Hi everyone! Aren't I so glad to be back! I sincerely apologize for not updating or re-writing. I can explain, I was in a deep mystical place where there was no Internet or computers. It was called summer camp. Well, I'm back now and please enjoy this newly written chapter

Chapter 1 - Refresh

We're moving back to Petalburg? Where's that?

"May, dear, please be careful, the movers are still here. Try not to get in their way."

May nodded at her mother, but she was as confused as a Dodio in a herd of Rapidash. Being directed to her room, May began to unpack her boxes. Clothes go here, books go there, bed sheets and blanket, toothbrush…

Halfway settled in, May flopped onto her bed and started reading her latest entry in her diary, just to "refresh".

Dear Diary,

Moving… I'm going to be so sad leaving Marina and Leaf, they've been my best friends since fifth grade. I guess I don't need to remind myself. Oh, but what if aliens come and wipe my memories! I should at least have a couple scraps of information here and there. *wink*. Marina, Leaf, Jimmy, they've all been so nice to me. I guess my father can't help it. He's becoming the Petalburg gym leader! I hope the people in Petalburg still remember me, especially Misty and Dawn. I haven't seen them for ages. Ash and Paul, too. Max has been crying for hours. It's driving me insane, I think I'll go take a walk in the park and then a quick shower. I'm meeting Marina and Leaf in twenty, so I can head out early and maybe write some more. Fresh air will probably be a good choice for me.


Facing the window, but squeezing her eyes shut, she tried to recall who Marina, Leaf, and Jimmy were. A faint blue light appeared in her mind, but no faces; certainly no memories either. I wish I remembered, she thought dejected. Before reading the next entry, May walked over to her full-sized mirror.

Staring intently at herself, her features, she delicately traced a scar from the top of her neck to her left shoulder. How had this happened? Mother never explained… After careful observation, May knew she also had several scars along her back and legs. But turning back to her diary, she continued reading.

Dear Diary,

It's so peaceful at the park. I love the trees rustling and children running around. They sound like their having the time of their lives chasing one another. They seem to have the time of their lives. I know I shouldn't be writing while walking, Mother has scolded me more than frequently, but when else would I have the time? Marina and Leaf constantly chastise me, too. But I guess I do owe it to them. They took me in when I was the new student. I felt all alone, especially since I just left Misty, Dawn, Ash, Paul… and Drew. How I wish I hadn't left yet. I was really getting along with everyone. But Drew… I was so mad at him one moment, so nervous the next. All in all he'd always end it with his roses. I still have all seven; dried them out and kept them safe in a box. He confused me to no end; he frustrated me to no end, but I-"

A thick pencil mark ran through the rest of the page, as if something, or someone, forcefully pulled against her arm during the last sentence. That was the last journal entry, yet she still had many questions. Why did it stop there? What were her unfinished feelings toward Drew? And the most important one yet: Why doesn't she remember?

"No, it can't be over…" She wailed. "There has to be more! There are so many questions and I– I need to know…"

Small tears ran down her pale face. She would have started weeping, but her mother finally called out, "May, you have some visitors."

Two girls appeared at her door. One was a tall and slim girl with blazing orange hair tied in a side ponytail; the other was a girl with long, waist-length blue hair, which was let out free and flowing.

"May?" The blue-haired girl said gently. She sounded afraid she was going to hurt the brunette. "It really is you." She began to cry softly, falling to her knees.

"Dawn, hold yourself together." The orange-haired girl sighed. "But, May, it's good to see you." She flashed a smile at her.

"Dawn…" May tested the name in her mouth, it was very familiar. "Which means you're Misty?" She said, pointing at the girl helping Dawn up.

"Yes… Do you remember anything?"

May shook her head slowly, restraining the tears that formed in her eyes.

"Well, not to worry, we can fill you in on everything!" Dawn abruptly stood straight and was re-energized. "Right, Mist?"

"Sure thing, ask away, May. We'll keep it as simple as possible."

"Okay, well, who am I?"

"Maybelle Anne Maple," Dawn piped.

"Daughter of the Petalburg gym leader, Norman, and former MC Caroline," Misty continued.

