The Shadow People

Part 9

by Trycee

Time-Line: 1 yr after Mulder and Scully flee after he escapes prison.

Disclaimer: I do not own the X-Files, this is written for fun not Profit.

* Shadow People are a real Paranormal phenomenon in recent years that people are reporting to see. There is a debate as to what they are. This story is based off an actual Shadow Person sighting.

It had been some time since Scully had been to church. She had so much to confess and she needed the forgiveness, she reasoned. She stood in the mirror staring at her reflection. She was barely recognizable. The sun had turned her once copper colored hair a bright orange and she had a few more freckles than she once did. She was thinner than she once was and a few worry lines had crept into her face but she could still the same woman she once was hidden in the foreground. She lathered her body in sunblock the way she once lathered it in expensive french creams. She sighed and turned to the full length mirror attached to the inside of the bathroom door. Her nice dresses were now gone, her business suits were all stored away somewhere near her mom's home. The dress was new, a light blue sundress since she tried to stay away from reds and yellows that would clash with her new orange hair. She was grateful at least that she didn't stand out amongst the tourists and other visitors that came by plane or boat, there was a usually a red head or two thrown in from Ireland or England and so she felt less self-conscious.

She opened the bathroom door and walked over to the patio where Mulder was swinging in the newly reinforced hammock swing. She kissed his forehead and he tried to grab her to sit down on him again but she refused. "Mulder, one fall was one too many..."

"Duane reinforced it, Scully...It was my weight, it certainly wasn't yours..."

Scully rolled her eyes. "You're a charmer, you know that?"

Mulder smirked. "You going to church?"

"Yes...I promised I would...", she said, sitting down on a lounge chair looking out at the ocean beyond. "What are you gonna do?"

"I'm resting my weary bones...", he smiled. "We've hiked, we've scuba dived, we've toured the Mayan ruins...which by the way I saw hieroglyphs that were shaped like UFOs."

Scully yawned. "Am I boring you?", Mulder asked.

"Not at all...I'm exhausted that's all...I was being dragged by a giant 6 ft tall kid all over the place...So, I'm a little tired..."

Mulder grabbed up a glass of orange juice and took a sip. "You don't have to go."

"Mulder, if my mother found out there was a Catholic church here and I didn't attend, she'd kill me!", she smiled.

"What about your husband?", he smirked. "What about staying here with your husband."

She stood up and whispered in his ear. "When I get one!", and turned to walk off but Mulder grabbed her hand.

"Scully...I...I already feel like I've been your husband for a very long time, you know that don't you? And I will be your husband one day when all this is over...when we've figured out how to stop colonization and we have our son back."

Scully bent down over him."You're like mold, Mulder...I can't ever get rid of you," she said, and kissed him softly on the lips. "See you when I get back..."

"Okay," he smiled as she closed the door, walking quickly through the apartment and out the front door.

"Mold?", he said out-loud.

Scully made her way along Main Street. No shops were opened that early in the morning except for a fews restaurant and the Wagner's Family grocery store. The streets were empty except for a person or two that seemed to be heading in the same direction she was headed. She finally reached the church and a stray dog was standing near the opening. He scampered off when he saw her approach. He looked hungry and frightened and if it weren't for Maria speaking to her, she would've tried to lure him to her so she could feed him, with what, she wasn't sure. But Maria had smiled and welcomed her into the church. Scully made the sign of the cross and entered the one room church. She glanced around the large sanctuary that had a multicultural decor representing the various cultures of Belize. Paintings of traditional Garifuna people were on one wall with paintings of Mayans on the other. She scanned the crowds of people and some were dressed in what Scully thought of as traditional African clothes. Others were dressed casually in loose fitting clothing. There were several Europeans, Americans, Chinese and Arabs and she nodded to them but then she spotted the Wagner Family and walked over to them. Evelyn grabbed her hand and pulled her over to where she was seated by the end of the aisle. Scully smiled to both Mr. and Mrs. Wagner and they were delighted to see her attend the English service with them. Quickly the rest of the congregants had quickly filled up the rest of the church.

