'm doomed. They will never take me seriously ever again. And it's all your fault!" This last comment was directed at Sarah, at which point he began to fly toward Sarah, and he would have eventually made it, had it not been for Jareth, who conveniently stopped him.
"You will not touch Sarah, nor speak to or insult her ever again, or else you will re-live your latest dream involving me every night, for the rest of your life. And I promise you it will become more real, starting with that lovely smell you like so much."
Jareth was not pleased with Dick, and there was no time like the present to make his feelings clear.
"You, sir, have terrorized and bothered far too many people, and you deserve to rot in the bog for that, for the rest of your natural life. Sadly, I can see from Sarah's face that she would never let you, so I will be generous with you, but only this once. If you should ever try to tutor another student, or threaten another person as long as you live, I will come find you, and make your life miserable. My goblins would love to catapult you into the bog again anytime you want to. Do I make myself clear?"
As Jareth continued to talk, Dick had been frozen in air, in the position he had been in, until halfway through the speech, the three of them began to drift downward, he coming down still frozen in place. It was at that point that he realized that there was nothing he could do to stop Jareth.
To see Jareth's threatening face with the promise of more nightmares, he was forced to show the fear that he was now feeling overcome him. When he landed on the ground, he stayed frozen for several moments, and then he was allowed to move, at which point, he made a run for Sarah. For once, he looked quite scared.
"Sarah, you will not-"
But Sarah had been waiting for him to come back to her, and she was ready. And so, like at the end of any good story, she said her words. "Dick, you, and all the physics you stand for, have no power over me. I am not afraid of you. You have terrorized me for far too long, and while physics can be a good thing, left in your hands, it is dangerous and twisted. Get out of my sight, now."
Dick was forced to stop, as he had not been expecting her to say that, and for some odd reason, he now felt quite powerless and useless. His pride demanded that he say something to her, but he could think of nothing.
"What is this? The great Dick has nothing to say? Nothing, tra la la?" Jareth couldn't help but rub it in.
"It seems I have been beaten. I will leave you now." He began to walk, until he heard the sneer in Jareth's voice.
"You really thought you could get away that easily? Hardly. I think it is only fair to give you a running start. Goblins, I do believe your new friend and toy is here. Go ahead; try to catch him."
While Jareth was saying that, Dick turned around, with just enough time to notice the sudden appearance of a dozen or so goblins, all of which he remembered vividly from his dream, which he really did not want to relive.
When Jareth finished, the goblins then began to chase after him. Upon realizing that Sarah and Jareth weren't going to stop them, and that they were coming for him, he did the only natural thing a scared person can do: run away like a chicken, screaming at the top of his lungs like a little girl.
After seeing that Dick had made it across the entire sidewalk available, and was now proceeding to run across the street, receiving many confused and amused looks at his distress from an invisible enemy that made him shout, "They're coming, they're coming!" numerous times, Sarah and Jareth began to laugh quite loudly.
"Well, my Precious One, what shall we do now, with all this free time Aboveground?"
"I think it is entirely appropriate that we visit my professor and give him a taste of the magic, as he might actually like it after his initial dislike and skepticism."
"As you wish, Sarah." And so they proceeded to see her professor, who was rather surprised to see them dressed as such, and he only became more surprised as Jareth showed him how it was possible to float by believing in the magic. At first, he was shouting with fury at how they could do such a horrible thing as defy gravity, until his brain registered that he was indeed defying gravity and physics, his life-long job, at which point he became quite sober and quiet. For some moments, he looked around him, felt up the area, looked Jareth in the eye, and said, "So how does this magic stuff work then?"
Jareth then proceeded to laugh at the absurdity of the idea of magic being explained like a physics problem. "Sorry, professor, I can't do that. It's impossible to explain magic; it just happens. But, unless you believe in it, it won't work for you."
"So if I genuinely believe that the magic can happen, it will work for me?" He looked quite excited now.
"I suppose so, assuming all goes according to rules and such." Jareth was trying hard to restrain his grin at the professor's excitement. It was forced to disappear at the teacher's next comment.
"Well now, isn't that something. And here I thought I had it all worked out. It seems I have much more work to do then. I can see you two are quite happy together too, so I will let you two get on with whatever partying you need to do, now that the classes and exams are over. I wish you both the best of luck. I will endeavor to make good use of this magic."