"Born in Littleroot, you moved to Petalburg when you were just three. But your father moved you all to Mauville City when you were 11."

"Met us in first grade, when you got a younger brother named Max, currently 8 years of age," Misty smiled at their first meeting.

"Those three years in Mauville, you refused to go to school after a month. So you started your Pokemon journey. You chose to become a coordinator. First year you traveled with some girls named Marina and Leaf, but they went back to school the second and third year."

"The first year of your journey, you went quite far. You placed second in the Grand Festival. The next two years, the Ribbon Cup was yours."

"Since you've always been freakishly smart, you studied school material on your own while you traveled. You didn't miss a thing and would probably have made top marks in school."

"But after three years in Mauville, your father got promoted, once again, to being the gym leader here in Petalburg."

"Now you're about to enroll in Petalburg High,"

"As a freshman, just like us," Misty concluded.

May digested the information they gave her. They were right, she caught on pretty quickly.

"What was my personality like?"

"Oh, May, you just act like yourself, alright? You don't need to know what you were like before to act like it again." Dawn reassured.

"Other than you two, who else is here in Petalburg?"

"Well, there's Ash, Paul, and Drew. Unfortunately, Kenny, Brianna, Barry, Anabel, and Tracey left two years ago. They moved all over Hoenn and only God keeps track of them." Misty replied.

"My Pokemon?"

"Well, from what we know, you had a Torchic, which you evolved into a Blaziken, a Skitty, a Glaceon, which evolved from your Eevee, a Munchlax, Beautifly, evolved all the way from a Wurmple, a Venusaur, and a Wartortle." Dawn said, nearly out of breathe.

"Anything else you guys would like to tell me?"

"Well, I think you can manage, we'll fill you in if you need anything."

May nodded, content, but one nagging question was left in her head.

"Um, do you guys know…" May took a deep breath, "why I forgot?"

"I'm sorry, May," Misty said. May took it as an 'I'm sorry, May, I don't know what happened' instead of letting her finish.

"Would you like to tour the town, May?" Dawn asked. "I know some shops you would just love!"

May quickly agreed, she was planning on wandering by herself, but some company and someone who knew the way around would should to be much better. While grabbing some money, the trio left.

A green-haired boy sat in the living room, watching TV. The doorbell rang.

Ding dong… Ding dong… Ding dong…

"Ash, Paul, you can let yourselves in, you know I'm too lazy to." Drew shouted across the hall. The door slowly creaked open to show a boy with black hair beside another boy with purple.

"Drew…" Ash said, looking down.

"Surprising, you're not jumping around asking for food yet." Drew joked. "Paul, did you give him medicine?"

"Shut it. We have something… important to tell you." Paul grunted.

"What can be more important than Ash wanting food?" Drew asked, getting up from the couch and walking to the kitchen. Bringing back a plate of cookies, he paused, allowing them to continue.

"She's back." Paul stated.

"Who?" Drew asked nonchalantly, taking a bite of a snicker doodle.

"Maybelle Anne Maple, that's who,"

"Who's that?"

"You can't be serious," Paul groaned. "You have the shortest memory in the world! Or you're just denser than Ash."

"Dawn and Misty texted just now; they're taking her around the city." Ash said.

Drew flicked his hair, "Tch, if she's so important in our lives, why doesn't she bother call us?"

Paul paused and stared at Drew. Ash stuffed cookie after cookie in his mouth, he had taken the plate from Drew, but also had a look of confusion on his face.

"You mean you haven't heard?" Ash asked, dumbfounded.

"What on earth do you mean?" Drew cried. "What happened!"

Paul finally answered. "She didn't call, Drew, because she probably doesn't remember us."

"And you're calling me dumb?"

"She actually did lose her memories! Unlike the most overconfident, conceited child I'm a bit ashamed of to call a friend."

Drew looked at Paul, but turned away. "Oh."

"I-I can call up Mist and ask her if we can join." Ash said, afraid of Drew's reaction.

"No, I'll see her soon enough. School is starting tomorrow." Drew glanced at Paul. "And then I'll probably remember her, too."

"Suit yourself, Drew."

The green haired boy sat back on the couch and picked up the remote. Flicking through the channels, he seemed confused and impatient.

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