A/N: HI! Wow, you all loved last chapter! I'm flattered, honestly.

Well, I hate to keep you all waiting, here's the next chapter, because Miss Fae Fae demanded I work on the next one straight away. And expectant!Sherlock is just standing over me.


Sherlock closed his eyes as he fell, and rolled on impact as he hit the roof of the lower building. He jumped up straight away, looking behind him as he started jogging away. The figures were standing, watching him.

Chuckling to himself about how predictable they were, Sherlock turned round to run properly, keeping an eye on the floor in case he put his foot on a grill and slipped in the hammering rain.

He didn't hear the two new additions quietly falling into step just behind him.


John bit his lip as he looked at the imposing figure opposite him.

Mycroft Holmes twisted his lips into a cruel mockery of a smile.

"I assure you my brother will be back presently." He stated.

Just as he finished speaking, the door downstairs slammed open, and Mrs. Hudson could be heard instantly fussing over the arrival.

"Mrs. Hudson, kindly leave me alone." Sherlock snapped, followed by: "Alright, alright. I know how to walk up my own stairs!"

A second or so later, a stubborn-faced, dripping wet and slightly shaking Sherlock stood at the door to his and Johns' flat. He glared at his brother and then to John.

"You called him." He muttered. It wasn't a question, but John still felt compelled to reply.

"What else was I to do?"

"Leave me!" Sherlock suggested. "Let me have some space! Instead of asking my brother to send a bunch of his cronies after me."

Mycroft's brow creased slightly. "I only send two, Sherlock."

Sherlock's mind instantly flicked back to the first two people on the highest building. They hadn't actually advanced, just watched him. If it hadn't been Mycroft…

He shivered slightly at the thought of what could have happened, but of course John mistook it for the fact that Sherlock might be cold.

"Sherlock, go and get changed into something dryer." Mycroft commanded.

Sherlock raised his chin slightly, challenging his brother.

"Make me."

Mycroft sighed. "Stop being childish."

Sherlock's jaw set defiantly. "Well, you always treat me like one."

John watched the argument with curious eyes. He mildly wondered if Sherlock was always like this with his brother, and if he'd been like this all the time they lived in the same house. A mansion probably.

One of the suited figures that had accompanied Sherlock up the stairs – a dry person, so they must have switched in the cars, John thought to himself – stepped closer to him, as if to physically push him up the stairs to get changed.

Sherlock flinched away, and set his cold eyes on John, then to his brother before storming of to his room.

Mycroft waited a beat before speaking. "He was never very good at taking orders." He turned to John. "So, as a medical man, what do you propose we do with Sherlock?"

John shrugged, uncomfortable with conduction a conversation with this man.

"Well, we can't just let him carry on as normal. I suggest a clinic-" Mycroft started.

Johns' eyes widened. "No! We can't send him to clinic. It seems like there is more to all this than the casual addict. He'd only get worse surrounded by people wallowing in self pity."

Mycroft sighed. "So you'd rather he stayed home with hidden stashes. I wouldn't be surprised if he's hiding them now."

John sighed exasperatedly. "I don't know! But I'm not letting him go to a clinic."

"It's the best option for this situation-"

"Normally, yes. But I hardly think Sherlock counts as your average drug addict. He wasn't exactly acting like one."

"Yes, you didn't notice he was taking, did you? What kind of Doctor can't tell when the one person he lives with and spends long amounts of time in the same room as is taking illegal drugs?"

Johns' jaw tightened. No-one mocked his skills as a medic. "How was I to know I was supposed to be looking for the signs! I've never met Sherlock before this, I just accepted it as normal, he told me there would be days of silence, so I didn't question it."

"Well, maybe you need to rethink your assumptions." Mycroft stated. "The care of my brother is much more important than your pride."

Sherlock re-emerged, his hair still dripping, apparently he hadn't bothered actually drying himself. He'd changed into his pyjama's, and his blue silk dressing gown.

He silently went to his couch, sitting so his feet were curled under himself and pulling the dressing gown tightly round himself as he folded his arms and scowled at the two men.

"Continue your conversation. If it's about me, which it obviously is, I don't see why I can't be present." He spat.

Mycroft looked carefully at his brother.

"Why are you being like this Sherlock?"

"Because you're here. You don't need to be. You can stop holding my hand and let me make my own decisions!"

This little outburst was slightly ruined by Sherlock still shaking from his rainy excursion.

Mycroft stood from the seat Sherlock usually occupied.

"I think it's my time to leave." He muttered.

"Good. Take the time to drown yourself as you step out of the door, won't you?" Sherlock shot at him.

Mycroft raised an eyebrow. "I have this umbrella for a reason, Sherlock."

"Really? I thought it was just for decoration." Sherlock replied sarcastically.

Mycroft didn't reply, but walked towards the door. As he got to the stairs, he turned to John.

"Can I have a word?" He asked.

John nodded reluctantly. He didn't think he'd like it, but he sort of had to say yes.

Mycroft closed the door behind them.

"At least think about my offer. He'd do much better at a clinic."

John shook his head. "No. If you'll excuse me, I need to make sure Sherlock hasn't got Hypothermia." He turned, leaving the elder Holmes on the stairs and closing the door with rather more force than necessary.

He turned to Sherlock, who was studying him with curiosity.

"You." John started. "Have some seriously explaining to do."


A/N: Hope that was good, sorry for the rather long argument. It kind of ran away from me.


-Lydistar x