"I am glad to hear it. Just be careful, though. Showing it to people may not work as you would like." Jareth tried to give the enthusiastic professor a warning, but the professor didn't hear after that point. "Well then, thank you for the wishes, and all the best in your research. Good day."
"Good-bye, professor. I can't say that I enjoyed physics, but I did survive, and have come to respect it. Good luck with your research as well." Sarah proceeded out the door, with Jareth at her side. "Well, I am surprised that turned out so well, I was expecting much worse."
"Yes, I rather was too, but once he saw the light, he was much better about it."
"But did you really give him magic?"
"Well, a little. The only way he will ever do work on it is if he makes it work for him. But, he can't do the magic around others." He said the last part rather gleefully.
"Why am I not surprised you would do that? Well then, I suppose there is nothing left to do than to go back home."
"Home? Already? You don't want to bring anything with you from your apartment?" Jareth looked quite excited now.
"No, home as in my apartment."
"Oh. Well, I'm afraid but you can no longer consider that your home, as you deserve far better things than that. You are, or will be very soon, a queen. My queen. All mine."
"Well, we both know that I am all yours."
"Truly. You do realize what you are agreeing to?"
"Yes, Jareth, I know very well to what I am agreeing. I am agreeing to marry you, to spend the rest of my life with you, at your side, where we will rule together, and we will be happy together. So that we can fulfill each other's dreams to satisfaction and take care of the little goblins. Yes, I want to be with you, and I cannot imagine life without you. I love you."
Jareth sighed slightly, quite pleased with what Sarah was saying, and in watching the soft glow that came into her face that looked quite tenderly and beatifically at him as she finished. And then he grinned. "Well, it was high time you came out of your denial. I'm glad to finally have you to myself. We shall be very happy together, that I can promise. So let's get back to that apartment, so that I can finally bring you to your proper home, where you belong, with me."
The kiss that they shared after his little speech was quite wonderful, as far as kisses go. The best one yet to be shared between them. While it started off tenderly, there was that hint of longing and desire in Jareth's that made Sarah want to search it out by any means, and before either knew what was happening, Sarah was deepening the kiss, and the kisses became more frenzied. Sarah hadn't realized how much she had wanted to kiss Jareth, as now she couldn't stop. It was as though she needed to kiss him in order to breathe; she couldn't help it. He tasted wonderful, and he had his arms around her waist and in her hair, making her feel quite pleasantly light, as though flying again.
It wasn't until her hands reached the opening of his shirt that she finally felt the force of attraction Jareth had mentioned in the beginning, in the form of the electric sparks that suddenly began to run throughout her body, and she shivered with happiness at feeling the electricity. Jareth was only too happy to hold her close and kiss her senseless. When they were both finally forced to stop to breathe, they unwillingly broke apart, until Sarah put her arms around him, indicating her willingness to go.
In a flash of glitter, they were back in Sarah's room as she began to gather her things. It was with a little apprehension that Sarah asked her next question. "Jareth, I will be allowed to see my family, right? I really want to continue to see Toby grow-up, and at least keep in contact with my dad and Karen."
"Well, if you really desire it, then yes, you can. As my queen, you will have your own magic so that you can live forever with me, eventually becoming a fae, so if you want them to visit, it shouldn't be hard to bring them here when you want to. Just not too often."
"Of course, Jareth. I want to spend a great deal of time with you, though we must make time for our goblins, as we cannot let them be alone for too long can we?"
"I suppose not." This was accompanied with a slight frown.
"Good. Well, I think that is everything I will need. I think I am ready, except for one last thing."
"And what is that, my Precious One?"
"Well, I forgot to mention one other thing to you in the process of telling you of my love. And that is: Jareth, you have all the power over me." She was very serious when she said it. She knew it would mean a lot to him if she said it.
Sarah couldn't remember the last time she had seen Jareth look so happy. Without further ado, Jareth proceeded to pick up Sarah, and giving her a quick kiss on the forehead, he said, "Well, my Queen, it seems we have many things to do, and quickly. I hope you like fast weddings, as I am entirely in favor of them, as well as what happens afterward." He looked quite pleased after saying that.
"Yes, as it so happens, I am in favor of marriage, and the sooner the better. I'm ready."