Father Donnigan walked up to Scully to shake her hand. "Glad to see you. I see your husband didn't join you..."

"No," she said, shyly. "He told you he wouldn't."

"Yes, he did," Father Donnigan nodded. "Well welcome. I'm sure this will be quite different for you. You were raised Catholic, weren't you?"

"Yes, I was...all my life," she said, touching her necklace.

"This will be very different from what you're used too," he smiled. "We combine everything here..."

"I look forward to it," she said, as Evelyn continued to hold her hand.

She gripped her hand and smiled down to the small child but was startled when there was a group of black men began drumming as they entered the sanctuary. She looked up to see a few older black women standing next to Father Donnigan near a row of mic's and began to sing in a language that Scully knew had to be the Garifuna language. Everyone stood up and Scully followed as they danced in place. As the drums played, the women sang out and a row of Garinfuna women walking in a line came from the back holding baskets of food from what Scully could see. The women sang and dance as they walked towards the front and handed each basket to Maria who placed it on a large platform below the podium where Father Donnigan was standing dressed in a long priestly robe. Each item was added and when the offerings were placed, the drummers drummed the dancers out towards their seats. Then Maria stood up and gestured to an older Mayan man who lit something in a bowl, whatever it was Scully couldn't tell. Then there was a row of Mayan girls who brought out similar offerings which were placed on the opposite side of the large platform. When the man had finished smudging the area and reciting a Mayan prayer, Father Donnigan stepped up to the podium to perform the Catholic prayers.

Scully glanced over to Evelyn who was watching her closely. She smiled and squeezed the young girls hand and then let it go as they both made the sign of the cross.

" should've been there," she smiled as she walked in.

She glanced around, Mulder wasn't in the small apartment. She glanced out the large picture window to the patio and it was empty as well. She looked into the bathroom and there was no sign of Mulder and so she rushed down the steps to the terrace as her heart began to pound. She looked around calmly, walking past the laundry room until she came upon the Wagner Family gift shop. She ducked her head in and there was no one in there but the employees. "Have you seen?"

A young dark skinned woman smiled. "Your husband...Ah...he was here...buying sunflower seeds."

"How long ago was that?", she said, nervously.

"A half hour," the woman smiled.

"Thanks," Scully said, rushing out quickly and looking up and down main street.

She walked on towards the park in the center of town and that's when she spotted him staring up at the blue clock tower. "Mulder!", she said, racing over to him.

Mulder looked startled. "Oh hey, Scully...What are you doing here?"

"Looking for you," she said baffled.

He kissed her on her cheek. "Sorry, I didn't scare you did I?"

"Yes you did," she said, crossing her arms, her face staunch as her eyes darted around. "You worried me when I couldn't find you."

"I'm sorry...I...just went for a walk...", he said, pulling her over to sit on the grass underneath a tree.

Scully leaned against the tree but it hurt her back so Mulder had her sit on his lap. The town square was pretty much empty and only a few people were noticeable from the various shops that lined the square. "Scully...How long do you think it'll take before we get back home?"

Scully was surprised. "You sound homesick..."

"I am," he sighed against her ear. "I know we haven't been here long and I'm grateful for Monica for setting this up for us and I know we can do it, it's just that...I miss a lot of our old lives, don't you?"

"Yes," she said, pressing the side of her face against his. "I miss a lot...I should be grateful but I'm sad as well..."

"I know what you mean," he said, moving the long strands of sun-dyed orange hair and kissing her neck, which made her giggle.

"I miss going to work everyday...we're both workaholics, I feel like we're on permanent vacation and we may go mad if we don't find something to do soon."

"I could become a male stripper..."

Scully smiled a wide beautiful smile and moved up so she could twist her head to look at him. "I don't want to share what I got with anyone..."

"Not even a peek?", he smiled.

"NO!", she said, leaning back against him. "I'm selfish..."

"So am I...", he said, hugging her.

"I miss my mom especially, I miss my's not the same here," she sighed. "I miss waking up to you in my bed...I miss your couch..."

Mulder smiled against her ear. "I miss my couch too...It held a lot of memories..."

