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Chapter 3:

All right I lied when I said I didn't care about the Angels. To tell you the truth they scare the shit out of me. Not that I will ever admit that. Ever. I have never met anything monster or human that has the least amount of emotion I have ever seen. The Angels are different from the ones they describe anywhere and It kind of makes me wonder were the hell did people ever get the idea of fluffy guardian angels with halos.

Heaven is not what they ever describe. Think of it as a billions of peoples best memories happening over and over again and you never get bored and you are always happy and peaceful. I had been there once to beg my father to bring my mother back, but he wouldn't and that is the day I started to hate angels. But that is another story for another time.

I flew all the way to their motel and stopped outside of their room. Jesus, this is going to suck. What the hell am I going to do? I could knock on the door? No that won't work? I got it! It is crazy and I think it just might work!

I fly into their motel room.(I told you I was a genius!) I land in the middle of the room and man it was even uglier then in my room. As I was looking around I noticed that there was something cool and metal poking me in the back.

"What are you?" I hear behind me in a threatening voice.

"Ummm the Pizza Man?"

"Sam!" He calls to the bathroom.

Then a feakin' giant comes out of the bathroom I remember from the picture him to be Samuel Winchester. He pulls a weird knife from his pocket and points it at me.

"Dean what is going on?" he asks.

"What does it look like she just popped up in the room out of nowhere like Cas does.

"Who is Cas?" I ask him.

"Why should we tell you?" Sam says back, "And who are you?"

"Because you should" I say back, smooth, smooth Kendra."And my name is Kendra Black and I am here to help you."

"Why would we need your help." Dean shoots back.

"Because a big bad ass demon wants you for something and if he gets you it could me very, very bad things, ok."

"ohhh yaa and how would you know what this demon wants and how did you just pop in the room with us?" he says back.

"It a long story to tell you everything about it." I say in an exasperated tone.

"Well I don't know about you but I have time, now spill it." Sam says. With a scary look on his face, something is off about him.


So it takes me two hours to tell them everything they need to know. A demon named Voldemort aka Tom Riddle. He was killed in 98' , but came back as a demon last year and has been trying to take over the my world. Dean almost shot me when I mentioned Witches and Wizards. I explained that we did not sell our souls and we are born with our powers. He only stopped starting to shot me when Sam said that some guy named Bobby said something about us existing. I told him most of what Voldemort has done in the past (I left out most of Harry and I life's) and most of his followers. When Sam brought up how I got in the room is where I got nervous and worried because they may not like angels from the way Dean was talking about this Cas person who I'm guessing to be Dean's Guardian. So I told them about me being half angel half human/witch. That did not go over so well.

"How can someone be like what you say you are?" Sam asks.

"Well when a Man loves... wait that won't work..ok so when a being likes another wait that won't work either... ohh I got it! Ok when a angel posses a person and sleeps with their wife and gets them prego and leaves for three years is how someone like me is made." I say pissly. ya Dean and Sam gave me weird looks at that.

I also tell them that I have to stay with them to make sure that they are ok and don't get killed and or kidnapped. Ya Dean was trilled to say the least.

After that Sam said that he was going to go to the library and all Bobby to inform him about me. After Sam leaves Dean gets out the Jack and says that he should call Castiel (who has griped Dean tight and raised him from perdition) and tell him about me. Which is code for I'm going to check if your telling the truth. Castiel comes when first called.

"Is she telling the truth" are the first words out of Dean's mouth when Castiel flies into the room. Castiel stares at Dean for a mineut then churns to me an.

"It is a honor to meet you, Daughter of Michael." I grimace at the name. Dean has gone from red to pale in two seconds flat..

"It's is just Kendra ok just Kendra, Castiel." He nods that he understands.

"Why didn't you tell us you were the daughter of Fucking Michael!" shouted Dean.

"It's an uncomfortable for me to talk about" I say in in a small voice. Dean softens.

"Ok fair enough, Cas is there an update on the Seals." Dean asks.

"No" I perk up at that.

"You guys did not tell me that Lucifer is trying to get out?" shit. Ya that sums it up good.

"We were told not to bother you after you nearly stabbed Uriel." I remember that good times, good times.

"Ohh ya but still He should have told me" I say more to myself then to anyone else.

"Thanks Cas for such cryptic answers and all, goodnight." Dean says in an annoyed voice.

He left without saying anything.

"So if you are to...protect us and all were are you going to sleep?" Dean asks after an awkward pause.

"ohh I don't sleep very often, but I did last night when Harry told me to come on this mission, so I didn't know when I was going to sleep again so I don't need to for a couple of days."

"Great more angels watching me in my sleep." he says sarcastically.