"And I am only too happy and ready to bring you home at last."
With one last glance, Sarah looked at her room, and then into Jareth's mismatched, beautiful eyes and smiled. With that, Jareth kissed her again, and they finally went home. Of course, they were only too happy together, as couples like them are. Graduation came and passed, with Sarah pleased to have finally made it, while Jareth looked on expectantly, the marriage only a matter of time away.
They both loved each other, in addition to a great amount of attraction to the other, and there was nothing that could ruin their happiness. Not even the goblins as they continued to make more catapults and can-phones. Not even Dick as he grew up to become a physics professor and thoroughly deny all existence of magic, while the old professor went on to become estranged to Dick after he tried to explain and show Dick magic.
The old professor went on to spend the rest of his life ostracized by the scientific community, but he was still pleased with himself as he tried to reconcile the existence of magic with physics, while also making it a habit of floating about in his home on a regular basis as he worked. All in all, there was much general happiness, where the biggest source of all came from Sarah and Jareth, who soon discovered why marriage was called wedded bliss.
Author's Notes: The End! The actual end, wow. Oh dear me! There is too much to say! I shall endeavor to make it short. I have several things to say:
1) Thanks! A big thanks goes out to all of the awesome people on this site who helped make this possible. (I would thank my physics professors for the original inspiration, but I am not Sarah, now am I? :P) My former roommate was most influential, as she showed me what I needed to know, and introduced me to this wonderful world. Also, I wanted to put a shout out to Lixxle, as she was one of the first authors I read, and I immediately loved her. Her wonderful story of "My Fine Feathered Friend" was hilarious to read (I would suggest it, as it is rated T, and good fun). Also, as I mentioned before I received inspiration for the potatoes and socks from outside authors, so I wanted to mention them. For the socks, I looked at "Mayhem Abounding" (rated M) by BreathofNocte, and the potatoes from "Most Prized Possession" (rated M) by Jester3. Both were great stories, but as they are rated M, I would only suggest them if you are of age.
2) Future Stories: As I mentioned above, I have already begun to think of ideas for my next fanfiction, so I wanted to get your advice. Part of the joy of writing is writing about things people will enjoy/want to read, so if you have any ideas of situations to be put into future stories, or if you prefer one story over the other, just review or private message me to let me know. As you might have noticed, I am fond of quoting Jane Austen, and so for my next story, I wanted to write a story where Sarah and Jareth are forced to act out Pride and Prejudice while living under the same roof. I figure it involves Jane Austen and Jareth wearing breeches a lot, so it can't be a bad thing. I probably will also include some Shakespeare quotes (more insults than anything, but still), and it might become a cross-over if I change my mind, or if a number of you want to see certain characters make an appearance. HOWEVER, it also occurred to me that some of you might want more closure to this story, so I have some ideas floating about as to perhaps making a sequel to this story, naturally involving Sarah and how she conquers the many laws of acting like a queen. If you do prefer one story over the other, I hope you will let me know, as I will be writing the P&P-related one otherwise.
3) Finally, I wanted to include a list of everyone who was good enough to include a review of this story, up until the time I finished writing this chapter. You have all been such a great inspiration for me, and have made the writing experience worth it.
First of all, I want to give the biggest thanks to the following reviewers: notwritten, KraZiiePyrozHavemoreFun, MyraValhallah, and Ayjah. You all have been some of my most constant companions and reviewers throughout this story, and I can't thank you enough for being so amazing. Also, thanks to MizzFizz, JaneDoe1997, ForSanity'sSake, awsmninja, LadyBookworm80, and Jareth-GK for your repeated (or just plain special) reviews, as you are all quite awesome. Finally, to everyone else who was kind enough to review, a big THANKS! You are: SpaceHead3, MikkiANNE, Feline Grace, Phantom Waffles, twilight sucks badly, k-girl20, doovo2, RoseisBadass, misunderstooddemon, pink flora, StillFeelSixteen, Koko Dashi, The Changling Wolf, What The Spoot, kashmir, werecatninja, rockndasha, LoyalFreak13, the musical muffin, Smiley, Lauralithia2, Silhouette the SANVAE, and THE female dog. You are all such a great bunch to write for, and I hope your lives only get better, with the addition of a little fanfiction along the way :-)