Disclaimer: SG-chan does not own Detective Conan/Magic Kaito, and any characters you may find familiar from either series. The only thing she does own is the insane plot and any OCs (which, besides dead people, there will not be many of). I'm not saying this again, so READ THIS AND REMEMBER IT!

Hey, SG-chan here, with my new story, Schismatic! I'm working on a fic trailer for this right now, btw ^^ Warning you here, SG-chan is experimenting with a new genre for her: Horror. That, and this is officially her first M-rated DCMK fic! XD *squee*

Bess: Hurry up, will you?

Shush, snakey-san, I'm hurrying!

Bess: *growls* Who the hell are the calling 'snakey'?

*gulp* Uh, I think I'll go onto the warnings. Uh, yaoi, gore, shouta-con to some extent (I's been reading lots of Kuroshitsuji lately, ever since I got into it x3), general pervertedness, OOCness (*spoiler*which is to be expected with mental illnesses*spoiler*), and the occasional sexual situation.

Bess, Stella, and Yami no SG-chan: *raise eyebrows*

Uh, okay, a few sexual situations! / And now I think this beginning AN is longer than the prologue ^^; So read and enjoy!


"Damn thieves and their inability to perform heists at a reasonable hour," Nakamori Ginzo cursed as the minute hand moved closer towards the twelve. He glared at the teenager next to him. "And shouldn't you be home sleeping, Hakuba? Tomorrow is a school day, after all."

"I am quite capable of performing simple schoolwork on low sleep, keibu," the blonde replied as he kept an eye on his pocket watch. "If I were you, I'd be focusing your ire on Edogawa-kun and Mouri-tantei."

"Already tried it," Nakamori grumbled. "Apparently the elementary school kids have got tomorrow off due to staff meetings or some shit like that."

"Hmm," Saguru murmured, his amber gaze following the young enigma in glasses that was Edogawa Conan. "And Mouri-tantei does not object?"

The mustached keibu snorted. "He thinks the kid's some sort of good luck charm; so long as he doesn't get in the way at least."

The British detective's upper-lip curled in a slight sneer. Honestly, how could the man be such a good detective and yet so stupid at the same time? Saguru had never really met the man, aside from the Gathering of Detectives, but the scene now presented to him of the detective acting just all-around boorishly certainly contrasted with the public image of a suave, intelligent investigator.

Saguru's attention was drawn back to his watch as he noticed that there were only two minutes – make that one minute, fifty-eight seconds – before KID was supposed to show up. As the Kaitou KID Task Force got into position for the arrival of their arch nemesis, Hakuba vaguely reflected that he was just glad that there weren't any fangirls at this heist.

The light suddenly went out, and there was a scuffle as the Task Force attempted to form some kind of barrier around the jewel.

Hakuba heard something that sounded suspiciously like liquid splashing on someone before the screaming started.

Sooo, how did y'all find it? I hope everyone liked it, and don't forget to review! Reviews is life and luff (^_^) In case you didn't notice, I'm using bold for emphasized words. Italics will also be used for thoughts, but that's later on, and it won't be too hard to distinguish one from the other.

Again, don't forget to review! Oh, and SG-chan is going to Anime Detour in April! *epic supersonic fangirl squee* I can't wait!

Chapter Translation: A False Sense of Security