Scully chuckled. "Yeah it did...", she smiled. "I miss the cold...can you believe it? I miss D.C."


"That's where I met you, Mulder...Where I was proud to be an FBI agent. It's where I was raising our child...where everything important happened in my life..."

"I want to go back as close as we can while hidden in the boonies somewhere...but as close to home as possible...I've lived out-west..."

"Mexico and now Belize..."

"And I think somewhere in either Virginia or West Virginia will be where we should settle next...", he sighed.

"You don't think that's like living in the FBI's backyard, Mulder?"

Mulder chuckled. "Of course it is...But I think we can do it...but you need to get cleared of all charges and maybe get back in to medicine...I want that for you..."

"What about you, Mulder?"

"I could live in a closet as long as you came home to me, Scully. It doesn't matter, I just need to be with you..."

Scully laced her hand in his as he held her on his lap. "It won't be long...and we'll be back, Mulder...and like Maria said, they want follow us there...The Shadow People...not like here...this place is mystical...a doorway like Maria said...and she's right, we need to rest because when we get back we'll be under more stress afraid that any moment they'll catch us and it'll be over."

"We're under stress here too..."

"Not as much...this is so far away, Mulder. We could probably live our entire lives out here if we wanted...well if..."

"If it weren't for the end date in the near future. The main reason we need to return is that we need to find Will..."

"I am grateful to be here but I don't think I could live here for longer than a year. I think we'd both go crazy."

"Both instead of just me," he laughed.

"Well, my family thinks I've lost my mind for following you into the murkiness. Little do they know I would follow you anywhere..."

Mulder was stunned for a second but he quickly stood up and lifted Scully up throwing her over his shoulder as she yelped. He ran with her dangling down over his back as he struggled not to drop her. Scully was too busy laughing to notice. He put her down when he made it up to their apartment door, breathing heavily. She leaned up and kissed him softly on the lips. He smiled and opened their apartment door. The moment the door closed they were clawing at each other, tossing clothes to the floor as they tripped and stumbled over to the bed. Mulder crushed his lips onto hers and quickly removed her bra and white laced underwear and then hovered over her as she looked up at him with desire in her eyes. He smiled as his hands roamed over her body and then he leaned down giving her a quick kiss.

Scully awoke to Mulder lacing her neck with kisses. "I love you so much," he whispered. "I love you..."

"I love you too...", she smiled.

"Come on," he said, yanking her naked body out of the bed.

He tossed her the clothes she'd discarded on the floor. She didn't bother putting on a bra or underwear and Mulder too went commando, sliding his jeans on. He didn't bother with a shirt which Scully appreciated and so they both slipped on sandals and Mulder lead her down the steps in the dark to the beach. They sat down on the sand as Scully sat beside him and he layered her with even more kisses. The cool winds chilled them but Mulder had wrapped her into his thick meaty arms warming her with his heat. "Scully...I mean...Elizabeth Breakstone...formerly known as the enigmatic Dr. Dana Katherine Scully, the most gorgeous woman in the world..."

Scully smirked and shook her head. "Not hardly..."

"I beg to differ...", he answered. "I am grateful that you came with me...I hope you know what that meant to me...You have not only given me a beautiful son, but you are the most important person in my entire life, you are the love of this life and the next...and no matter what happens in the future, Scully, I give you my undying love and gratitude...words would never be enough to show you what you mean to me."

Scully blushed shyly but Mulder lifted her chin so he could gaze into her bright baby blues. "I'll never stop telling you either..."

"Mulder, I...", she said, stopping mid-sentence as she stared at a dark shadow a few yards away on the beach.

Mulder turned to look in the direction of the shadow and he saw it too. A few minutes later the shadow disappeared. "That's a reminder to us Scully that though we're living right now in paradise, the end is near...and we have to get rested up so we can fight their return."

"I agree Mulder," she said, gripping his hand.

"Are you afraid of them now?"

Scully looked over to where the shadow had been. "No...I'm no longer afraid of them or anything else. No, I'm more determined! Determined to get back to our lives, back to our son, and back to fighting against them...I'm determined more than ever!"

The End

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